[15:32:36.337 N] Logging in... [15:32:45.967 D] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'fasmdll_managed.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found. File name: 'fasmdll_managed.dll' at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Dispos e() at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.FindAndAttachToWoW(Boolean& found64Bits) at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.HandleSuccess() at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.Internal RealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCat chWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) what is the problem???
Dear staff/dev's/bunch of irresponsible dudes who got payed for their program that isn't working. At this point i need to return about 450E to mine clients and mine ebay/allegro accounts are BANNED (580 positive comments in total)!! Thats why i want mine money back for the licenses i bought. Why is that u say ? - U did not give us any, any decent info before the bot was shuted down (almost at the day of the new patch) - U did postponed 3 times the date of an working HB update! 3 times! U know that if i sayed to mine clients, 1 week, then i sayed at 7th, and now i say "i don't know when your orders wich u payed for will be done". Imagine u ppl bouyng a phone and getting this kinda of reply! - U did say that u started at PTR changes etc. Well other bots (like RwBot) are working a long time ago, so or u gays lie, or the other bot's got some superb info from God..... As i presume U know that the biggest orders for your HB licenses u got from ppl like me - ppl who sell things grind-ed/exped/gathered in wow by your bot. As we got several licenses and sometimes we buy a lot of 1 day's. Respond please or as i told, i will want mine money back PS yes i know there is a dev release of HB, but well - i don't own the money to sell mine 3 wow grinding pc and replace them with 32 bit's, well not after u made mine "company" a little broke :/
If you couldn't figure out on your own that the bot was going to go down for the 5.0 patch that's quite sad. It obviously goes to show you've no concept of the work that goes into an injection based bot. It's not like Blizz pushed out a couple small changes, a lot of the exe has been rewritten. But you're right, they should be able to just pull magic code out of their ass and give you a working bot when you feel you deserve it. Perhpas they'll release you a personal copy without warden protection, give you something to really fucking bitch about. Personally I'd rather wait and have a quality program.
Ok....it's my feedback )) Archelogy bot don't work good....sometimes it stop with a very high cpu usage.....
You're completely joking me aren't you? HonorBuddy was not designed for people like you. They don't care if you do, but it's not the reason that this bot was built. It was built with the private user in mind, who is using the bot for direct benefit. And THOSE people, can go without it. And personally, this is the best time for the bot to break, because MoP is still not out, but all of the core chances are. With all of those core chances, if gives them enough time to update and make tweaks to HB, and get it ready for when their members will need it the MOST, when MoP is released.
You must be new here.... After every major patch there is downtime for Bot and date when patch will hit live servers was known for 3weeks i think. If you know about "other bot" you must also know why is HB better (mesh navigation, CC, plugins etc.). Most epic part of your fail message is this "yes i know there is a dev release of HB, but well - i don't own the money to sell mine 3 wow grinding pc and replace them with 32 bit's, well not after u made mine "company" a little broke :/" do you know something about 64bit and 32bit software ? FFS just open your launcher and check checkbox "Run 32bit client" BTW it is only your fault when you sell something that you can?t do..
Es ist traurig, dass all diejenigen, die Englisch nicht Ihre Muttersprache werden W?rter falsch schreiben so schlecht denken, dass BOSSLAND Englisch spricht. Nicht sagen, dass er nicht, aber es w?re einfacher f?r Sie zu versuchen, Sie excercise Gehirn Macht ein wenig und finden Sie einen ?bersetzer, mit denen Sie in Ihrer Muttersprache adn in der Sprache ausgegeben von jemand anderem, so dass Ihr Punkt ist geben wird besser verstanden. Doch anstatt Sie sitzen hier whinning zu einem Tool, wenn Sie fertig sind immer noch die Spitze der Liste stehen. Ich habe mir die anderen da drau?en und sah keiner von ihnen sind zu 100% noch sie unterst?tzt die 32-Bit-Client (WOW-Client, der ist). Ratet mal, meine Muttersprache?
When will you understand that not the fact that the bot has to be updated is what pisses people off butr rather the way it is handled. It would not have been so hard to make a locked thread and post an update any 12 hours so we can know whats going on. It was also bad to say 7th and then let the whole day pass by without saying anything and just change the thread title 1 day after the given deadline. It was also bad to give a total of 3 deadlines which they all missed but doing that and giving almost no updates, and that few ones that came got buried in this thread really fast, was the worst possible way to handle this. As someone who also offers Account levelings or such on ebay I can really understand the problem that the guy who you quoted has. It is really difficult to tell your customers why the service they paid for has to be delayed the third time now. And often you can't give them any information at all on when you can begin again, because the flow of information coming from the team is really bad. I am not qqing that the bot has to be updated, I knew this had to happen and was well prepared and informed my customers at the right time before the patch that there would be a delay. But 90% of the QQ here could have been avoided by just making a locked thread and updating that one every 12 hours. Sorry for bad english...Im tired and not a native speaker
MINE GOLD NEEDZ ZE FARMING ZE GOGGLES DO NOTHING! Seriously all you fucking complete wastes of my AIR who are winging and crying FUCK OFF AND DIE IN CAR FIRES. Sick and fucking tired of you childish people crying about your bot not being up. Its the same for everybody, do you HONESTLY BELIEVE sitting here bitching and moaning to the developers would make them work faster? If sio you are fucked in the head. Let them fix the problems and they will release it. Those buying 500 accounts and running buisnesses, try the drug trade please that way when you QQ you will get shot in the face....