Got issues with it not actually showing anything or some kind of tab where I can select my chars info - it only shows me the home.html from the pages folder. I've entered everything and uploaded to my webhost - does it require to be on the same host as the database for it to load information? (settings did say localhost, I assumed you could change that?)
Hello as i see there are som bugs in the Website. I decided to change something and it works now for me. So please donwload the package in the first post from this Topic. You should be able to set all the stuff like you set for the DNS. To host you need a Webserver (I think you have one because you have a database) regards Chris
Is it just me or is there absoloutely NO instuctions whatsoever on how to install this? There is a 2 DOC files names how to install and how to use but they're full of a bunch of crap like a DLL file or something
what do you mean, what do you want to install ? I think the WhatchMyToon_HowToInstall.doc will clear your questions
Well - I copy the content of WatchMyToon_Web_v1.1.1 into a folder on my webhost (Http:// but it will only show me the content of home.html in the 'Pages' directory. Think I'm doing something wrong here.. The complete path is then to the index file - Http://
All that's in that stupid DOC file is a bunch of crap, e.g "H@ 4?? Sk]S???^.?„S?&?]?e2????…Nk??????d?l?5?: P?‰Ž?D'—„=6{"?“’žK?ys^?W3?@9?q™?@?=/‚M??zQ*‰V™Ÿ~oA?i?M?E?ž%?ln?s? ?>?48{ˆG?L???’f[o„?O– ? ?a????c5?C?XŸ??ZI??X??xn?@6 |?€Ek‹—’Ž?E?G?O?^??G?p^['L*‰Z?l“U???•h>?iz?J]?’????R…M?€Z{?c? 8+????P????r?@C??\?nm/;j:?5/??}—P??k?q,A?J?ƒ`?›?\*‰R^??3v[-??A?‹‚?v?V?Nˆ%?????Z?(@~Q-~>‡h‚??h p?Z<6?ERV[S?^???C???”R?6H…>9???š‚-Nk?’bE?›????h—??rNŸ?????!y ?Y??`Ž^?n &^“‚}???o]??f:?2????*AUI??nok??“??<??????`…I5?c6?-Mz?Ynn??p™?6l?@?*H€š‹S*l'?# Œ???j,?„xT2?I?c?YY?œ*???M^aŽ—- €5T?t?:?FŠ{fT9‡a??B??s ?WDx?‘?O?s?L*?6=?‘R6{{:?`›‰”™?????"’? ???0%ž??S*^ŸŸ???‰?PF"?'?Š?*…Š????SX?…?*A" *l4Q?f'>(Žž›?P?W*?|h?–}?Ž???‘€ € €@, x?X"@R }??Ÿ" ??€`?ud‘€ €@?@?c5œH@ @ ? ?qY? +?tF?O?? S??iFL?L˜I?Sg&????-™Y?V????Vx?€ € Dƒ€{?6•??? [S???I?4Uœš???t6?!?\??????D#/D ?"?~J<??w2m?w;????“1?‡.?Q?&L“??$IR?$ ‘!?^?? ™T^K$??U)_1?Š???Z?f???B ?4???????Y?™??Cg?}+W?????6?n^\??X???…?? ‰&???HF???h????pXV„???*…????*??g?œ*?e9?k??4 x???|? ?d$›???™?–I???|??&Y?????Ž?rtV_??<?b??uA'?+ ‡V?—V?{???@’|?y}1?>*?u†5?c?„O???’"?aJ?4??Q }N?‰??t?•B??L:?™???’?‡dA |T??KŠ?“q????QZE?}CX‚@lxlC'L*uMQ??[x?8N?š(w?–?3c???a?Y????5???${??Œ ‰1Z?I?R71??D????fO?=bR?s >o??H*œ???f ?ž€???o???D??O?? ??&??Z?u6??9V…KB?C?