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  • [Profiles] Adventure Mode Bounties - Community Edition

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by sychotix, Apr 4, 2014.

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    1. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      And that when you click on Plugins, it says version 0.0.11 on BountyProfile?
    2. wilsonc91

      wilsonc91 New Member

      Oct 5, 2012
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      got it working now but still getting the dias standing around issue.
    3. ProphetDB

      ProphetDB New Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      What version should it read? I update the SVN constantly mine still says 0.0.11
    4. Totalreborn

      Totalreborn New Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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      Rev80 seems to be working smoothly.
      Found Izual yay!!
    5. pikachu2003

      pikachu2003 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I was on rev 80 and it never completed 5 bounties and occasionally got stuck. So I reverted to Rev 70 and Act 4 works flawlessly.
    6. skipperkl2k

      skipperkl2k New Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      I feel like there's something wrong - I keep getting the "no more bounties available" kind of error - could it be that the patch changed certain questSNO's and now it's not working? I don't know how to check that.
    7. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      I've been running rev 80 for almost an hour with no hiccups. Not sure what your problem is.

      @Skipperkl2k, can you please give more information? It is working flawlessly for me at rev 80 when running Act 4.
    8. Bikermice

      Bikermice New Member

      Apr 8, 2014
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      Just throwing this in also.

      Act 4 bounties I've been running are stopping at the cursed chest also.

      The profile is superb by the way.
    9. xxfearxx

      xxfearxx New Member

      Apr 17, 2013
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      just had rev 80 try to log out before completing last bounty (cursed dias) in act 4. it finshed the one before then just logged out instead of doing the cursed dias one
    10. pikachu2003

      pikachu2003 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      I thought rev 80 was working fine as well, but check how many horadic cache you have and your logs and you will see the bounty count and there are plenty of times it ends and restarts game before completing all 5. If rev 80 is working fine with you all the better, but for other who are having issues like the many that have posted today. Using rev 70 for me was a better alternative.

      Here is the log when I used rev 80, as you can see it stopped at 4 bounties before restarting a new game. Allot of other times it only had 1 bounty completed before starting a new game as well.

      2014-04-09 19:36:50,303 [Main Bot Thread] INFO ProfileManager (null) - Loaded profile Act 4 - Loader
      2014-04-09 19:36:50,633 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 098e9679-fe30-41d0-b772-70b176392be3
      2014-04-09 19:36:51,162 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1440c357-8953-4a1c-a981-65670e481f56
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,196 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] c41b0864-c0a4-4103-8d01-a52e804a08c9
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,200 [Main Bot Thread] INFO Logger (null) - [BountyProfile] Refreshing Cache!
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,202 [Main Bot Thread] INFO Logger (null) - [BountyProfile] Active Bounty returned null during timer_tick, hope that is OK
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,230 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9fb9238d-8dd7-43f4-b6bc-5e2cc9fcedfc
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,231 [Main Bot Thread] INFO LogMessageTag (null) - Act 4 Bounties
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,395 [Main Bot Thread] INFO Logger (null) - [BountyProfile] Bounties Complete count:4
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,400 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1a2ae4b2-2176-4e61-9086-5d758486f240
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,415 [Main Bot Thread] INFO LeaveGameTag (null) - Leaving game, reason: No more bounties that we can do. Resetting game.
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,417 [Main Bot Thread] DEBUG TreeHooks (null) - Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 75133b02-1159-428d-b1a7-dc58e43c0d3d
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,519 [Main Bot Thread] INFO GameStats (null) - Last run acquired 297636 gold.
      2014-04-09 19:36:52,519 [1] INFO Logger (null) - [Trinity] New Game - resetting everything
      2014-04-09 19:37:06,152 [Main Bot Thread] INFO BrainBehavior (null) - Waiting 14.1 seconds before next game...
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    11. skipperkl2k

      skipperkl2k New Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      Not sure what to tell you - more often than not the bot will finish 3 out of 5 bounties and then proclaim that there are no more bounties available and log out (I forget the exact log message, but will update this post when it happens again) - it does seem more or less random which elements causes it to spaz out - although I know for sure that one quest that caused it to spazz out one time was the "clear the hell rift" bounty in hell rift; I stopped the bot from logging me out and finished the hell rift manually to get the cache; I don't know if there might be particular questSNO's related to specific "sub"-bounties in each area (such as the "clear the hell rift" as opposed to "klil sledge" in the hell rift map), that may have changed with the latest patch?

