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  • [Plugin] Rarekiller 3 RELOADED

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by katzerle, May 19, 2013.

    1. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Ok I will try to figure out what happend/changed. Could you please also upload a Logfile, so I can take a look at it, if I don't find a Figurine for testing at the Weekend?
      Or did you see what happend and why he wasn't looting and can describe it to me more precisely? He don't even Fly to it / doesn't klick on it / trys to klick on it but some Bug occured while looting / he klicks on it, Camel turns into Dust and he doesn't loot the Dust ...

      Hmmm. If he klicks on the Figurine but after this don't loot it, it is possible that you have to turn on "loot Mobs" in GB2 settings... don't know it for sure, I will try to test it ...
      Is this option activated or deactivated in your GB2 Settings?
    2. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      [13:41:53.575 N] Rarekiller Part NPC: Find Странная фигурка верблюда ID 50410
      [13:41:53.610 N] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
      [13:41:59.328 D] Rarekiller Part NPC: NPC Location: -9840.966 / -2018.837 / 15.33635
      [13:41:59.328 D] Rarekiller Part NPC: My Location: -9841.503 / -2019.022 / 16.53086
      [13:42:00.363 D] InteractDebug:763371628
      [13:42:00.367 D] Interact Done:763371628
      [13:42:00.367 N] Rarekiller Part NPC: Interact with NPC - ID 50410
      [13:42:06.671 N] Stopping the bot!
      [13:42:06.672 D] Stop called!
      I stop the bot bc a siren :D
      Usually it just interact, but loot window doesn't open, so i should manually stop bot and loot broken figurine. The same situation with gb2 loot mobs enabled and disabled. So, this loot another rares (viragose, dirky).
      If it can help, before interact cursor = cogwheel , after seems like cursor on lootable corpse. I guess bot should interact with broken figurines 2 times, @true@ figurine should teleport u into feralas.
    3. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      ok :) thank you very very much for the details, this will help me a lot.
      So the bot will not have Problems when he finds the right Figurine, because the interact works correct.

      I will try to fix the Lootproblem with coming Version
      (had to find a Figurine on my own first, because I guess the Crumbled Statue Remnants has a different ObjectID. I had to find this out and force the Bot looting it.)
    4. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      wowhead say what 50409 figurine have 95% chance to teleport and 5% to drop crap, 50410 have 5% chance to teleport and 95% to drop crap
      So i got 7 50410 crap figurine and one 50409, still camping true figurine...
      Loot problem isn't a very big problem, but ... i really didn't know how much time bot can stay close with broken figurine and doing nothing, so he can be reported with other players who camp figurines...
    5. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      At the moment he will wait there 10 seconds after interact and 1 second before interact. The 10 seconds are only to prevent the Bot of running wild if he gets ported. But I plan to take a look at this with next version (coming week) and implement it better and by this remove the waiting.

      I don't believe that someone will report you if you fly to a figurine, click at it and then wait some seconds before looting. So if you are human it could be that you simply refilled a drink or you just wanted to take a look at your next steps. Beside this, no one will fly to a figurine and wait there to watch other Chars klicking them. The most people will rush to it and try to klick it themself.

      But with the next Version I will make this behavior better :)
    6. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      so there 2 logs... it can be interested for u
      and can u explain what happens in 5888 log after bot interact frst figurine?)

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    7. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      I only could say what it looks like.
      It looks like your toon gets ported to Northend somehow. (Heartstone, GM-Port, A bug with the Figurine, that he ported you somehow and not to Dormus...)

      Well then in Northend he trys to fly to next hotspot and died in Fatigue (because Coordinates in Northend are not the same as in Kalimdor.
      After releazing from Corpse he was back in Kalimdor but not on a graveyard and has little Problems to move to his Corpse. But then after 2 Seconds he can move to him and repop.

      Very strange. I will try to contact one of the higher devs what they think about this.

      Be carefull with flying around in Uldum for longer now, maybe use another Profile.
      And some Questions:
      Could you please translate line 10.01.53 for me (the Pet Battle Thing)?
      Where is your Heartstone located?
    8. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      Dragonbone Hatchling - NPC - World of Warcraft - thats linked in 10.01.53
      And how u can see from my logs, bot tryed to interupt with figurines few times.
      My HS located into Shrine of Two Moons
      I was away from pc when bot found another figurine, and how u can see in this log he interract with that many times \
      I hount figurines on server without cross realm zones , and with very low population (Ткач Смерти), and i rly didn't think what somebody can report me. And i didn't camp 24/7, max 12-16 hours.

