Are you using my edit? If so, I'm assuming you've completed this quest?: The Great Netherwing Egg Hunt
Yeah, I tried your edit and I've completed the quest. I have farmed for more eggs and handed them in, manually. I would be happy to try out it again if you are editing it more.
Well, the quest check code could just be removed. Here's an edited version without it: View attachment woofie Netherwing.xml
Trying it at the moment whitout the check quest code. Been running 5 minutes now and gathered 1 egg. Questbot as base. No plugins. I'll write more later when I got more info.
I got one problem so far. At Dragonmaw fortress there's a spawn in a tower. You can get into the tower from two directions. The pictures on the top. The toon lands on the roof to the tower and can't reach the egg. Other then that it works smooth. 1 hour now and 8 eggs. [InteractWith-v1538(warning)] Taking too long to reach Netherwing Egg--blacklisting for 3m00s
Hmm, unfortunately that's a Mesh error. The only option would be to blacklist the roof of that tower so Honorbuddy won't navigate ontop of it and hope that it'll try to enter from the correct location. Either that, or remove the Hotspots for that location.
Actually, it doesnt appear to really be working well. It stops every minute or so and refuses to move unless i manually move it, in which case it then seems to loop back onto an earlier path
The profile and the plugin works (it collects eggs and it is a good route). Though often, as VIper describes, you've to manually click-to-move your character, because it just flys still while Honorbuddy says: "No viable mobs in the area" ... "Moving to waypoint.." Is there any way to overcome this? Been trying a lot of things, but it haven't seemed to work.
"Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!" everytime i try to start the profile
it's the same for me: toon just stops flying every minute or so. running it for 3 hours now, manually moving it every time it stopped - 0 eggs so far. the route seems a bit strange to me as well, it seems to fly a lot back and forth between netherwing ledge and dragonmaw fortress, leaving most of the spots on netherwing ledge out... does anyone know of a working egg farm profile? i think i tried them all by now but none of the profiles seem to work, its sad
What I did was to simply set a repeating macro to press move forward (W) every 30 seconds or so, worked fine that way for me. There are some places I noticed where it'll get hung up, so it's not entirely 100% afkable, but I was usually getting 5 to 8 eggs in a nights worth of botting.