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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by mastahg, Aug 26, 2014.

    1. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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      Trophy Points:
      when sync to level 50,but hasspell return level 72 skill is true.
    2. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Can you run this in the console.
    3. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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      Trophy Points:
      Log( Core.Player.ClassLevel);

      SpellData: { Id: 16541, Name: Broil III, LocalizedName: 死炎法, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 2821, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 72, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x9B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B6F60 }
    4. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:

      foreach(var item in ActionManager.CurrentActions)
      Can you run this one too please.
    5. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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      Trophy Points:
      [06:25:34.824 D] DoAction Spell 17215 0x100AC533
      [06:25:37.861 N] [神罗] 使用 >>>>>> 朝日召唤>ID>17215
      [06:25:38.558 D] Something went wrong couldnt find pet with object id 4000E17D
      [06:25:39.260 N] [DFAlert] Dungeon is ready
      [06:26:12.504 N] >>>>>>>>>>>>>1 : Broil III Scholar50True
      [06:26:19.965 D] DoAction Spell 166 0x100AC533
      [06:26:19.965 N] [神罗] 使用 >>>>>> 以太超流>ID>166
      [06:26:20.206 N] >>>>>>>>>>>>>1 : Broil III Scholar50True
      [06:26:23.511 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:pushed the stop button.
      [06:26:23.527 N] >>>>>>>>>>>>>1 : Broil III Scholar50True

      Logging.Write(Colors.GreenYellow, $@" >>>>>>>>>>>>>1 : {[​IMG]myspell.Name} {Core.Player.CurrentJob}{Core.Player.ClassLevel}{ ActionManager.HasSpell([​IMG]MySpells.BroilIII.Name)}");
    6. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Please run the snippet.
    7. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      SpellData: { Id: 16541, Name: Broil III, LocalizedName: 死炎法, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 2821, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 72, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x9B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B6F60 }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 3, Value: Sprint }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 5, Value: Teleport }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 6, Value: Return }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 163, Value: Ruin }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 164, Value: Bio }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 165, Value: Summon }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 166, Value: Aetherflow }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 167, Value: Energy Drain }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 168, Value: Miasma }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 170, Value: Summon II }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 172, Value: Ruin II }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 173, Value: Resurrection }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 174, Value: Bane }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 178, Value: Bio II }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 181, Value: Fester }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 185, Value: Adloquium }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 186, Value: Succor }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 188, Value: Sacred Soil }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 189, Value: Lustrate }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 190, Value: Physick }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 633, Value: Gouge }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 634, Value: Shining Topaz }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 637, Value: Gust }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 639, Value: Downburst }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 802, Value: Embrace }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 803, Value: Whispering Dawn }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 805, Value: Fey Illumination }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 1584, Value: Purify }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 7559, Value: Surecast }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 7560, Value: Addle }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 7561, Value: Swiftcast }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 7562, Value: Lucid Dreaming }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 7568, Value: Esuna }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 7571, Value: Rescue }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 8904, Value: Physick }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 8905, Value: Adloquium }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 8909, Value: Lustrate }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 9622, Value: Chain Stratagem }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16230, Value: Physick }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16508, Value: Energy Drain }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16509, Value: Egi Assault }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16512, Value: Egi Assault II }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16520, Value: Glittering Topaz }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16521, Value: Glittering Emerald }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16537, Value: Whispering Dawn }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16538, Value: Fey Illumination }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16539, Value: Art of War }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16560, Value: Repose }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16791, Value: Assault I: Glittering Topaz }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16792, Value: Assault II: Shining Topaz }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16793, Value: Assault I: Downburst }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 16794, Value: Assault II: Glittering Emerald }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17215, Value: Summon Eos }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17216, Value: Summon Selene }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17688, Value: Rescue }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17689, Value: Attunement }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17690, Value: Repose }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17795, Value: Broil III }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17796, Value: Biolysis }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17797, Value: Aura Blast }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17798, Value: Summon Seraph }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17832, Value: Protect }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17864, Value: Bio }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17865, Value: Bio II }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17869, Value: Ruin }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17870, Value: Ruin II }
      KeyValuePair`2: { Key: 17990, Value: Dissipation }
    8. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      So sorry,

