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  • [PvPRogue] Advanced PVP CC

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by swiny, Mar 4, 2012.

    1. swiny

      swiny Banned

      Dec 19, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      0 in SVN Now.

      Tell me what you think,

      personally been in top 3 every game so far, and other tester also!
    2. Kirik

      Kirik New Member

      Mar 29, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Tried to compile, but had an error. Maybe just my SVN failure

      Could not compile CC from C:\Games\WoW soft\HB\CustomClasses\PvPRogue!
      File: Ambush.cs Line: 17 Error: Пространство имен 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' уже содержит определение для 'Ambush'

      those russian symbols means: Namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Ambush'
    3. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Hey swiny mate. updated ya svn and get errors when loading still log attached dude..

      [14:20:36:718] Logging in...
      [14:20:37:198] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
      Shared Sessions: 1/3
      [14:20:38:542] Attached to WoW with ID 4428
      [14:20:38:769] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5800 started!
      [14:20:38:772] Using WoW with process ID 4428
      [14:20:38:772] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [14:20:38:772] Executable Path: C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\Honorbuddy.exe
      [14:20:38:789] Character is a level 85 Human Rogue
      [14:20:38:796] Current zone is Stormwind City
      [14:20:38:845] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      [14:20:39:060] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: Currently supported tanking dungeons :
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (This list will update itself automatically)
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]:
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
      [14:20:39:070] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [14:20:39:472] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
      [14:20:39:478] New bot added!: BGBuddy
      [14:20:39:519] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      [14:20:39:524] New bot added!: Grind Bot
      [14:20:39:533] New bot added!: Questing
      [14:20:39:549] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      [14:20:39:555] New bot added!: PartyBot
      [14:20:44:507] New bot added!: Combat Bot
      [14:20:44:507] New bot added!: Raid Bot
      [14:20:44:507] New bot added!: LazyRaider
      [14:20:44:507] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      [14:20:44:610] H: 7B-8B-C6-74-2A-94-01-6B-82-85-1A-EB-F4-C8-6D-CD-67-5E-9A-27
      [14:20:44:611] V:
      [14:20:44:629] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\FuckOff\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
      [14:20:44:629] KillBetweenHotspots: False
      [14:20:44:629] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
      [14:20:44:629] LogoutForInactivity: False
      [14:20:44:629] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [14:20:44:629] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [14:20:44:629] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [14:20:44:629] FoodAmount: 0
      [14:20:44:629] DrinkAmount: 0
      [14:20:44:629] FormLocationX: 16
      [14:20:44:629] FormLocationY: 8
      [14:20:44:629] FormWidth: 385
      [14:20:44:629] FormHeight: 298
      [14:20:44:629] SelectedBotIndex: 6
      [14:20:44:629] UseFlightPaths: False
      [14:20:44:629] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [14:20:44:629] UseRandomMount: True
      [14:20:44:629] FoodName: Conjured Mana Cake
      [14:20:44:629] DrinkName: Conjured Mana Cake
      [14:20:44:629] MountName: 60424
      [14:20:44:629] FlyingMountName: 32235
      [14:20:44:629] LootMobs: True
      [14:20:44:629] SkinMobs: False
      [14:20:44:629] NinjaSkin: False
      [14:20:44:629] LootChests: True
      [14:20:44:629] HarvestMinerals: False
      [14:20:44:629] HarvestHerbs: False
      [14:20:44:629] UseMount: True
      [14:20:44:629] PullDistance: 45
      [14:20:44:629] LootRadius: 45
      [14:20:44:629] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
      [14:20:44:629] TrainNewSkills: False
      [14:20:44:629] LearnFlightPaths: True
      [14:20:44:629] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\Default Profiles\BGBuddy\Warsong Gulch.xml
      [14:20:44:629] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\Default Profiles\BGBuddy\Warsong Gulch.xml
      [14:20:44:629] MountDistance: 75
      [14:20:44:629] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [14:20:44:629] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [14:20:44:629] FoodAmount: 0
      [14:20:44:629] DrinkAmount: 0
      [14:20:44:629] FormLocationX: 16
      [14:20:44:629] FormLocationY: 8
      [14:20:44:629] SelectedBotIndex: 6
      [14:20:44:629] UseFlightPaths: False
      [14:20:44:629] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [14:20:44:629] UseRandomMount: True
      [14:20:44:629] FoodName: Conjured Mana Cake
      [14:20:44:629] DrinkName: Conjured Mana Cake
      [14:20:44:629] MountName: 60424
      [14:20:44:629] LootMobs: True
      [14:20:44:629] SkinMobs: False
      [14:20:44:629] NinjaSkin: False
      [14:20:44:629] LootChests: True
      [14:20:44:629] HarvestMinerals: False
      [14:20:44:629] HarvestHerbs: False
      [14:20:44:629] UseMount: True
