I doubt all of these are actually found ingame, but i vote for them to be added: Sazz Coincatcher - NPC - World of Warcraft
I need a itemID of the crates (and make sure it's not in the list already) That's a whole different ballgame than what it currently does and is made for. I'm still at work for another week at least so don't expect any updates soon. Once Im home and settled back in, I will make the updates effective. Btw they are all found in-game. There's so many because it's level dependant how much you pay for a sack of coins (the higher your level, the more expensive).
When I open the plugins menu the settings button for this plug in is greyed out. Is this meant to be like that?
Yes, there's no settings to be set. Anything u want changed or added, u have to edit the file itself. This is just a drop a work kind of thing, no elaborate options to change. Came home this morning after a 12 hour drive (on top of a full 15 hour working day). Once I had a goodnight sleep I will see about the items and post a update when done.
The same bug that occurs with Strange Bloated Stomaches happens with Tiny Treasure Chest Wasted 6 hours muhaha
Should not be happening as it's on the same part as the stomaches with delays. Maybe try and increase your delay (or account for lag if you suffer alot from it). I will post 2 versions when I'm done, 1 with set delays, and 1 with lag duration dependant delays. Then you can try which works better for you (and possibly others too). I just woke up after a long long rest I'm gathering the data and recompiling the list of items.
Ok, new versions up for grabs. The 3.1.x.x tree is the original version as it was (with additions ofcourse of new items). The 3.5.x.x tree is my own testversion which has a change in delay structure. Instead of delays based on set times it delays on your lag experience. I've tried both and they don't do anything different for me, but then again I always have had a hard time to reproduce the bugs others are experiencing. Hopefully it will solve yet another issue for some of you. Regards, Liquid.
Does now ^^ Also sorted the list numerically for streamlining. Dunno if it has any influence, but if it does it's always better. v3.1.2.7 (fixed delay) and v3.5.0.7 (dynamic delay) available on the OP.
Sealed Crate - Item - World of Warcraft Darkmoon crates that you fish up. couldnt find it in the list and tidybags doesnt open them either. Tried adding em in myself but i had no success. itemID 78930 is the right one i think.
It's unlikely I will be able to add or change anything for the next 2 weeks at least. I'm at work and suffer currently from a very very slow connection (this page alone took like 2 minutes). If I have a corporate network I can hack my way into I will update this, but for now it will have to wait till I'm home (2 weeks+ after weekend). You can simply open the file with notepad or your favorite texteditor and add the itemID's in the same fashion as the rest of the list. Keep in mind that if you want to add a item at the bottom of the list, to add the > , < to the line before and remove it from your addition (the last line doesn't have this). Regards, Liquid.
Hello im using combo of addons to maximize gain from DArkmoon crate fishing i have noticed that tidy bags for sum reason does not open the sealed crates is there a way to make it check after fishing complete not after combat and after skin since i wont be in combat in darkmon fair and wont skin there. ty in advance keep up ur good work rep incoming
It's because the ID is not added in the list of items. I've had a few personal issues that I'm resolving first. You can add the crateID to the list yourself. When you open the file in your texteditor you will see what I mean. I hope to get around it in the next few days to add and test DMF crates. Edit: Darkmoon Faire crates and lovely charms (bit late I know) are added.
Got a problem. Sure it opens the box or any container but it doesn't loot what is inside. Also, when I use this plugin my toon still loot the mob but doesn't get the items and stand still on the body waiting...