Just did a DPS (PvE/Raid) comparison of all the major hunter CRs (for BM) http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...s/hunter/121650-bm-hunter-dps-comparison.html
I think there is something wrong with my destro rotation spamming so much incinerate, i see the bot tries to cast for example immolate or chaos bolt in the middle of incinerate cast which leaves me most of the time full on embers and low uptime of immolate on target. Most of the time am trying to force these spells by myself. Using Hotkey mode cooldowns enabled but it only uses gloves no dark intent or doom even on bloodlust. Oh and btw am using green fire spell This is not the full log due to large size View attachment destro log.txt
What's the uptime look like in Skada/Recount for immolate? The log shows all of the spells are being used... [18:10:56.412 N] [PureRotation 2.1.0]: *Dark Soul: Instability on Gurubashi Bloodlord at 11.2 yds at 32.3% [18:13:10.575 N] [PureRotation 2.1.0]: *Dark Soul: Instability on Horridon at 16.3 yds at 62.5% [18:15:18.758 N] [PureRotation 2.1.0]: *Dark Soul: Instability on War-God Jalak at 30.6 yds at 83.7%
i believe the affliction spec is the same way. he just spams unstable affliction after all DOTs are up.
Not sure if this has been brought up but On destro locks the use of Fire And brimstone would be nice with Incinerate for AOE. Great routine even with that!
sometimes it did but on burst i click manually + doom lord, any idea whats causing the bot to cast another spell when incinerate in middle of cast? Let me explain more for example incinerate cast = 80%, the bot tries to cast chaos or immolate then it assumes that it casted the next spell when actually it didnt and cast incinerate again
can't reproduce that, currently testing in 10m at horridon ... but im currently fighting with same latency issues, which makes my testing obsolete
Affliction is pretty broke at the minute. There's issues with honorbuddy internals which I've reported, so need to wait for a fix. I'll see if I can hack it a bit more to get it to work in the mean time.. probably be tomorrow now though. Enable AoE via hotkeys (or auto/semi-auto mode). That sounds like you're having really bad lag issues. What's your ingame latency? *edit* you are using tyrael with framelock enabled too, right?
Im playing a WW monk using Purerotaion and lazy raider, it will not use healing orbs to self heal. Any ideas or suggestions?
Code: new Decorator(ret => Spell.GetSpellCooldown("Kill Command").TotalMilliseconds < HunterSettings.WaitTime, new ActionAlwaysSucceed()), Beast Mastery Hunter, I don't see a cobra shot (focus generator) in the rotation before that, so what happens when you're low on focus and Kill Command is not on cooldown?
I've updated Guardian druid quite a bit. If any pro-Guardians (raid as Guardian) are around here yell at me. Needing to test Maul with T&C and SD.
You will sit around twiddling your thumbs waiting for focus to regen... There should be a focus check here as is done in the SV rotation. I'll check in a fix, thank you for pointing it out.
thanks for the log, but all healing is currently obsolete and not working well, wulf is working on the core (we've a few bugs) und we are looking into some strange issues cause it seems that the HB core does not return correct values for some of the used objects (but we aren't sure bout that and doin more testings atm) the current alpha of the new healing does a lot better, but ... like stated above, we have some trouble atm
Because it is not , and probably can't / won't be implemented. U can place them at Ur mouse position when u click the PureRotation SpecialKey.