      [14:20:44:629] PullDistance: 45
      [14:20:44:629] LootRadius: 45
      [14:20:44:629] FindVendorsAutomatically: False
      [14:20:44:629] TrainNewSkills: False
      [14:20:44:629] LearnFlightPaths: True
      [14:20:44:629] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\Default Profiles\BGBuddy\Warsong Gulch.xml
      [14:20:44:629] MountDistance: 75
      [14:20:44:629] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [14:20:44:630] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [14:20:44:632] Activity: Initializing.
      [14:20:44:635] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [14:20:44:667] Activity: Loading Spells
      [14:20:44:724] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [14:20:44:750] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [14:20:47:577] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Rogue-Subtlety
      [14:20:49:688] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [14:20:49:792] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
      [14:20:49:797] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
      [14:20:49:799] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [14:20:49:866] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [14:20:49:873] Building spell book
      [14:20:49:878] Spell book built
      [14:20:49:880] Compiling C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\CustomClasses\Fpsware Rogue
      [14:20:52:362] Compiling C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\CustomClasses\PvPRogue
      [14:20:53:975] Could not compile CC from C:\Users\FuckOff\Desktop\hb latesest\CustomClasses\PvPRogue!
      [14:20:53:980] File: Glue.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'Glue' already contains a definition for 'Glue'
      File: Movement.cs Line: 25 Error: The namespace 'Glue' already contains a definition for 'Movement'
      File: Settings.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'Glue' already contains a definition for 'Settings'
      File: Utils.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'Glue' already contains a definition for 'Utils'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 13 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'ClassSettings'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 107 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'eSubFinisher'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 116 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'eSubOpener'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 125 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'ePoison'
      File: PvPRogue.cs Line: 25 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'PvPRogue'
      File: Logging.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'Log'
      File: Misc.cs Line: 8 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'Misc'
      File: PlayerFlee.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'PlayerFlee'
      File: SafeChecks.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'SafeChecks'
      File: Stats.cs Line: 10 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'Stats'
      File: AutoAttack.cs Line: 10 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec' already contains a definition for 'AutoAttack'
      File: Combat.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety' already contains a definition for 'Combat'
      File: Pull.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety' already contains a definition for 'Pull'
      File: Ambush.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Ambush'
      File: MainMove.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'MainMove'
      File: Shiv.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Shiv'
      File: SmokeBombOffensive.cs Line: 9 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SmokeBombOffensive'
      File: Blind.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Blind'
      File: DeadlyThrow.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'DeadlyThrow'
      File: Preparation.cs Line: 10 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Preparation'
      File: Redirect.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Redirect'
      File: ShadowDance.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'ShadowDance'
      File: Shadowstep.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Shadowstep'
      File: Sprint.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Sprint'
      File: Throw.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Throw'
      File: Vanish.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Vanish'
      File: Eviscerate.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Eviscerate'
      File: KidneyShot.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'KidneyShot'
      File: Recuperate.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Recuperate'
      File: SliceandDice.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SliceandDice'
      File: CloakOfShadows.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'CloakOfShadows'
      File: CombatReadiness.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'CombatReadiness'
      File: Dismantle.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Dismantle'
      File: Evasion.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Evasion'
      File: Kick.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Kick'
      File: SmokeBombDefensive.cs Line: 9 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SmokeBombDefensive'