      foreach(var item in ActionManager.CurrentActions.Values)
      forgot to include a small portion.
    9. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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      Trophy Points:
      SpellData: { Id: 16541, Name: Broil III, LocalizedName: 死炎法, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 2821, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 72, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x9B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B6F60 }
      SpellData: { Id: 3, Name: Sprint, LocalizedName: 冲刺, SpellType: System, Affinity: 所有职业, JobTypes: [Adventurer, Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, Culinarian, Miner, Botanist, Fisher, Paladin, Monk, Warrior, Dragoon, Bard, WhiteMage, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, Rogue, Ninja, Machinist, DarkKnight, Astrologian, Samurai, RedMage, BlueMage, Gunbreaker, Dancer], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 405, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x6E000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A1460 }
      SpellData: { Id: 5, Name: Teleport, LocalizedName: 传送, SpellType: System, Affinity: 所有职业, JobTypes: [Adventurer, Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, Culinarian, Miner, Botanist, Fisher, Paladin, Monk, Warrior, Dragoon, Bard, WhiteMage, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, Rogue, Ninja, Machinist, DarkKnight, Astrologian, Samurai, RedMage, BlueMage, Gunbreaker, Dancer], AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:05, Icon: 111, BaseCooldown: 00:00:05, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x465000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A0980 }
      SpellData: { Id: 6, Name: Return, LocalizedName: 返回, SpellType: System, Affinity: 所有职业, JobTypes: [Adventurer, Gladiator, Pugilist, Marauder, Lancer, Archer, Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Armorer, Goldsmith, Leatherworker, Weaver, Alchemist, Culinarian, Miner, Botanist, Fisher, Paladin, Monk, Warrior, Dragoon, Bard, WhiteMage, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, Rogue, Ninja, Machinist, DarkKnight, Astrologian, Samurai, RedMage, BlueMage, Gunbreaker, Dancer], BaseCastTime: 00:15:00, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:05, Icon: 112, BaseCooldown: 00:00:05, AdjustedCooldown: 00:15:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x16C000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A0320 }
      SpellData: { Id: 163, Name: Ruin, LocalizedName: 毁灭, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 2, Cost: 200, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 501, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 1, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A4520 }
      SpellData: { Id: 164, Name: Bio, LocalizedName: 毒菌, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 503, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 2, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x92000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A3500 }
      SpellData: { Id: 165, Name: Summon, LocalizedName: 召唤, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:03, Icon: 516, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:03, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 4, Job: Arcanist, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x28000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A3560 }
      SpellData: { Id: 166, Name: Aetherflow, LocalizedName: 以太超流, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 510, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 45, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xBB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF10C0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 167, Name: Energy Drain, LocalizedName: 能量吸收, SpellType: Ability, BaseCost: 1, Cost: 1, CostType: 30, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:03, Icon: 514, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:03, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 45, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x26000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF2A90 }
      SpellData: { Id: 168, Name: Miasma, LocalizedName: 瘴气, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 5, Cost: 500, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 505, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 6, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xAC000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A4160 }
      SpellData: { Id: 170, Name: Summon II, LocalizedName: 召唤II, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:03, Icon: 517, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:03, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 15, Job: Arcanist, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1044F7B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A41C0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 172, Name: Ruin II, LocalizedName: 毁坏, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 502, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 38, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x19000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A3FE0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 173, Name: Resurrection, LocalizedName: 复生, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 24, Cost: 2400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师 学者, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:07.8560000, Icon: 511, BaseCooldown: 00:00:08, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 12, Job: Arcanist, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xA3000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A3E00 }
      SpellData: { Id: 174, Name: Bane, LocalizedName: 灾祸, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:10, Icon: 507, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:10, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 30, Job: Arcanist, Radius: 8, Range: 25, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 8, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x101CD6E000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A38C0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 178, Name: Bio II, LocalizedName: 猛毒菌, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 6, Cost: 600, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 504, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 26, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x52000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF28D0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 181, Name: Fester, LocalizedName: 溃烂爆发, SpellType: Ability, BaseCost: 1, Cost: 1, CostType: 30, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:05, Icon: 2676, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:05, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 18, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x4B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF2BE0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 185, Name: Adloquium, LocalizedName: 鼓舞激励之策, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 10, Cost: 1000, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.9640000, Icon: 2801, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 30, Job: Scholar, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1044958000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF2010 }
