Thanks Storm I'll find the multi-dotting thing for single target and thanks for all the other info. The profile is working really well absolutely love it
There is a new update avaiable on SVN - Talentmanager allows switching of Talents and Glyphs without restarting HB - Combatloghandler should supress errormessages on startup now My current Balance edition now supports refreshing Moon/Sunfire when entering Lunar/Solar, but my testers are offline
the talentmanager is a built-in method to handle your choosen talents, nothing u could access by the gui or so Fervor isn't implemented but if u tell me when it should be used, i could add it
Hi Storm managed to do some testing earlier today. HB still needs a restart when I change talent Also for some reason multidotting has stopped I've completely reinstalled HB and the profile to a new location to see if that fixed it unfortunately not. Otherwise working great I'm currently tabbing to multidot Again thanks for the great profiles.
Having an issue on my Shadow Priest. The routine will dot just fine, but when it goes to spam Mind Flay, it will only allow Mind Flay to channel for about 0.2 seconds and then interrupt and recast it.
For Hunter. Can you put trigger in settings for the Murder Of Crows talent CD? Explanation: [H]Immerseus has known issue with Murder of Crows, when hunter get stacks because of crow attacks.
This is for my ARMS Warrior, I just got HonorBuddy, would really appreciate help on how to use this rotation. I've checked out the SVN into my Routines folder but when HonorBuddy starts up it doesnt let me choose the profile. Much help would be appreciated! if theres something else that would help you, help me. i would willingly explain what i did. (or in this case what i did wrong:\) Thanks a bunch!
Instructions on how to correctly check out PR from SVN:
no log, no help multidotting working fine for me, also starsurge on procc (shooting stars) while moving will check the talentmanager again, when i've the time for that (thursday or so)
easy fix for now (if u r using Hotkey-Mode): turn of using CDs for that phase, until stacks are gone, turn on CDs until next phase with stacks is coming will look into a better solution and / or maybe a key for Amoc
use the zip attached in the first post, there is a newer version on SVN already of the whole CR, but nothing that affects arms, so the attached zip is up to date for you
Hi Storm Fixed it now I totally reset the options in the config I must have mucked something up sorry about that.
so i just need to unzip it and place it in the Routines folder? Sorry for being a noob, but i have another question. How do i get it to run under RaidBot? i heard that i would have complete movement control over it, no?
For DK I noitced the menu to choose either PVP/PVEtest/None is gone? If I wanted to PVP how to I get it to do the PVP rotation?
For combat rogue I'd like to disable the energy pooling option that seems to be embedded somehow even tho its disabled. Going even further, I've deleted every line of code that has to do with energy pooling (I think) used the search terms "power/energy/pooling" etc. in Routines\PureRotation\Classes\Rogue folder files. I've even deleted Subtlety and assassination CS file (lol). Energy pooling for combat rogues is a loss of dps because when you are in ar+bf and you are casting when you are on 80-90 energy you might get combat potency proc and get energy capped (loss of efficiency). I find myself being capped very often in burst. Please help .