ŠO?sQƒ???“???{?? K?— ??v_?Š????d???V.?Y?.??%??M?F??%?hm??C?Qž*h `?i?K?@…6"?(^['L*‰Z?l“U???•h?i?‰?Z3-????mu?M???8+?_?„?????NGK?*???•j?/[k/5?„3*?%?<6?i??š(?…8c???’????(?6??Ž?˜??C??zF"???4O*<GpDxu[-6^‚|8?šœ?‚M‘”??T**l??5?;?T? R?OŽ??`? D???w:;???I??VVcO??G??Vžr??????K?ÿu?<š?X??Z?*“?U%????*?“?ž???u?????kV%????Kn?lxImk?<‹?/&x‘ W8q ”??{D??b??vŠG%c1i?Zš••????!T?‘|˜g‚- €u?8?????”˜?tc›?+?w?%E˜??"B?ƒ`?\~:??ejM????”??????L???–??‘?€ € ?†€‡)?l?žR????-e?H4…"0y=‘W?n?(T??f?ž??/? ???Pa?*‰25;?Aq????…Š?j??C????u?ŽN>ˆ@ @ bI?›`?’ ???0%?d!€ € ?• ;?#‹?@ @ bE?iJ\7?7.?????%5VI# ?x??? l*<?kM:•ŒWfŸf?$??n???X??™?k??@ @ ?K??Ÿ?Q4?7>?!???$?????/ d3Ÿ^*?7K?Rš?e????o|??O?’???A__?*PfWX?@ @ ?4b~??g?#aƒ?9‰??????3*?<4?S&?7n?4:?k?U#?F?Kzhp?Zƒ?*9€ € ?G€ •*??D+??0[†?{???.Ž|??—????Ÿ???j?T?__y????>?W/???‡/???Q3Zg?D?@ @ Z…€[?f?”??Ž{w???i?[I?5]?K?›?]?Ÿ3?wvO?Z%s? -D???Ÿ???o??.V[???t>???}????W~???M??W,N?e5—-?Rg‡???o ??—?J"?j?? _?Cl??‹‹??#:?!-t‚F3T7‹ˆ‘W[?ƒ?T[??aY??yA‰›Kc?b?™†<(MY}+y?5??Vp?]5?*?d?^V?™L&??—ž???? >j~? ????t?*??wr6?????????xR3?DGa??Œž0?T??~u???Xf?RRJq??š\œ??v??f?0X"?:9|??T ”ƒg???uQ??P?p???‚2?€?Oi?œtyJ?\?-?‚?vJ????—_>y?'77o?019??—???=?GO?????U?????????/??}???r?*?kU?jX<G?-?Œ–Š??‰?œ ˆ—’?s??YŠ9J?*`Ÿ=u???v??v}|?\š=x?UUi1??c?TJw~h????[>s???}???ŸZOš'?]?š???m?ÝO?„?•?=’sq????^ ?Ebu??[ ??F€~?ˆ?z??"F???aa‹?J)?†|?”—?ƒ8.n??"??%6?”??;?šs+??Œq???/_?69QN›‰|{???\.G??GGooX?vdx’?????|?_?.x?m???^]?K??#??3n??=L†%'|??d???[?^3‚} ?e?•?˜?'???<{jek\-0Ož??j•7?/]?[w?=n†????PŠG/???0r3X???A?Ÿ???y???gS“?Jd??*'????\8??;g?^??enz?????c???_????€?z??lE??;???Sf-?%1–?t[?’?/??1U›3,?‰?iž6?y?'??W??9f{?#6?V? f?`???/‚??vpk^?I?}?*?Y*|~l????Bi?4????N'?????™?3?;??Œ??w? 5c_,??ƒ????%?s"5?jD?™@}?V????If???{„pX“€????????x?+—?????v/?f•6??S???6S??Y??|??{?x?<u*}E\ kZs?}4???u?î??????*d??s????6O*???z??/aq‚:?r?ˆ?uo?/?x{ƒf{l????e?????????‹W?/_??™?vv?iš??S'^{?T?e™tW?\????E!w#??†???j?Nn,?ö??fZ+?wxHf|_?5??‰??iIeg??>Ml??z?????VkN‰?R+>???”E5?QqŠ?T‹?E†?Rj;ˆ#+po5t!?c='m?RkT?f;?‰B?(????6[???™?o??p???\.??N???zW???‹_?????S??ýŸ???C{š?H?w?C#ŽŽ@ bO*‰3?g?? ??8?h???g???????????Qœš?Ÿ?9????O=?•|€?????^?'r ?š?V??_?ƒN???~????????QJ/m?•j??YT??"?~A`‰?????œ???? vS? ?‚ € €@M?l?o‰w??K•…_?@ @ "N€ •*ˆ?HxN??;’?e?j?*x#}*-€ € J@?Œ7?ŽUT?‹*??&:wl•??w???wUMobˆ?@ @ œ ??r`c??žu?Ll+L'??? ??‰_„ ?€`?‚N@ @ @ X?`??;€ € ?B ‚?F8 ?` @?ƒ?? ??/?@ @ ‚% ?–/?ƒ € €€/ ?`„ – ;X?? ?€`?‚N@ @ @ X?`??;€ € ?B ‚?F8 ?` @?ƒ?? ??/?@ @ ‚% ?–/?ƒ € €€/ ?`„ – ;X?? ?€`?‚N@ @ @ X?`??;€ € ?B?? =?Fs??Q IEND?B`‚Y D d ? ?? ?d ? ? ƒ ?@ ? A ? ? ? ? €? ? B i l d 3 ? €b ?^X >?LP ?:X*V{?m€—? :X ( ? n?2X >?LP ?:X*V{?m€—?‰PNG IHDR ? ? 