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  • [Plugin] Rarekiller 3 RELOADED

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by katzerle, May 19, 2013.

    1. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      you bet. I cant say I have them all for certain but I think I have a list handy somewhere with many of them. im sure people will fill in the blanks if any are missing. give me a few and ill get something up to help out =) this plugin is becoming a must have for everyone ^^
    2. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Version 3.4

      In the Tab for Slowfall and other Settings you now find:

      • Option for Collector: Don't collect Items if there is a Player around the Item (5yds)
      • Option to activate Lua-Outputs in the Chatwindow of your WOW (In the Alert Box)

      I also implemented Landing behavior for the Underground Items of Another Mans Treasure.
      So Bloodsoaked Chitin Fragment and Ship's Locker should be the only two Items the Bot can not collect because of some wired Behavior while diving. I wasn't able to test all of the 18 Underground Things, so if you notice failures please contact me.

      I also implemented a new List (you find them in the ConfigFiles-Zip in the Rarekiller/config-Folder) called TaggedMobs.xml
      Mobs you inserted in this List Rarekiller will only pull if the Mob is already tagged by another Player. Maybe this is an option for some of you to farm the Pandaria Rares or the Kor'kron Commanders in Barrens till the next Version with avoid logic is ready in some weeks.
      But notice: Rarekiller will only fly to the Tagged Mob and cast one Spell at him, the Rest is a Thing of the Combat Routine. So maybe you will die or attrack attention just standing there and do nothing, while the others fight against the Mob...

      The next Version with implemented Avoid Logic for the Rares will be ready in 3 Weeks, I think. It will be some complicated coding and testing till everything works correct and additional I'm a little bit busy the next 2 Weeks in Real Live. If you found major Bugs I will fix them naturaly with little Hotfixes ;).
    3. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Little Explanation to the usage of the configurable Files in Folder Rarekiller/config:
      To use this Lists unzip the ConfigFiles.zip in Folder Rarekiller/config
      Without these Lists Rarekiller will only hunt Dark Soils, TLPD, Poseidus and Raptornests

      • BlacklistedMobs.xml = here you can insert all Mobs you don't want Rarekiller to kill
      • CollectObjects.xml = here you can insert all Objects you wanted to collect -
        Attentione: You have to check "Collect Objects from XML" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller !!!
      • InteractNPC.xml = here you can insert every NPC with wich Rarekiller should interact -
        Attentione: You have to check "Interact NPCs from XML" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller !!!
      • KillMobs.xml = Rarekiller will kill these Mobs if he found them (only untagged Mobs) -
        Attentione: You have to check "Kill Mobs from XML" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller !!!
      • TaggedMobs.xml = Rarekiller will kill these Mobs if he found them (only Mobs tagged by other Players) -
        Attentione: You have to check "Kill Mobs from XML" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller !!!
      • TameableMobs.xml = Rarekiller will tame these Mobs if he found them -
        Attentione: You have to check "Tame Pets from XML" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller !!!
      • AnotherMansTreasure.xml, BloodyRare.xml, Frostbitten.xml = Rarekiller will kill the Mobs for the special Archivement
        Attentione: You have to check "Frostbitten WOTLK / Bloody Rare BC / Another Mans Treasure" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller to collect/kill these!!!
      • CataRares.xml= Rarekiller will kill these Cata Mobs if he found them (only untagged Mobs) -
        Attentione: You have to check "Cataclysm Rares" additionally in the Settings Window of Rarekiller !!!

      To insert own Mobs in the Lists simply insert the ID and the Name of them in the Files:
       <NPC Entry="32630" Name="Vyragosa" />
      You find the ID in WOWHead (Adressline of the Homepage) or simply ask me ;)


      Quite simple:
      First Step: insert the Mob you want to hunt in the XML.
      Second Step: Set up to use the XML in the Settings Window of Rarekiller.

      Yours sincerely Katzerle
    4. AKTa2Baby

      AKTa2Baby New Member

      Jun 9, 2013
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      I think that my DK could possibly kill the Pandaria Rare mobs but it would need some help avoiding the hard hitting stuff Using TuanHA DK CC I can Solo the Zandilari Warbringers using Lazy Raider in Blood Spec

      I put all the Rare Pandaria mobs that i wanted to kill in the folder and logged on my druid (because my druid is an enchanter) and it was actually prty hard to kill them because it would not move out of some of the effects .....

      also an issue with adding the mobs you want to kill to that folder the Character will not dismount and tag the Rare it "hovers" over and around the mob that its set to kill, and it will not tag or attack that mob.
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
    5. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Avoiding the Area Effects of the Pandaria Rares will be implemented in 3-4 Weeks (I need some Time to implement and test this as you see in my Posts).
      I'm on it with Brodieman.