      SpellData: { Id: 186, Name: Succor, LocalizedName: 士气高扬之策, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 13, Cost: 1300, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.9640000, Icon: 2802, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 35, Job: Scholar, Radius: 15, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 15, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1044A98000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF1C20 }
      SpellData: { Id: 188, Name: Sacred Soil, LocalizedName: 野战治疗阵, SpellType: Ability, BaseCost: 1, Cost: 1, CostType: 30, GroundTarget: True, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 2804, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 50, Job: Scholar, Radius: 8, Range: 30, RawCastType: 7, EffectRange: 8, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1044ED9000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF2160 }
      SpellData: { Id: 189, Name: Lustrate, LocalizedName: 生命活性法, SpellType: Ability, BaseCost: 1, Cost: 1, CostType: 30, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:01, Icon: 2805, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 45, Job: Scholar, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1044D53000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF2390 }
      SpellData: { Id: 190, Name: Physick, LocalizedName: 医术, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.4730000, Icon: 518, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 4, Job: Scholar, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB7000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A36E0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 633, Name: Gouge, LocalizedName: 利爪, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:03, Icon: 551, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:03, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 1, Job: 255, Range: 3, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x4E000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A8000 }
      SpellData: { Id: 634, Name: Shining Topaz, LocalizedName: 黄宝石之光, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], Icon: 552, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 40, Job: 255, Radius: 5, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 5, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1F000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF8BB0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 637, Name: Gust, LocalizedName: 突风, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:03, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01, Icon: 561, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:03, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 1, Job: 255, Radius: 5, Range: 25, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 5, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x24000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC9A8D20 }
      SpellData: { Id: 639, Name: Downburst, LocalizedName: 下行突风, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], Icon: 562, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 10, Job: 255, Radius: 5, Range: 25, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 5, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xA4000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CF9160 }
      SpellData: { Id: 802, Name: Embrace, LocalizedName: 仙光的拥抱, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:03, Icon: 2826, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:03, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 1, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x65000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CFC2D0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 803, Name: Whispering Dawn, LocalizedName: 仙光的低语, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], Icon: 2827, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 20, Job: 255, Radius: 15, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 15, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x73000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CFBB60 }
      SpellData: { Id: 805, Name: Fey Illumination, LocalizedName: 异想的幻光, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], Icon: 2829, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 40, Job: 255, Radius: 15, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 15, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xFF000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CFBBD0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 1584, Name: Purify, LocalizedName: 净化, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:00:45, Icon: 9112, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:45, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xCA000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1F3A830 }
      SpellData: { Id: 7559, Name: Surecast, LocalizedName: 沉稳咏唱, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 幻术师 咒术师 白魔法师 黑魔法师 秘术师 召唤师 学者 占星术士 赤魔法师 青魔法师, JobTypes: [Conjurer, Thaumaturge, WhiteMage, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, Astrologian, RedMage, BlueMage], BaseCastTime: 00:02:00, Icon: 869, AdjustedCooldown: 00:02:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 44, Job: 255, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x35000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2314600 }
      SpellData: { Id: 7560, Name: Addle, LocalizedName: 昏乱, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 咒术师 黑魔法师 秘术师 召唤师 赤魔法师 青魔法师, JobTypes: [Thaumaturge, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, RedMage, BlueMage], BaseCastTime: 00:01:30, Icon: 861, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:30, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 8, Job: 255, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x6B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC2804B0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 7561, Name: Swiftcast, LocalizedName: 即刻咏唱, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 幻术师 咒术师 白魔法师 黑魔法师 秘术师 召唤师 学者 占星术士 赤魔法师 青魔法师, JobTypes: [Conjurer, Thaumaturge, WhiteMage, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, Astrologian, RedMage, BlueMage], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 866, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 18, Job: 255, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x35000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2313720 }
      SpellData: { Id: 7562, Name: Lucid Dreaming, LocalizedName: 醒梦, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 幻术师 咒术师 白魔法师 黑魔法师 秘术师 召唤师 学者 占星术士 赤魔法师 青魔法师, JobTypes: [Conjurer, Thaumaturge, WhiteMage, BlackMage, Arcanist, Summoner, Scholar, Astrologian, RedMage, BlueMage], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 865, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 24, Job: 255, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xAA000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC2809F0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 7568, Name: Esuna, LocalizedName: 康复, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 幻术师 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [Conjurer, WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:00.9820000, Icon: 884, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 10, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xE9000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC281DD0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 7571, Name: Rescue, LocalizedName: 营救, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 幻术师 