6n sRGB ??? pHYs ? ??o?d W?IDATx^?]*???{?=??*Qi‚ ˆ?!ˆM4kb?E“???DHŒ-cbb?Qc7?IŒ?aA?? *?Q”?????fv?????w?=fY????|3?›™?|???l???!?Že?–??????Œ*W‚[S}msscS??A??7‹€E ?H?QTT\‰???}?9‡6l?*A:?I??m???????????}??Q???ŽU??pmljV?“r???–sC??R‰nv=L????.4? 8S4?‡;›??+u?H)‰??H^‚* ???d?œ??OO?‹?/uw=u~„8??d?$Uœ?2-q?so??–H?D?t?-?žw?????{?????????????™?y????^???E‹—???????gv?a???rg?›5k???>w?????????o?O&??šŠ*b!Ba?,4??W[˜???€p?:?qp??4”…?????L???=???7???,?F?–?8’*•8??’$B9~‘?QH?-??D??$mžX(<?€r?"???D47qM?•q:??›?N?F?@?Nf8œ?J)ˆ?Pi?˜I{sn'Œ&‰??ŠR?RO?“k??t?`?—nŠ?Y<K?wJ??w ???‹?s„?{??ME7??O?$??T8'?Œ????Ÿ}?=?*Z??3·Rn….u???ž????y?._?™??{?tƒ?’5??]q???\???%??X?(’?Œ `H'X•pEp??r-?*?‚U?"????H??žA?N467W???W???w=??U??K‡??zw?x?;n???;??c9%‰?K—???w?•••?˜???n?? ??#jŠœB?#????L?˜?d?„?>‹‹?z?YŒg’Ox?????uN?HP.†g?O??/?3?’’??????+?—*'?P’?"??O1???%0Hs!a?&“p?? ?”S?ˆA?a??r?=ž$ ??S?GdB??#C?HK‚?ˆ?Ÿ???Q?O?‡?†??*‘s?SMPˆ?I?yP?"?bG?V?Fu?"= 1?Ryo??-G…%‰:y*:?T?œ???P2šš???i?M?L?"??…??K"
hmm that is strange when i open the doc everthing seem to be ok. Hmm maybe there went something wrong while zip. I will post the stuff on the first page
Thanks so much! Very helpful! You're the sort of creator that will go the extra mile for users! Also where is says to put in DSN details, is that the details of your MySQL database and server?
sorry just woke up, if only the homepage shows up make sure you have your settings.php filled out. If the sQL server is on a remote server you have to make sure that the remote server allows connections for this website. (in most cases)
Done and done - still same issue. Would it be possible for it to show an error when it can't connect or something? something to go on? like a debug thing? Should I try and rebuild the DB again perhaps?
Website is awsome ! So much respect, I've such a big smile. Tips: - Display only active characters ? ( Displays all characters the plugin has been used on @ Web version) - Whisper tab ?
Hey thx for the Update ! First of all! Great work. I only had one wish Can you pls make an easyer update funktion for web and and ? Is it possible ?
Create new whisper tabs are coming, Display only active chars is supposed to be active but I uploaded my dev files, forgot to change it Files are uploaded to GitHub, working on EasyInstaller & Auto Updater. First I want to clean up some bugs then those are on my list of things to do. CoDeRs
I've a unlimited space/bandwith server on which i made a subdomain. ( ) Then I placed the files ( downloadable files ) in my /public_html/wmt folder on server. Then redirected the towards