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    9. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      So, i ask another @figurine hunters@, their bots loot figurines, so looks like it's only mine problem( next time i will change routine, may be it will help.
    10. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Heyho, maybe its only because of the 10 Seconds wait after he interacts with a figurine, that you thought he didn't loot. Or did Looting also not work if you turn on "loot Mobs" in GB2 and try to wait the 10 seconds?

      BTW: I will remove this waittime later today when my children are in bed. Sometimes HB need to interact several times with a Object, because the interact could fail (its like HB clicks aside the Object). I don't know how to fix that HB had to interact several times, because I only call a Function of HB to do this, but wait 10 Seconds between every single interact is stupid and should be removed.

      And although your playing on a low pop server, be careful to fly around in Uldum. You also can get in the sight of GMs because of the LCP-Detection (Waypointdetection). And a GM-Port is the only thing how I personally can explain that your Toon was in Northend the one time. Maybe take a look at the Plugin randomBuddy. It's maybe not so effective as a fix profile with all the Spawnpoints of the Figurines but for sure it is safer.
    11. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      i tried to run clean client, and ... still doesn't loot figurines (
      btw, i catch TLPD :D
      have u any ideas?
    12. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      First: gz to TLPD :)
      I don't have a Idea but I try to find out the ID of the Crumbled Statue Remnants and then I will force the Bot looting it.
      But note I will try to implement it also in next Version, but because of testing with the Pandaria Rares and some RL-Things, I don't have much time to go hunting Camel Figurines at the Moment.
    13. Aloise

      Aloise New Member

      May 30, 2013
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      i don't know what happens but today my bot loot figurine without my help frst time.
    14. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Fine :).

      So, I can put all my time to implement MoP Rares :)
      There the theoretical coding is done. I also killed 2 Rares yesturday (Ai-Li, a Pandaren and Siltriss, a Saurok) as first test and it looks not as bad as I was thinking the first time.

      Tested on --> Shaman with Elemental Talenttree, Routine Singular, 499 Heal-Equip.
      It was a 50/50% Chance to kill the Pandaren, here the Bot still needs some Luck because of the Movement. It works great, if there are no Objects in his way if he had to run. But to tell it in a positive Way: The bot was better in avoiding and interrupting the neccessary casts then I myself or some other Players I know ;). Singular sometimes waste the Interrupt and then he interrupts the healing mist in the last milliseconds ... , so if possible you have to deactivate interrupt abilities in the Combat Routine, so Rarekiller can use them if needed.
      The Saurok was no Problem. It helps a lot if the Combat Routine calls a Pet if possible, because I don't get my toon to hit Siltriss if he vanish and by this avoid the Vicious Rend Damage, but the Pet does :). If Vicious Rend hits, my toon needs to heal himself, so don't know if a Class without heal can kill him so easy.

      The other Races I will test the next two days, refine the behavior of all of them also. In my eyes especially Jinyu will be a great Problem with the Ability Rain Dance.

      On Friday then I will upload a beta, so you can test and tell me what you think.

      One Question: Does the MoP-Rares also count and give loot, if you kill a "Tagged by another Player"-One
    15. Olaola

      Olaola New Member

      Mar 28, 2013
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      Every time im trying to add slowfall spell it says: Rarekiller: Don't have your Slowfall Spell - please check your Config

      Already used ID\spell name\spell name in [], but still no effect.
    16. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      which slowfall spell do you want to add?
      Did you insert him in english or another language?
    17. Olaola

      Olaola New Member

      Mar 28, 2013
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      mage's slowfall. used russian and english variants but still same effect.
      Without it mage just fall down all the time and dieing :<
    18. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      you mean slowfall. I will take a look at it today afternoon.
    19. Olaola

      Olaola New Member

      Mar 28, 2013
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      Ye slowfall. Well it works fine today. Using slowfall and etc but i still cant add spell name to pull spell\slowfall spell. Even when im using english client :< Cant use buble or divine protection as slowfall spell.
    20. katzerle

      katzerle New Member

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Heyho Maybe I found the Failure:
      Slowfall doesn't work - Slow Fall works. See also: Slow Fall - Spell - World of Warcraft
      The spelling was incorrect. This happens to me right now, as I tried to reproduce your Failure on my Mage. Maybe this also happens to you. :)

      Beside this, Slow Fall from Mage or Levitate is fix in the source code implemented. I made this to save the bot from missing TLPD (for example) only because of such a small thing like false setup. So Mages and Priests will always work and use there abilities, also if the configuration of Slowfall is incorrect.

      But beside this: Please gimme feedback, if the Spells ( in right spelling) work on your Client or not. And if not, please also tell me which Spell doesn't work, so I will try to reproduce the failure.

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