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [Conjurer, WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:02:30, Icon: 890, AdjustedCooldown: 00:02:30, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 48, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0AC2827F0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 8904, Name: Physick, LocalizedName: 医术, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.4000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.4730000, Icon: 9282, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.3560000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB7000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B239D8D0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 8905, Name: Adloquium, LocalizedName: 鼓舞激励之策, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 1000, Cost: 1000, CostType: 51, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.4000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.4730000, Icon: 9283, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.3560000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x58000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2370650 }
      SpellData: { Id: 8909, Name: Lustrate, LocalizedName: 生命活性法, SpellType: Ability, BaseCost: 1, Cost: 1, CostType: 30, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:01, Icon: 9287, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x53000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B23706C0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 9622, Name: Chain Stratagem, LocalizedName: 连环计, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 9284, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x25000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B237D5B0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16230, Name: Physick, LocalizedName: 医术, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.4730000, Icon: 518, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 4, Job: Arcanist, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB7000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B259D7D0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16508, Name: Energy Drain, LocalizedName: 能量吸收, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 514, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 18, Job: Arcanist, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x26000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B8540 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16509, Name: Egi Assault, LocalizedName: 灵攻I, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 2695, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 2, Charges: 2, LevelAcquired: 10, Job: Arcanist, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xEF000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25A11F0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16512, Name: Egi Assault II, LocalizedName: 灵攻II, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 2696, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 2, Charges: 2, LevelAcquired: 40, Job: Arcanist, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x97000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25A1010 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16520, Name: Glittering Topaz, LocalizedName: 黄宝石之辉, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], Icon: 555, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 10, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x5D000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B6B70 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16521, Name: Glittering Emerald, LocalizedName: 绿宝石之辉, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], Icon: 565, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 40, Job: 255, Radius: 5, Range: 25, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 5, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x5D000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B7040 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16537, Name: Whispering Dawn, LocalizedName: 仙光的低语, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 2852, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 20, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x73000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B7C80 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16538, Name: Fey Illumination, LocalizedName: 异想的幻光, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:02:00, Icon: 2853, AdjustedCooldown: 00:02:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 40, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xFF000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B8000 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16539, Name: Art of War, LocalizedName: 破阵法, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 6, Cost: 600, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 2819, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 46, Job: Scholar, Radius: 5, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 5, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x63000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25B6BE0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16560, Name: Repose, LocalizedName: 沉静, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 6, Cost: 600, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 幻术师 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [Conjurer, WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 891, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 8, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xAF000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25A0E90 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16791, Name: Assault I: Glittering Topaz, LocalizedName: 灵攻I:黄宝石之辉, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 556, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 2, Charges: 2, LevelAcquired: 10, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x5D000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CB0690 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16792, Name: Assault II: Shining Topaz, LocalizedName: 灵攻II:黄宝石之光, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 557, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 2, Charges: 2, LevelAcquired: 40, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1F000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CAF590 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16793, Name: Assault I: Downburst, LocalizedName: 灵攻I:下行突风, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 566, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 2, Charges: 2, LevelAcquired: 10, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xA4000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25BAED0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 16794, Name: Assault II: Glittering Emerald, LocalizedName: 灵攻II:绿宝石之辉, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 秘术师 召唤师, JobTypes: [Arcanist, Summoner], BaseCastTime: 00:00:30, Icon: 567, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:30, MaxCharges: 2, Charges: 2, LevelAcquired: 40, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x5D000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B1CAFE90 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17215, Name: Summon Eos, LocalizedName: 朝日召唤, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 2, Cost: 200, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 2823, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 4, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xE8000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25C1FB0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17216, Name: Summon Selene, LocalizedName: 夕月召唤, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 2, Cost: 200, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 2824, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 4, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x28000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25C1290 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17688, Name: Rescue, LocalizedName: 营救, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:00:45, Icon: 9294, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:45, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FCC40 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17689, Name: Attunement, LocalizedName: 平衡, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 9113, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: 255, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xEB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FC940 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17690, Name: Repose, LocalizedName: 沉静, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:00:45, Icon: 9339, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:45, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: 255, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xAF000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FD000 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17795, Name: Broil III, LocalizedName: 死炎法, SpellType: Spell, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.4000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:01.4730000, Icon: 9389, BaseCooldown: 00:00:01.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.3560000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x9B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B26240E0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17796, Name: Biolysis, LocalizedName: 蛊毒法, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 1000, Cost: 1000, CostType: 51, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.4000000, Icon: 9390, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.3560000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xCB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2623660 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17797, Name: Aura Blast, LocalizedName: 生命波动法, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:45, Icon: 9104, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:45, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, Radius: 5, RawCastType: 2, EffectRange: 5, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x2B000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2623190 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17798, Name: Summon Seraph, LocalizedName: 炽天召唤, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:01:00, Icon: 9387, AdjustedCooldown: 00:01:00, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x68000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2623270 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17832, Name: Protect, LocalizedName: 护盾, SpellType: Ability, Affinity: 白魔法师 学者 占星术士, JobTypes: [WhiteMage, Scholar, Astrologian], BaseCastTime: 00:00:45, Icon: 9208, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:45, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: 255, Range: 30, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x54000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FECE0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17864, Name: Bio, LocalizedName: 毒菌, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 503, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 2, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x92000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FF2E0 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17865, Name: Bio II, LocalizedName: 猛毒菌, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 504, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 26, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x52000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2626370 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17869, Name: Ruin, LocalizedName: 毁灭, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCastTime: 00:00:02.4550000, Icon: 501, BaseCooldown: 00:00:02.5000000, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 1, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xB000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FDE40 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17870, Name: Ruin II, LocalizedName: 毁坏, SpellType: Spell, BaseCost: 4, Cost: 400, CostType: Mp, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:02.5000000, Icon: 502, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:02.4550000, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, LevelAcquired: 38, Job: Scholar, Range: 25, RawCastType: 1, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x19000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B25FE500 }
      SpellData: { Id: 17990, Name: Dissipation, LocalizedName: 转化, SpellType: Ability, BaseCost: 50, Cost: 50, CostType: 46, Affinity: 学者, JobTypes: [Scholar], BaseCastTime: 00:00:01, Icon: 9466, AdjustedCooldown: 00:00:01, MaxCharges: 1, Charges: 1, Job: Scholar, RawCastType: 1, IsPvP: True, IsPlayerAction: True, IsValid: True, VTable: 0xAA000038, Pointer: 0x1F0B2600660 }
    10. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      I mean i guess everything is working correctly.

      It's not great design because of multiple spells named the same thing, so i suggest using the spell id to check if you have broil3 instead since the pvp and nonpvp have different spell ids.
    11. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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      mastahg likes this.
    12. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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    13. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Thanks for the heads up.
    14. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Working on the update now.
    15. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Offsets updated, should be good to go.
    16. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      What version doesn't it happen on? 381 only changed gatheringwindow logic. And is that when crafting the ixali stuff? If that recipe is already active for some reason the game reports it as not active.
    17. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      I'll take a look, thanks for the report. The log isn't very useful sadly.
    18. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Can you try reproducing this with a profile that crafts low level items? If you can that would be a huge help. I don't do much crafting my self.
    19. 钱浩然爸爸

      钱浩然爸爸 Member

      Aug 27, 2017
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      Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
    20. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Version 382
      Updated for version 5.1
      I've synched code to the global rb version as well. Please let me know if you continue to have issues crafting. If the issue persists if you could share a simple profile that crafts something low level it would be extremely helpful.

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