Post by kick: You can now edit your own posts. You can now send / receive messages. You can now change your signature but you still cannot upload attachments Manage Attachments Upload Errors test.txt - Exceeds your quota by 205.3 KB. Click here to view your attachments Sum of all attachments owned by gimik: 1.15 MB Current Attachment Total: 1.15 MB
This is really weird so i went to the archives and started deleting your old log files, and your quota went down from 1.15 to 1.14 as well as total attachments. So i sent bossland another message to check this post. i'll delete all of your attachments and see what the issue is. maybe he put 1000KB instead of 10,000KB for uploads for you guys update: ah hah! Sum of all attachments owned by gimik: 86.7 KB Current Attachment Total: 86.7 KB Maximum Attachment Storage: 976.6 KB 976.6KB, which is an odd #. You can now post attachments, but keep them small (zip them) until boss fixes your issue
boss upped the storage a lot for you guys. you should be able to attach large files again Sum of all attachments owned by gimik: 86.7 KB Current Attachment Total: 86.7 KB Maximum Attachment Storage: 47.68 MB gimik, good luck bud. sorry for the wait! - Kick