Good find! I am actually going to be incorporating something like this into my plugin but should work with casters and melee.
oh awesome perfect. Running IoC now and its pretty bad for me honestly as a boomkin. Will definitely be trying yours out. Thanks for working on it!
little feedback for you mate, it is working really well for me on my rouge only thing its having problem is it seems to go for mirror images insted of mages. Great numbers on bgs so far on my PvP rogue
bot tries to return flag while its in own base. bot just stays at flag. plugin also has a tendency to lock onto pets/immune targets(ice blocks, pally bubbles..etc).
Is it possible to add an option to use the healing portion of a CC while being snared ? I've been watching my Feral kitty play ( BGBuddy+Glue+ ur plugin ), and it does decent. But problem is when facing mages they just keep casting snares and my bot just stares at them while getting nuked ;P
I will look into this. I think I can add an area exception. This maybe able to be fixed easily and I can get rid of the regex shit. Mirror Images it shouldn't do. I will have to look more into this. I have an isplayer check I believe for all targets except totems and vehicles. Contact the person who writes your CC about this one. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For those wondering I am currently finishing my UI. Once the UI is done I will be moving on to your bug fixes and suggestions. Thank you for your feed back as it will make this a better plugin because of it. So even if the bug fix isn't right away, the feedback doesn't go unnoticed. I will be having a ticket system set up pretty soon so you can see where your fix is in the grand scheme of things.
That sounds awesome. Looking forward to the new UI and also the ticketing system. Keep up the good work.
Just to make sure ; This plugin is to be used with the default BGbuddy right? Thus not the BGbot Resurrected?
It's trying to Pick up Horde flag in my own flag room... when i'm Horde. HB completely locks up and cannot be interacted with.
This is getting fixed today along with the food pick up. I finally got a new VPS and SVN yesterday. So donators should be getting their log in today to fix this issue.
This works well with bgbuddy. I LOVE the healer targeting and the lowest up targeting. Makes for a better BG experience.
killing a paladin who is at 25k/180khp....plugin switches to warrior because it detects 170k<180khp. is it possible to have plugin detect current hp instead of max hp.
The old gui did not actually do anything. This will have an easy to find list of variables that you can alter manually. Non donators are not getting shorted in functionality just in appearance.
Got a little question. This will handle movement right? Does it handle it like glue? Not that weird spinning and stuff but the improved ticks. greetz Weischbier