Great CC, works well in PvP too! However, and its a big however "public static void UpdatePetSkills () has some Lua Injection that it uses to find your pets ability's . most of the time injects are fine, but in this case it looks to have tripped WoW, so it closed itself, or disconnected. this is something you'll have to take up with the CC Maker, so they can find a work around, or do an update, since im sure your not the only one having that issue as well." I've been told by someone on the forum this CC is the reason I'm DC'ing so much (or atleast might be). Any ideas?
Anything's possibly. Codenamegamma probably has a better idea than I do. I've been using this FOR days without any problems. I'll post a version without that in it in a minute.
Been using this CC for about a week now for PVP.. And it is AWSOME 12k total honor gained nice damage done, Fair amount of killing blows only thing ive noticed and dont no if it has already been brought up everytime the bot engages in combat it will soulink the pet even though it allready has soulink. Excellent work though m8!
Great CC, both Demo & Afflictio work fine 0-70 (Ive run both on KICK horde profiles) How do i change when it uses Soul Harvest just to speed it up uses it every 2-3 pulls Works a charm otherwise