Probably am far behind item ID's but what I could find here I've added in It's not on the SVN yet, as I lost all my credentials (am on a new laptop, old one completely died, HDD's crashed and all). So I will see if I will set it up again and try to regain control over those as well. For now the archive attached to the first post will have to do. Revision Archived - Added some stuff I came across on several forum posts and resorted the list numerically. So much has changed now here on the forums from 1.5 year ago. I can see it's all about the benjamins now, and that's a shame. All the good plugins, rotations and the likes that were available for free is now all behind additional payments. I will have to consider staying here or not over the next few weeks.
It will take some time to get everything sorted again. If you have any items to be added, just post the itemID and name, and I'll get them added. SVN I will try and sort in the next few days (before I'm off to work).
If their itemID's are in the list then yes. If not then provide the ID's and I'll see them added (or you can do it yourself)
I've updated it with what I found here in the topic (or at least I like to think so). Probably still missing quite a few ID's but so far didn't notice much missing. It's updated to current (both SVN and the archive attached to the first post), and in my HB it's working as intended
Does it open locked boxes via rogue? If not then plz could you suggest me a plug in that does it please)))
Yes, it should still work as intended unless something fundamental changed in the HB client (which I don't believe is the case). I updated it just before I was banned so it should be fine.
Thanks for a great plugin and I hope to see you back soon. + rep`d you Just wanted to make some suggestions if you ever decide to redevelop. 1) Perhaps create a settings dialog? That allows you to tick or untick what you want opened or destroyed. My reason for this is because every time the plugin run, it seems to stop HB from doing anything else. Which is frustrating if you are farming and you have to wait for it to go through the full list of possible items it can open/destroy. This slows down the bot significantly. It could be I am using the bot wrong or something. To get around this, I currently edit the CS file and remove everything that is not in the zone I am working. 2) In the settings or perhaps in the flat cs file, is there an option to set how often this triggers? Would prefer it triggered once every 30 min or something rather than every time I kill something. This mostly has to to do with the slowdown I mention in point 1. Ive just started learning how to edit these files and I have created a ton of transmog farming grind profiles, and different zones have different requirements. Once again thanks for a great plugin and I hope to see you back soon!
Watching this thing work, and remembering what it was like doing this manually, just makes me say... I love you!
After using it for a while, I noticed 2 issues, though: 1. It requires me to open the mailbox every time I want to combine a few more stacks. Why? Can this be removed so it just combines everything in one go automatically? 2. It combines way too fast; I think it may actually smell wrong or look dodgy on Blizzard's end. I wish I had the knowledge and skills to do this, but if Liquid or anyone can add a delay of a 1 second after every combine action, that would be really great. Thank you again.
Had my temporary account banned in the last wave for Garrison use (the only thing I did with it, lol). So now I have 2 accounts under suspension