      File: FanofKnives.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.General' already contains a definition for 'FanofKnives'
      File: BGHealers.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'BGHealers'
      File: Energy.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Energy'
      File: NavMan.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'NavMan'
      File: PlayerObjects.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'PlayerObjects'
      File: Poisons.cs Line: 13 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Poisons'
      File: Spec.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'eSpec'
      File: Spec.cs Line: 20 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Spec'
      File: Spell.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'Spell'
      File: Trinket.cs Line: 16 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Trinket'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 13 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'ClassSettings'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 107 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'eSubFinisher'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 116 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'eSubOpener'
      File: ClassSettings.cs Line: 125 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'ePoison'
      File: PvPRogue.cs Line: 25 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'PvPRogue'
      File: Logging.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'Log'
      File: Misc.cs Line: 8 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'Misc'
      File: PlayerFlee.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'PlayerFlee'
      File: SafeChecks.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'SafeChecks'
      File: Stats.cs Line: 10 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Utils' already contains a definition for 'Stats'
      File: AutoAttack.cs Line: 10 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec' already contains a definition for 'AutoAttack'
      File: Combat.cs Line: 30 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety' already contains a definition for 'Combat'
      File: Pull.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety' already contains a definition for 'Pull'
      File: Ambush.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Ambush'
      File: CombatReadiness.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'CombatReadiness'
      File: DeadlyThrow.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'DeadlyThrow'
      File: FanofKnives.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.General' already contains a definition for 'FanofKnives'
      File: MainMove.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'MainMove'
      File: Shadowstep.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Shadowstep'
      File: Shiv.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Shiv'
      File: SmokeBombOffensive.cs Line: 9 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SmokeBombOffensive'
      File: Throw.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Throw'
      File: Blind.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Blind'
      File: Eviscerate.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Eviscerate'
      File: KidneyShot.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'KidneyShot'
      File: Preparation.cs Line: 10 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Preparation'
      File: Recuperate.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Recuperate'
      File: Redirect.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Redirect'
      File: ShadowDance.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'ShadowDance'
      File: SliceandDice.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SliceandDice'
      File: Sprint.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Sprint'
      File: CloakOfShadows.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'CloakOfShadows'
      File: Dismantle.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Dismantle'
      File: Evasion.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Evasion'
      File: Kick.cs Line: 17 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Kick'
      File: SmokeBombDefensive.cs Line: 9 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'SmokeBombDefensive'
      File: Vanish.cs Line: 11 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Spec.Subtlety.Spells' already contains a definition for 'Vanish'
      File: BGHealers.cs Line: 18 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'BGHealers'
      File: Energy.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Energy'
      File: FlagReturn.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'FlagReturn'
      File: NavMan.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'NavMan'
      File: PlayerObjects.cs Line: 14 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'PlayerObjects'
      File: Poisons.cs Line: 13 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Poisons'
      File: Spec.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'eSpec'
      File: Spec.cs Line: 20 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Spec'
      File: Spell.cs Line: 12 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue' already contains a definition for 'Spell'
      File: Trinket.cs Line: 16 Error: The namespace 'PvPRogue.Managers' already contains a definition for 'Trinket'

