Hey again, What kind of BOT category are you using? I am using "BETA Grind Buddy" tried it on "quest" but it didnt work and it said ""Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!". So what kind of bot category should I use? And 1 more thing, my character, elemental shamam seems to get stucked on diffrent places and then it LOG out.... I think it is the machines that shoot bombs that make my character stuck, cause when it hits me I fly up in the air. Havent had a single 3-4 hour botting without the character has been stucked :/ How do you guys manage to make the bot avoid this to happen? //Pidda
It uses Questbot. Try downloading the profile again. Also attach a log for further support so I can further investigate. Thanks!
when you say bring a bodyguard, you guys mean a follower from garrison right? im still new to the WoD patch >.< thanks for the profile though it's awesome! i'm mainly using it to get some transmog from the dwarven mill
Testing this on my 665 fury warrior. Honorbuddy is showing me an average of 350 kills an hour. Running for 30minutes now, no BoE but one Cyclinal power sequence, which seems to sell for around 2k on the AH.
Not too bad. Been running 3 hours got 2 epics looted around 3k gold/greens. If I manage to sell the epics on AH i'll have made around 40k/hr today. XP/HR: 0 Kills: 911 (242/hr) Deaths: 2 (1/hr) Loots: 1172 (312/hr) Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr) BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr)
wow.. this profile is awesome as usual gatherit My rogue is a duracell bunny jumping from target to target killing everything in its path. The tanks is abit of a problem tho since they do attacks that needs to be dodged. Anyways awesome profiles. Hoping you will do some more mining/herb profiles that works <3 tia
The profiles for gathering are only in Gather Omation which is not public. I may release more public profiles for gathering soon though! You have to understand though, this is currently my only income because I had to quit my job.
I guess my luck has run out. Was running this along with a few other BoE profiles 2 weeks ago and was averaging 1-2 BoE's per night (sometimes 8, sometimes 12 hour shifts). I've been running 12 hour shifts broken up between 6 toons for the last 2 weeks now so ~140 hours without a single drop. My friend who has also been grinding these same spots is noticing the same thing, went from 1-2 per night to none in 2 weeks of steady grinding. Did they nerf the drop rate or maybe my realm is bugged? Even on the AH there's only 1/8 of the BoE's that were on there weeks ago and the price has skyrocketed.
Noticed the same on other nagrand profiles. Used to get alteast 1 epic per night. Now it's 0 in 3 shifts 12-18 hours. s
I think this is pure RNG based and nothing Blizzard did. I still get 1-2 epics per day running my Bone Collector profile. Also I added a version 1.2 now supporting mount vendor.
Giving this a go on my 663 SV Hunter - but I checked the mobs on wowhead, and none of them seem to be able to drop greens? Has the spot been nerfed or whats up with that? So far I killed 100 - no loots except crystals, primals and gold.
Purely bad luck, currently using this and getting blues an greens, no epics yet though. I am getting an issue where I'm fighting Kaga the Ironbender and he knocks me off the ledge behind a wall. How do I add him to avoid?