Please do not post anything more about this current set of profiles[/COLOR] I know I see this.... ok well just something I noticed ur path for farming tiger meat and ribs is a bit small my lvl 90 almost makes 2 laps befor they respawn.... but in 1 day got my cooking to start of mop, and I see were the your profile messes up, but seems like an easy fix.... put the farming befor the quest so u already have all the turn ins and then just add the turn in quest in, and I love the red messages u put in the log out put, kudos man.... been running ur profile all day on my ilvl 544 hunter so thanks for this and also have u thought of making a giant meat farm rout that circles more area? thanks for ur time. Tuna
I think this is dead. Run the bot and it randomly farms meat for 3 hours where it then Mails the meat to a random alt or vendors it. @OP - Are you planning on rebuilding this?
Closing and archiving thread—it looks like its no longer being maintained. There are alternatives to this profile in the forums and the Buddy Store. cj