      [14:20:53:986] Activity: Initialization complete
      [14:20:53:986] Initialization complete.
      [14:20:53:986] Honorbuddy is up-to-date
      [14:20:53:990] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      [14:21:01:546] Chose Fpsware Rogue(0.1.8) by Fpsware as your combat class!
    4. rsanviral

      rsanviral New Member

      Jun 2, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      In the posting window click on "Go Advanced" then you will see the option to attach things to your post. CLick that button and browse your pc for the file. It will be in your honorbuddy folder under logs. This will save you from having to post a wall of text whenever you want to attach a log. No worries and certainly not trying to be snide at all, just wanting to help you out.
    5. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Cheers Rsan was lookin but couldnt find it as never posted a log before, ty for the headsup matey appreciated

      Attached Files:

    6. ratrider

      ratrider Member

      Jan 1, 2012
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      Have you tested deleting and the PVPRouge folder and replacing it when a totally fresh one? NOT rewrite over anything else.
    7. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
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      yeah even deleted all of HB and re installed.. have you tried the CC and managed to get it to work by any chance
    8. Mizzy

      Mizzy Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      For the most part, this works quite well, so very good job on it. Only thing I'm noticing that it seems to have trouble with is when it moves up to a caster that isn't moving. I watched 3 occurances where BGbuddy ran into stormpike keep alone where a healer was sitting in back (and 3 marshalls still up, gg bgbuddy). The healer was casting, but standing still. My rogue would cloak and move right up next to the caster, but it would not attack as long as the caster was standing still. As soon as the caster moved, the bot started attacking.
    9. whittone

      whittone Member

      Jan 19, 2012
      Likes Received:
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      OMG Swiny! This thing is doing great now, I don't know what you did but I just got 28 killing blows and 4 deaths and top damage also! Been waiting along time for this now back to having fun:)
    10. swiny

      swiny Banned

      Dec 19, 2010
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      to be honest i have no idea about the error,

      to me it sounds like you have 2 PvPRogues trying to load,
      try deleting all ya pvprogues in your custom class, and fresh install,

      if that fails. delete everything in your Custom Class, exept Singular, and then reinstall it, see what results you get.

      Sounds like glue is having issues, not the CC it self, post a log.
    11. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      hey swiny. did a full re install of pvprogue and HB heres the log from new attempt. i can get it to work if i dont svn anything apart from the cc itself but then i dont think its working as ment log attached

      Attached Files:

    12. Sippinhaterade

      Sippinhaterade Member

      Jul 10, 2011
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      If you are still having issues with the rogue stealthing up and not attacking, try disabling "click to move" in your interface options. I disabled it and it has not had that issue since.
    13. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
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      Hi mate it's not a problem with when it's working I can't get it to work at all I get errors even after a fresh install of the CC and HB just doesn't load up need the man swiny to take a look at my log of poss
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2012
    14. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      any chance you will add options like kidney shot and other stuns?

      dont know what im doing wrong but im trying to use this in arena and other then doing shadowstep, it doesnt get behind target. Use gouge and get behind, stun in some way or even burst on opener.

      so far i only killed some in arena when interacting by hand when bot was running.

      O and when going stealth into arena, it wont attack before being attacked. SO a mage for example detects you, freezes you in place, he starts attacking, other then that he keeps following the target in stealth without attacking.

      Cant upload log since its 2 k last one playing arena.
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2012
    15. swiny

      swiny Banned

      Dec 19, 2010
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      Check your settings, kidney shot is already in there.

      as for the arena, make sure movement is disabled,
      i have made opening manually due to the fact incase you wanna do something else like sap. so it doesnt auto open.
    16. swiny

      swiny Banned

      Dec 19, 2010
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      Try combatbot + PvPRogue Movement Disabled.
      Glue settings = Movement Disabled also.
      With TPS 25+

      You dont tell me doesnt carv the fuck up in Arena, or BG's!


      ALL the issues you guys are having is BGBuddy + Glue,
      WoW's movement Structs dont wanna update fast enough for glue, which in turn is making issues

      try using it manually playing with combat bot :)
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2012
    17. Dizzle_

      Dizzle_ Banned

      Dec 5, 2011
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      It doesn't seem to time anything properly. It does kidney without smoke bomb every time, once it gets to 5 cp and kidney is on cd it doesn't use eviscerate, etc

      this is with the above settings^
    18. swiny

      swiny Banned

      Dec 19, 2010
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      Added -
      Rogue vs Rogue - Stealth match - Auto Sap [ Not Tested ]
      Smoke Bomb when Kidney Shot [ Settings ] [ Not Tested ]

      Fixed -
      Eviscerate when KS not up - [ Not Tested ]

      Please test and let me know how it goes
    19. Pronamic

      Pronamic Member

      Apr 18, 2010
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      Swiny any news on whats goin on with my log mate ive posted 2 for ya. And heres another one with your updates ya just posted.....And i have completely reinstalled everything and only your CC in CC folder and fresh install of HB too

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Mar 31, 2012
    20. sgelman55

      sgelman55 New Member

      Dec 8, 2010
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      keep having a problem if i have glue enabled with movement on, getting an error something like this Cleared POI - Reason Exception in Root.Tick() its not stopping the bot but if i turn movement off in glue i get no red text
      getting it either way with movement on or off actually i was mistaken
      [5:30:43 AM:505] System.ApplicationException: Cannot run Tick before running Start first!
      at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
      at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Tick()
      Last edited: Mar 31, 2012

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