      edit: I will try and restart the bot over and over until I get a bounty map with "clear the hell rift" to see if the problem repeats itself

      edit: the hell rift just launched and got executed perfectly. It was recognized this time, even though the last time it was still left when the bot claimed that there were no more bounties to do and logged out. Stranged. I am flummoxed.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    12. Totalreborn

      Totalreborn New Member

      Oct 16, 2013
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      I spoke too soon, Leaves the game sometimes with out getting cache.I am OK with that for now since I don't really need the caches.

      Keep up the good work.
    13. Bishopx4200

      Bishopx4200 New Member

      Apr 30, 2010
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      Any way to get the old version that is is working for the people that .80 isnt?
    14. saterial

      saterial New Member

      May 3, 2013
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      Disconnected by battle.net for some reason. Anyway I can get the bot to relog on for me?

    15. Gurkis

      Gurkis New Member

      Sep 11, 2012
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      I'm also having the problem of the bot only doing 1-2 bounties then quitting.
    16. skipperkl2k

      skipperkl2k New Member

      Apr 9, 2014
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      quoting myself to make sure my new information is not lost at the bottom of a page: the hell rift just launched and got executed perfectly. It was recognized this time, even though the last time it was still left when the bot claimed that there were no more bounties to do and logged out. Stranged. I am flummoxed.
    17. pikachu2003

      pikachu2003 New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Use Rev 70, it work great. I don't use TortoiseSVN so I can't provide the exact step by step, but you should have the ability to view all the changes and commits and then select rev 70 and select reverse changes to this commit.
    18. sychotix

      sychotix New Member

      Dec 13, 2013
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      Alright guys, update for yall. I have found out that either my cache is being corrupted with weird information, or DB is giving me shitty info. Here is the output of my bounty dumper when I encountered the bot only trying to complete one quest.

