any idea when the new version will be available, being able to use portals would be pretty amazing ^^
Now its available I just had some really really anoying Problems letting the Bot change Continents. Sorry for the long wait. In 5 Minutes online: ProfileChanger Version 2.0 * expanded the Profile to 12 Lines * implement using Portals for Alliance Please notice: To implement also the Horde Portals I need your help !!! I ask for this Help some times ago but nobody was sending me the needed Infos. So just another Call: To implement the Portals also for Horde, I need the ObjectID of every Portal. To implement the Portal in Twilight Highland I additionally need the Coordinates of a Point near this Portal, same with the TolBarad Portal. If you don't know how to get these Infos, just contact me. We could work together. If someone gives me this Infos it is really easy and quickly to add alse the Hordeportals to the Plugin. The Plugin will update itself automatically. You could use Heartstone and using Protal in one Line (then its clever to set the Heartstone to Stormwind)
Uploaded with S2 Your plugins are making me richer every day, Katzerle! When I get to the gold cap I gonna give you 200k gold! Profile changing, mote extractor, rare killer... !!! You got the most useful and well-made plugins of all! Gratz man!
All from orgrimmar: Vasjir : <2063.337,-4362.29,98.11018> Deepholm: <2065.653,-4390.647, 98.04689> Hyjal <2042.752, -4395.662,97.93639> Uldum <2039.67, -4356.288, 98.00434> Twiligh.H.: <2029.233, -4379.827, 97.9757> Tol barad: <2031.22, -4330.87,95.471> These should be it (couldnt copy paste em so wrote em down )
I need the IDs of the Portals to let the Bot interact with them Settings&Tools -- Developer Tools -- Tap Objects and there its called Entry
DoH! Gonna try again =) From Org: Vasjir: 207690 Deeholm: 207689 Hyjal 207688 Uldum 207687 Twiligh: 207686 tol barad: 206595 TO Orgr: Deepholm to Orgr.: 205273 Tol Barad to Org: 208226 From twilight highland dunno which one ?Dragonmawportal : 204917 OR Portal to krazworks= 206329
I tried the profilechanger to fill all the entries and from number 8 and beyond it wont register the path profile i use. So the entry keeps blanc. From 8-12. tried cheking on and off again but wont helpt.
oh, I only tried Line 7 to verify Just gimme some Minutes... I will fix this Edit: found the Failure and fixed it
Thanks for all your great work needs logic to check if you are in combat or dead. I put real short times on all the changes to test and just happen to be in combat during 2 changes and here are the results: if you happen to be in combat when it triggers the portal call he stops combat and dies. then your ghost goes to the portal. the 2nd time he was in combat and never hearthed ( also stopped combat and died) the Twilight Highland to SW portal needs to be tweaked ( I think the "Z" coord is too low.) I don?t know if you can force a dismount and walk the toon through or set the ?Z? higher and fly through since that portal's interaction is different than the ?click to use? ones in SW I hope you do figure out a way to add the option to switch profiles at the end of the route that would be great for linking profiles and controlling where you start and end up at the profile change
Agreed, your plugins are so well thought out and you seem to know exactly what end users want, thanks heaps again for your hard work. G
I will Implement on Monday: * Combat/Dead-Check * Hordeportals in OG Additionally I will check the Twilight Highland Portal: I implemented it like: Land in the court and dismount, then walk through the Portal. I will change this to: fly through the Portal. The Problem is, that for example Questing Profiles stop the Bot at the End of the Profile and also switch all Plugin off. It's possible to implement, that the Plugin still works on Botstop, but then you can't Stop the Plugin any more, because every time you do this he thinks: ah - Profile has ended, so switch to the next. I could try to implement the thing with a timer, so it would react like: If the Bot stops more then 3 Minutes please change the Profile and start him again. I will try again if its possible.
Katzerle Thanks for the quick response My problem with the Twilight Highland Portal is probably a Class issue (druid in flight form). I don?t know if it would be easier to force a dismount but that would avoid any stuck issues that other mounts may have trying to fly through. I know the problem with implementing profile change on end of profile is tricky expectantly if you would want it to work with different bots. Kick has actual incorporated this in at least one of his Questing scripts (going through the BC portal) I am not familiar enough with HB (yet) to provide some actual code suggestions and that is very frustrating for me so I will have to resort to making usage only observations. In Kick's ?[A - Quest] Human 1-60 [Kick]? questing profile he uses a custom behavior to get you through the portal I don?t know if this helps but ?. <CustomBehavior File="LoadProfile" ProfileName="..\GoTo\EK to BC" /> in a grind or gather profile the toon will end up at a specific point ( the last way point of the script) before he loops around and starts over or bounces back. So in this case a way point could trigger the profile change. I don?t know if the HB team is flexible enough to implement a script command that can be used solely for the purpose of triggering a plug-in behavior but an ?end of script? flag (if it does not already exist) would salve All problems I?m thinking a ?Break point? of some kind that a user or profile writer could add at the end of a script just before?</QuestOrder>? or ?</Hotspots>?. Just to add more complexity to the mix your other plug-in ?Rare Mob killer? ( another fine piece of work BTW) will cause GB to crash if the portal changes continents even if you turn off the security option. I may not be able to fix anything yet but if there is a way to break it I?ll make it happen
So your Druid doesn't dismount/cancel Flightform? Hmmmm I will find a way to make this better . And I will take a look at the Rarekiller-Crash, too. The Bot really really hates Continent Changes. He also always says: Hey, I died ... I was fighting with such crashes many many many hours while implementing the Portals.
Thank you very much for the Work ?hm I didn't know that there are 2 Portals for Horde in Twilight Highlands. Which one did you want me to implement . Or should I implement both?
If i can help out i ll gladly do it, ur work is awsome And eum the portal well i tought there is only one but in the object tab i saw two. the one for orgrimmar would suffice i suppose thx again