well 2 things thats a full Stormshout Brewery run 1)never used Chain Lightning (AoE count on 3) Ascendance works as it should if i am on TL but it never works on Tyrael(most likely a Tyrael issue) 2)imo its better to turn Ghost wolf usage in combat optional,cause as it is now if you wanna move a step in combat it uses ghost wolf and its a waste of time
I'm going to ask again. I know you guys are busy with V2 and support on V1, but who is responsible for the Brewmaster portion of the CR? Would really like a option for it to not use Guard on CD so I can give this a real go in raids as it still looks silly wasting the CD when you're off tanking and not taking any damage.
Are you using it on automatic mode or hotkey? If hotkey - then you need to enable AoE mode for it to use AoE abilities. Disable AoE mode when back to 1 unit. Ghost Wolf (and Burning Rush) need some new functionality to check we've been moving for x ms before casting, will look into it. You can use the setting to disable it though.
Not sure who's doing Brewmaster, but I've added a setting in v2 so you can specify what HP percent to have before casting Guard. These are the conditions now; Code: private static bool NeedGuard { get { return Me.CachedHasAura("Power Guard") && Me.ActiveAuras.ContainsKey("Shuffle") && Me.HealthPercent <= MonkSettings.GuardHPPercent; } } Basically checking you have auras "Power Guard", "Shuffle" and HP is low enough. You'll need to have v2 to get this setting though. You can get it from this SVN link; https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/purerotation/branch/PureRotation/ But just to make this clear - v2 is frequently broken as we're making lots of changes. Test the routine on a target dummy after every time you update just to ensure its still working. We aren't taking the blame when you get kicked from LFR for being poor !
1) u r playing in Hotkey-Mode, so u have to enable AOEing by yourself , if ya wanna run it in dungeons without to think about the aoeing ... switch to automode 2) there is a setting for ghost wolf usage to turn it of but thanks for the log, i could find some other issues (which are not mandatory to run the routine) ---- edit --- null exceptions from log are fixed and shouldn't occure in elemental shaman again
hi...think i must have an issue with PR clashing with another program..all it does for me when activated is auto shots on whatever character i am on. I hope i'm making a very basic error that you can fix for me,,heard lots of good things about PR as in its like CLU on steroids )
yes you are right guys,it was all about settings i forgot to set it to automatic mode and for some reason i missed ghost wolf option thx again and keep up the great work you are doing
hello, i wanted to ask if it's possible for destru warlocks to cast havoc on another target when aoe mode is not on. So you can cleave your shadowburn on targets. on fights like council it would be awsome to cleave a shadowburn from the LOA spirits. thx
Indeed. It'll even sort all units in range to find the most ideal unit. For example, it'll search for closest unit that has the highest HP value (not percent) that isn't our current target, and then cast havoc on it. It'll then search for all units with < 20% HP, and cast shadowburn on it. Circumstance dependant, it can cast 3x instant shadowburns (450k - 2m damage in 3x GCD's).
Guardian druids still needs a slight fix (that makes a huge difference) Spell.Cast("Maul", ret => Me.HasAura(135288) || Lua.PlayerPower > 89), Should be 135286
Glad I could at least help somewhat =) I look forward to testing it out again in v2, I have 90's of every class and spec so I'm trying to rotate and see which is doing better with this CC. You guys have really come a long way, and to think, I used to think nothing would beat CLU. Also, that darn hunter is still ignoring Disable Hunter's Mark. Though it does seem to spam it much less is Automatic than it does in Hotkey. No idea why.