      [TestThing] Enabled.
      [TestThing] Act: A1 info: [X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Event_GhoulSwarm] QuestSNO: 375191, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 19783, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A1_trDun_Level04 quest: X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Event_GhoulSwarm state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A1 info: [X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Kill_CaptainClegg] QuestSNO: 361354, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 19787, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A1_trDun_Level07B quest: X1_Bounty_A1_Cathedral_Kill_CaptainClegg state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A1 info: [X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Clear_ScavengerDen2] QuestSNO: 345496, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 19952, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A1_trOut_TristramFields_A quest: X1_Bounty_A1_Fields_Clear_ScavengerDen2 state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A1 info: [19] QuestSNO: 19, Dword4: 1059861376, Dword8: 1035376640, DwordC: 1078780374, QuestMeter: 2.802597E-44, QuestState: 1056776360, QuestStep: 1025053744, Dword1C: 1079050766, Dword20: 21, Dword24: 1051369704, Dword28: -1160378368, Dword2C: 1079288674 levelarea: A1_trOut_TristramFields_B quest: X1_Bounty_A1_FesteringWoods_Event_Eternal_War state: 1056776360
      [TestThing] Act: A1 info: [894556776] QuestSNO: 894556776, Dword4: 0, Dword8: 6, DwordC: 6792, QuestMeter: 1.345247E-43, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: 894556808, Dword1C: 0, Dword20: 12, Dword24: 6888, Dword28: 192, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A1_C6_SpiderCave_01_Main quest: X1_Bounty_A1_SpiderCaves_Kill_QueenAraneae state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A2 info: [X1_Bounty_A2_HowlingPlateau_Kill_Hemit] QuestSNO: 347534, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 19836, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A2_caOUT_StingingWinds_Canyon quest: X1_Bounty_A2_HowlingPlateau_Kill_Hemit state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A2 info: [X1_Bounty_A2_Alcarnus_Kill_Maghda] QuestSNO: 347558, Dword4: 156, Dword8: 19835, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A2_caOUT_StingingWinds_PreAlcarnus quest: X1_Bounty_A2_Alcarnus_Kill_Maghda state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A2 info: [X1_Bounty_A2_Oasis_Event_LostTreasureKhanDakab] QuestSNO: 346067, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 57425, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A2_caOut_Oasis quest: X1_Bounty_A2_Oasis_Event_LostTreasureKhanDakab state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A2 info: [X1_Bounty_A2_Boneyards_Clear_CaveOfBurrowingHorror2] QuestSNO: 346088, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 53834, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A2_caOUT_Boneyard_01 quest: X1_Bounty_A2_Boneyards_Clear_CaveOfBurrowingHorror2 state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A2 info: [X1_Bounty_A2_ZKArchives_Kill_TheArchivist] QuestSNO: 346108, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 19800, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A2_Dun_Zolt_Lobby quest: X1_Bounty_A2_ZKArchives_Kill_TheArchivist state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A3 info: [X1_Bounty_A3_KeepDepths_Kill_CaptainDale] QuestSNO: 346157, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 75436, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A3_Dun_Keep_Level03 quest: X1_Bounty_A3_KeepDepths_Kill_CaptainDale state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A3 info: [X1_Bounty_A3_KeepDepths_Kill_TheCrusher] QuestSNO: 346160, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 93103, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A3_Dun_Keep_Level04 quest: X1_Bounty_A3_KeepDepths_Kill_TheCrusher state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A3 info: [850539186] QuestSNO: 850539186, Dword4: 850604721, Dword8: -1841982925, DwordC: -1796238794, QuestMeter: -2.439353E-26, QuestState: 1906340255, QuestStep: -1841860191, Dword1C: -1841720776, Dword20: -1841786311, Dword24: -2044423622, Dword28: -2044295643, Dword2C: 1905947028 levelarea: A3_Dun_Keep_Level05 quest: X1_Bounty_A3_KeepDepths_Kill_Ghom state: 1906340255
      [TestThing] Act: A3 info: [X1_Bounty_A3_Battlefields_Clear_TheBarracks2] QuestSNO: 349210, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 154644, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A3_Dun_Battlefield_Gate quest: X1_Bounty_A3_Battlefields_Clear_TheBarracks2 state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A3 info: [X1_Bounty_A3_Battlefields_Event_DeathChill] QuestSNO: 369851, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 155048, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A3_Bridge_Choke_A quest: X1_Bounty_A3_Battlefields_Event_DeathChill state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A4 info: [X1_Bounty_A4_GardensOfHope_Event_Juggernaut] QuestSNO: 369900, Dword4: 156, Dword8: 109514, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A4_dun_Garden_of_Hope_01 quest: X1_Bounty_A4_GardensOfHope_Event_Juggernaut state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A4 info: [X1_Bounty_A4_GardensOfHope_Kill_AspectAnguish] QuestSNO: 357127, Dword4: 11244, Dword8: 109516, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: Completed, QuestStep: 3, Dword1C: 3, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: A4_dun_Garden_of_Hope_02 quest: X1_Bounty_A4_GardensOfHope_Kill_AspectAnguish state: Completed
      [TestThing] Act: A4 info: [885208260] QuestSNO: 885208260, Dword4: 885273815, Dword8: 886584535, DwordC: 886715609, QuestMeter: 4.083039E-07, QuestState: 886846682, QuestStep: 1909289422, Dword1C: 1909486031, Dword20: 1909617105, Dword24: -1908568514, Dword28: -1837789633, Dword2C: -1837657482 levelarea: A4_dun_Hell_Portal_01 quest: X1_Bounty_A4_HellRift_Kill_Sledge state: 886846682
      [TestThing] Act: A4 info: [-2033547578] QuestSNO: -2033547578, Dword4: -2033744183, Dword8: -2033744181, DwordC: -2033482038, QuestMeter: -7.618202E-35, QuestState: -2033809716, QuestStep: -2033350971, Dword1C: -2033809718, Dword20: 882017997, Dword24: 882128019, Dword28: 882259093, Dword2C: 882324631 levelarea: A4_dun_Spire_01 quest: X1_Bounty_A4_Spire_Kill_Slarg state: -2033809716
      [TestThing] Act: A4 info: [873018378] QuestSNO: 873018378, Dword4: 873280526, Dword8: 873411596, DwordC: 872494083, QuestMeter: 1.259179E-07, QuestState: 873542661, QuestStep: 873477123, Dword1C: 873477138, Dword20: 873608211, Dword24: 873673746, Dword28: 872887316, Dword2C: 873804817 levelarea: A4_dun_Spire_02 quest: X1_Bounty_A4_Spire_Kill_Diablo state: 873542661
      [TestThing] Act: A5 info: [1914991138] QuestSNO: 1914991138, Dword4: 898855461, Dword8: 898905490, DwordC: 1914401308, QuestMeter: 3.078923E+30, QuestState: 1915122213, QuestStep: 1914991141, Dword1C: 1914139174, Dword20: 1915187733, Dword24: 1914139172, Dword28: 1915122215, Dword2C: 1915187748 levelarea: X1_Westm_Graveyard_DeathOrb quest: X1_Bounty_A5_Graveyard_Event_AltarOfSadness state: 1915122213
      [TestThing] Act: A5 info: [894776660] QuestSNO: 894776660, Dword4: 894580054, Dword8: 894580055, DwordC: 894907733, QuestMeter: 2.841231E+30, QuestState: 1913680403, QuestStep: 1914008084, Dword1C: 1913942549, Dword20: 1913680406, Dword24: 1914139157, Dword28: 1913680401, Dword2C: 1913680408 levelarea: X1_WESTM_ZONE_03 quest: X1_Bounty_A5_WestmarchFire_Kill_Urzael state: 1913680403
      [TestThing] Act: A5 info: [X1_Bounty_A5_Bog_Kill_Morghum] QuestSNO: 362913, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 258142, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: x1_Bog_01_Part2 quest: X1_Bounty_A5_Bog_Kill_Morghum state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A5 info: [X1_Bounty_A5_RuinsOfCorvus_Kill_NakQujin] QuestSNO: 363016, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 283567, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: x1_Catacombs_Level02 quest: X1_Bounty_A5_RuinsOfCorvus_Kill_NakQujin state: NotStarted
      [TestThing] Act: A5 info: [X1_Bounty_A5_PandExt_Event_HostileRealm] QuestSNO: 369908, Dword4: 120, Dword8: 338602, DwordC: -1, QuestMeter: -1, QuestState: NotStarted, QuestStep: -1, Dword1C: -1, Dword20: 0, Dword24: 0, Dword28: 0, Dword2C: 0 levelarea: X1_Pand_Ext_2_Battlefields quest: X1_Bounty_A5_PandExt_Event_HostileRealm state: NotStarted
      As you guys can see, the information printed out is COMPLETELY incorrect for most things. I am going to look into this problem in the meantime.

