Would really like to use this but seems like the SVN is down "Unable to connect to repository at URL" "Connection timed out"
svn's online on my end - u able to browse https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/kicksrandom/ in your browser?
Hey thanks for these but I feel like they aren't all that good. I'm using a Rogue and it seems that my Rogue will just kill pretty much everything that it comes across. Not sure if it's your profile's fault or not. But I am using default Honorbuddy settings. I feel like my Rogue just kills a lot of enemies unnecessarily. Like when I only need to kill 8 of something he will kill close to 20. I know it's not meant to be the fastest profile or anything and it's just meant to be a safer choice (that is why I am using it). But I feel like he really just does a lot of unnecessary stuff. For example in the first couple of quests at 90 in Horde in Frostfire. Where you have to kill Giants and plant the Horde Banners. He planted 2 banners and then killed over 15 Giants and Boars before planting about 3 more. Then he killed another 10 or so, planted 2 more and then killed 1 and planted 1 etc. In retrospect I only needed to kill 8 of them and then plant a banner on each one. Like I said, not sure if it is your fault or if it's something else. Otherwise these are pretty good. P.S. Bot also got stuck and logged out after being asked to kill 'Grogg' in one of the following quests after the banner quest. EDIT: Also got stuck again on "They rely on numbers" quest [H]. Bot just stands there slightly out of range of enemies it is supposed to kill. EDIT AGAIN: Stopped using these profiles. The nav paths are crazy and the bot gets stuck often and doesn't rez properly after dying. Really these are so buggy, thanks for them but still there's too many issues. Going back to regular kicks.
So we just load these like normal kicks? A cool feature you could add eventually is a plugin to change zones at the right levels, and to update the svn when it updates every 2 hours.
Great idea. This really needs to be on the store As an idea could this not be made into a botbase which loads the original Kick's profiles from the store and randomises each location point? This way it will not require updates every two hours plus every single point will be different?
i just pushed a fix for the z-randomization factor, seems like it went a bit berserk in fly zones where you can't fly (yet)
i dont see how putting it on the store would be a benefit to the community, updates via svn can be done much faster these days. regarding botbase: already done and ready to be deployed when quality leaves beta state
Really love what your doing here roboto. So i just download the profiles load up the zone im questing in and that is it ? its all randomized ? No plug ins or a special turn this on or that? Do i need your randomizer tramper plug in to make this work? Im watching the bot after downloading and loading your profiles is there anywhere i can watch the randomization happen?
yes, just check out the svn and you'l have your own randomized copy. if you encounter issues, either load kicks original for the specific quest or wait 2 hours max until a new build is deployed (every 2 hours new randomized version)
I useing kicks 1-100 proifile but i dont have seen that it doing bonus objective on between 90-100? anyone else?
random kicks is back with another commit (there was a bug in the last few days, preventing commits - all fixed now)
Hi, How is your project doingg? Do you have any new feedback or is everything running smoothly ? Cheers,
Wow man, this looks very nice. Are all profiles random from Kicks pack? You dont have the Pathfinder Profiles?