The behavoir will now apply lures if it finds them in you bag. Added some outland and northrend quests.
Well if their is any risk you bot for 5 minuets or 5 hours, the the 5 hours is more likely to get a player report; and if you get flagged for injection then your flagged regardless of time. So actually smaller profiles are less likely to get you banned than long ones. Completed the Dalaran quests, you need the new behavior for one of the quests, the rest will work with the old.
I'll see if I can include these in my dailies profile. Should be a question of loading it in SW first, then moving to Shatt and loading it again.... Thanks for the addition! I'm still trying to get all daily achievements and this will help a lot As to "why?"; check out what awesomeness Nuok has added to my dailies profiles! It may be 5 minutes on it's own but in combination you can have the bot running for about an hour and have a huge lot of dailies done. Wouldn't have been possible without Nuok's help!
There's a problem with the quest "Shrimpin' ain't easy". The target of the quest can only be fished in Zangar but the profile tries to do it in Nagrand. Line 285 should be changed to: Code: <CustomBehavior File="Fishing" QuestId="11668" ItemId="35313" FacingDegree="305" X="-442.6577" Y="5847.964" Z="19.59177" />
false location by Quest "A Furious Catch" from Orgrimmar changed line 215 Code: <CustomBehavior File="Fishing" QuestId="26588" FacingDegree=[B]"90" X="1227.229" Y="-3943.579" Z="18.19543"[/B] />
Updated the behavior, now works with 2.5.6192.423 Its now a bit smarter in the use of lures and rods (although the profile needs updating) as it will only equip and use a lure if your fishing level is less than fishing skill required to not catch junk. Lures for mists arnt added yet, so it will need another update before then. Edit: it dosnt detect the loot window.
working great, did rock lobster in SW with your profile; +REP even if i have no use for the daily fishing, still it's a good profile!
Awesome - thanks Nuok! These dailies are amazing. One question - with your latest update did the profile change at all? P.S. There's a typo in the credits the name "Timeglide" should be "timglide."
Updated the behavoir, it now handles looting the bobber since its been broken for a long time. Updated the profile with the fishing skill tag too. Working in Honorbuddy 2.5.6220.435