      If this problem is solved for you guys by reverting to an old version, you can Right click the folder, go to tourtise SVN, update to version, and choose which version you want to update to. I think someone mentioned that rev70 was a good one.

      In the meantime, I am going to be trying to figure this out.

      EDIT: Restarting DB fixes the corrupt value issues, so it probably isn't on Blizzard's side. Now to determine if it is a DB issue, or a plugin issue.

      EDIT2: On a side note, it seems performance issues with retrieving bounties have been fixed. I am removing my caching system which should private more up to date info for the profile/plugin.
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2014
    19. lcolorio

      lcolorio Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      Yeah it's very hard to help test this package out with the way the servers are acting - I can barely stay online for 5 minutes before being disconnected from the battle.net services. But when it does stay online, I'm now having the same issues as others above; resetting game after only doing 1-2 bounties saying there are no more possible bounties. Also, the bot REALLY wants to backtrack and gardens of hope tier 1 and 2... like it's trying to completely clear the stage rather then going directly to the objective.
      Regardless you're doing an amazing job with the first plugin of its type, so take your time we'll be patient because we are truly grateful!
    20. Fujiyama

      Fujiyama Member

      Mar 27, 2014
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      I seem to get the same problems with rev. 70. I have deleted all the files before getting rev. 70. No idea what's causing this just wanted you to know! Keep it up :D
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