      Second Problem:
      Did you check Auto Dismount in your WOW Settings?
      If yes, could you upload the Logfile from this Behavior? So I can check in which List you inserted the Pandaria Rares and what Settings you use in the Settings Window.
      Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
    6. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      For Static Camping on one Point without Movement: Grindbot and Empty Profile
      For fly around while searching a Mob: Gatherbuddy2 with a Profile (but don't circle around to long)
    7. AKTa2Baby

      AKTa2Baby New Member

      Jun 9, 2013
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      I did not have auto Dismount checked :p you were totally correct :)

      If you need any assistance in Testing these with Different classes and specs i would be more then happy to help I have 7 90's Druid Pally Hunter DK Warlock Shaman Warrior and most of them have all the gear for the different specs :)
    8. ImmaBoss55

      ImmaBoss55 New Member

      Jun 28, 2011
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      I was farming camel figurines in Uldum and it found one. It clicked it, and it teleported me to some lake in feralas and it dropped me in the water. I somehow went past the water and hit the ground killing me. What happened?
    9. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      please could you upload the logfile, so i will take a look at what exactly happens.
    10. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Heyho ImmaBoss55
      Without a Logfile I can only speculate what happend.
      You say: you somehow went past the Water and get killed hitting the Ground. Did you see this while it happens? Did you stop the Bot and take over the controll in Feralas?
      If so: Write a Ticket and say exactly this to the GMs with a "WOW bugged, so please port me to the Dormus Area so I have the chance to get my grey Camel." This is a Phasing Area, so the chance there are bugs in WOW is high.

      If you don't see this and find your toon lying dead in the Water some hours later, many different things could happend:
      Your toon is a DK and Path of Frost was activated.
      The bot has navigation issues in the Dormus Area and wasn't able to move and drown.
      With a DK you could also try to write a ticket with the Path of Frost Story to the GM.
      Otherwise I don't know. Maybe also "WOW bugged and you wasn't able to move and died under Water..."

      Maybe this is a chance to get your Mount.
      A Logfile would really help me to analyse what happend and maybe find the reason.
    11. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Did he mean flight fatigue? When your mount goes too far and decides its had enough and u drop? (Didn't read his post just going off what yours said)
    12. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Hmmm the Area where Dormus Spawns is in the Middle of the Kontinent Kalimdor near Feralas, no Ozean around.
      And its only a small Lake where you drop in. You get portet some miles over the Lake and fall into it, if you found the right Camel Figurine.

      If you get there fatigue it would be also a bug ...
    13. menand

      menand New Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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    14. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      You need only the Profile from the Thread of Bilproffen.
      The failure sounds like you forget to unzip the Configfiles in Rarekiller.
      Go to the Folder: Plugins/Rarekiller/config
      there you find a File called "ConfigFiles.zip"
      unzip these Files directly in the Folder Rarekiller/config
      It should now look like this:

      And then it should work. If not, please contact me again.

      Note for myself: I think I will change this, so the Archievement-Files are not included in the Zip to make it easier to set up Rarekiller.
      And for the next bigger Version also change the configable Files so users can edit them with a GUI...
    15. menand

      menand New Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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      unzip file - it's work! but... i think you can use separate files in future ;)

      PS what i must do with tresures in caves?...
    16. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      For most of the Treasure in Caverns I implemented a special behavior.
      But not everone is tested, so maybe babysit the Bot a bit, especially if you bot on your Main Account.
      There are two Treasures the Bot isn't able to collect because I didn't get him dive a round propper in a Cavern or Wreck ;).
      There Rarekiller alerts and you see the Message: "Find underwater Object xxx Blacklist and Move on." Then just Stop the Bot and get it manually.
      Also he will not collect Treasure with Elites around. Also with Alert and a message. This ones you also had to collect manually or just wait and then the bot will collect them later if the Rares is killed by other Players.

      Let me know if you notice Problems like:
      * He found a Underground item, land, dismount and isn't able to go into the cave to collect (Navigation issues maybe)
      * He found a Item not underground but maybe in a Tent or broken House and begin to hover over him because he has Pathing problems with it
      Note: he will try to collect a Item only 180 seconds, then it wil be Blacklisted and the Bot moves on and so the Bot will not hover there over Hours. You can change the 180 Seconds in the Settings.
      But on my Account he collected nearly all of the Treasure without Problems.
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2013
    17. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Ah. I wasn't immediately familiar with the area. Now that you mention it, this makes more sense. I bet the underwater figurine you speak of was there and he didn't have slowfall setup and had auto dismount in flight on? So he just dropped like a sack of rocks lol
    18. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      you missunderstood me a socond time, hehe
      The Camelfigurines are in Uldum and they are all on the Ground, noone under Water.
      When you find the right Figurine you get portet to Feralas, 100 miles over a Lake.
      Just take a look at this Video:
      Mysterious Camel Figurine Complete Guide - YouTube
    19. taipumaton

      taipumaton New Member

      Jun 18, 2013
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      So how i exactly use this to farm Reins of the Grey Riding Camel? i have no idea what to do, to get this going
    20. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      1. download Rarekiller from first Thread and unzip it in your Plugins Folder
      2. Start the Bot, use Gatherbuddy2 open the Settings of the Bot and uncheck mining and herbing (because when you herb beside, your account might get banned)
      3. Activate the Plugin and check the Settings (default settings should work for Grey Riding Camel)
      4. Place your Toon to Uldum, Load the Profile of Camel Figurines in the Folder Rarekiller/some Profiles (You could also use a own Profile or another Profile of the Forum
      5. Start the Bot

      He should now fly around in Uldum and if he founds a Camel Figurine, he will alert (turn your Speakers loud) and klick on the Figurine.
      If he gets portet and Dormus spawns he will pull him, but this part isn't testet now. But some People say, this is also working.
      If you Bot on your Main account, I anyway recommend not to Bot AFK and not to circle around for hours. Let the Bot fly 1-2 Rounds in Uldum and if he doesn't found something came back later...
      The best way is: watch TV beside you toon is searching, do homework or other indoor work, maybe sleep some hours or read a book. There is no chance, not to hear the Alert of Rarekiller, if he found something ;) and he will also alert if he gets a wisper
      Last edited: Jun 28, 2013

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