Кароче прислали пароль и тд , но я не понимаю как мне его запустить пожалуйста рускоговорящие помогите мне
Я хотел бы помочь вам. Я не знаю, русский, я могу использовать Google Translate же. Какие конкретные проблемы вы возникли проблемы с?
Why does it have me as a healer standing by our flag room solo? also it casts wrath instead of healing and makes me run into a group of enemies solo.
jimmyf - Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:25:32 -0800]Подробная информация о пожертвовании Номер подтверждения: 6N742623H0083930D Сумма пожертвований: $25,00 USD Итог: $25,00 USD Цель: Ultimate PvP Suite Лицо, делающее взнос: bjtales@gmail.com just asking if that write on mail jimmyadmin@gmail.com
hopefully downloaded this plugin cause I was looking for sth that loots the players at the bg. BUT this one doesn't. It doesn't even try to do so. What do I have to change, that the plugin loots?
Tell HB Team to fix their player loot code and it will loot them. Till they fix it (has been broken for 1+ years) it wont work.
Is this plugin only for Melee? My Elemental Shammy runs into close combat when it selects lowest health enemies. It ends up stutter chasing them instead of casing spells.
For some reason with Ultimate PVP Suite. it just opens the BG Stats screen till the game starts and you can hear it pressing it over and over. Hmmm. This is the donated version as well.