I agree with the one saying pvp botting is worse. You cant justify farming nodes and fate grinding etc to be just as bad. Even if crystal prices drop who really sat there and farmed them manually to sell just the crystals in the first place? If someone was farming crystals manually to sell them then sure that negatively impacts that person but positively impacts everyone that doesnt want to manually farm them and instead purchase them. For the person that said to join an alliance and queue up for frontlines thats just crazy talk. You can't really find that kind of player count that wants to pvp easily. I know some servers have linkshells setup for pvp but even then its not a full team. All that being said if the bot was really smart like playing decent, following the majority of the party, heading to mid at the proper times if on team B, etc then I wouldn't be opposed to its creation. Lets face it the queue for frontlines is terrible unless its peak hours.
Ah you people belong in the facebook ffxiv community group lol. Fact of the matter is if you are using a bot for anything it's immoral to others that grind by hand, so shut up and stop trying to act like you're better than anyone in this thread just because you don't use the bot for certain things. We bot, might as well have the bot work to it's full capacity.
Heh. I oddly agree with both sides. This bot is made to do what bots do and has nothing to do with the concept of morals but I would not mind seeing it limited with pvp not really being a part of it. The spot light on this bot goes way up the moment it enters the realm of competitive pvp sports and that is my only concern about any bot use in pvp.
Feel free to correct me, but I believe for many of the people developing (for) this bot (both officially and as community developers) that it is more of a technical challenge than anything else. This doesn't go for all groups but I have not found the main developers to just be out for the money, there is a huge love for the game that we want to see run for another 10+ years just like FFXI (this certainly goes for community developers who only receive donations in terms of financial support). Programs may be able to calculate functions and derivatives faster than a human, however the best players will always be humans behind kb/mouse or controllers and I personally don't see anyone trying to challenge that. I don't know what happened in WoW, I stopped playing a year or so after The Burning Crusades (the first expansion) because school/work became a priority. I can almost be certain when I say that you will never see a teleporting function in this bot or frankly anything that a human player with additional assistance couldn't do themselves. Everyone has the right to their opinion, however I don't think this is the place to vent such emotions on either side (thankfully the Internet is teaming with places where such arguments are encouraged). I understand that some users may be trying to cut the head off the beast before it grows but that is simply a losing battle... plus I like how friendly these forums and the vast majority of the users on them are and I am not the only one.
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me the limiting factor on developing more things for this is time. I gotta pay the bills with an actual day job, you know? So this is more of a hobby. Contrary to what some might believe, programming takes time. Even if you know how and what to do, it'll still take you time to implement it; especially all the testing that has to go into it. The process is very iterative, and it just simply takes time even if you know how to do it. I bot for three main reasons: 1. Because some aspects of the game take way too much mindless time. They feel like such a waste of time. Do you really enjoy clicking mining nodes for tens of hours? Perhaps when I was in school and didn't have shit to do, but not now. 2. I honestly enjoy doing group content in MMOs and what it requires: strategy, coordination, execution, etc. But I honestly think most MMOs lack in design when it comes to rotations. It's just boring to smack 1, 2, 3 over and over. I know it sounds a little arrogant, but if a bot can easily do it without any kind of complicated algorithm, it's not worth doing it myself. 3. I like to bot because I like to develop for the bot. Programming as a job can be very boring, to be honest. Most of the time its just slapping UIs over databases. Coding for a bot is fairly more exciting, I've always been attracted to AIs, and though most of it in here is behavior trees and such instead of more intricate designs like neural networks or what have you, it's still satisfying and it always presents some kind of challenge. Every choice has risks and rewards. A PvP bot would present a very real possibility of making SE start to care about bots. Most players don't care when they see a bot farming nodes, but when that bot is taking spots in their PvP group and making them loose constantly, they sure as hell will start caring, and when enough players care, SE will care. Is it worth it?
This is my biggest concern. They are pretty lax currently, which allows us to freely bot levels (in my opinion, the most boring part of the game.) I wouldn't want to lose the ability to level, ever.