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    Discussion in 'Combat Routines' started by kaihaider, Nov 4, 2014.

    1. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      Well, let me give you a new example, as I just noticed it doing it again, I'm pretty sure the issue is it saying "Moving to next hop".

      This is the snippet in question, taken right out of the full log.

      [13:09:37.862 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
      [13:09:38.162 D] Targeting Snipper 0x4000D9FD 0x1474D130
      [13:09:40.262 N] [RebornCo] Movement problem detected, switching to mesh.
      [13:09:40.262 N] [RebornCo] Stop Moving
      [13:09:40.829 D] Requesting path on 137 from <392.3629, 19.60783, 689.2256> to <404.1962, 16.31895, 691.5541>
      [13:09:40.890 D] Generated path to <404.1962, 16.31895, 691.5541> in 00:00:00.0602409 ms
      [13:09:44.693 D] Moving to next hop: <405.5613, 15.49404, 676.0105> () D: 4.226456
      [13:09:45.693 D] Moving to next hop: <406.6663, 15.43562, 676.2712> () D: 0.7216936
      [13:09:46.627 D] Moving to next hop: <410.2041, 15.32464, 677.4221> () D: 3.923743
      [13:09:51.165 D] Moving to next hop: <410.8792, 15.30204, 677.6452> () D: 1.383557
      [13:09:51.627 D] Moving to next hop: <412.6468, 15.27392, 678.8197> () D: 1.912175
      [13:09:55.094 D] Moving to next hop: <413.0971, 15.27972, 679.3937> () D: 0.5470611
      [13:09:56.028 D] Moving to next hop: <414.2705, 15.30812, 681.7365> () D: 2.102218
      [13:09:56.528 D] Moving to next hop: <414.3851, 15.4165, 685.4303> () D: 4.026206
      [13:09:57.962 D] Moving to next hop: <414.1402, 15.43156, 685.4299> () D: 0.4348735
      [13:09:58.930 D] Moving to next hop: <415.3354, 15.39222, 687.8716> () D: 2.672699
      [13:09:59.394 D] Moving to next hop: <415.4049, 15.44287, 691.129> () D: 3.807674
      [13:10:00.294 D] Requesting path on 137 from <415.1124, 15.41457, 692.603> to <402.3757, 17.55307, 690.0515>
      [13:10:00.382 D] Generated path to <402.3757, 17.55307, 690.0515> in 00:00:00.0885648 ms
      [13:10:01.594 D] Requesting path on 137 from <413.511, 15.52803, 690.401> to <400.4739, 16.73548, 688.4548>
      [13:10:01.775 D] Generated path to <400.4739, 16.73548, 688.4548> in 00:00:00.1814103 ms
      [13:10:02.961 D] Requesting path on 137 from <412.183, 15.43565, 682.3081> to <398.2585, 16.79733, 686.5967>
      [13:10:03.012 D] Generated path to <398.2585, 16.79733, 686.5967> in 00:00:00.0517420 ms
      [13:10:04.261 D] Requesting path on 137 from <407.7592, 15.33882, 676.4708> to <396.2587, 16.90435, 684.9337>
      [13:10:04.315 D] Generated path to <396.2587, 16.90435, 684.9337> in 00:00:00.0540741 ms
      [13:10:06.661 D] DoAction Spell 53 0x4000D9FD
      [13:10:06.728 N] [RebornCo] Casting Bootshine
      It's possible I'm wrong about the exact snippet, but it was AROUND this section, I stopped the bot immediately after I thought I should post a log :p

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    2. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      If it's during the moving to hop then that's botbase movement. Are you sure it doesn't happen on other crs? I looked into playermover and I don't think my setting it to slidemover should affect nav movements. It's possible that my pulses are too long but I noticed that problem before I added the combos and movement checks so I didn't have much in there...

      I also noticed the delayed movement at the end of the snippet because of the requesting path on the moving target.

      By 'doing it' I assume you mean the 'choppy movement' from your last post. But is that movement a back and forth movement, or a delayed movement? I still don't know if you're complaining about the hops with the former or path requests with the latter. Sorry it's hard for me to make sense of vector coords like that so I can't tell if you had trouble during the hops:S
    3. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      In contrast, using OrderBot scripts can result in a far less profound but similar effect. -- The effect (or "doing it" like i said >.>) is it doing a full 180 degree turn, retracing the same ~3 step distance, and then repeating this process anywhere from like 1-15 times. I mean, it looks like super bot-ish behavior. It seems like sometimes it is having an issue deciding which is the most effective way to get to its target location, then decides to go try the other way, recalculates and decides the other way is more effective, or something along those lines. It's like a GPS that can't make up its mind on the more effective route, of course this is just speculation.

      I also noticed that it often tries to cast Protect as a buff twice in a row, my guess is because of the cast time it initiates the next cast because by the time it starts casting it still hasn't received the buff.

      Hopefully this was at least a little helpful, I'll try to watch more carefully and make sure what the log is saying when it's doing this a little later. Hurrah!

      Edit: I'm going to give Kupo a test real fast and try to observe its behavior. I never even tried it because I had read the introductory guide that immediately suggested Magitek, I'll compair my findings with Kupo to RebornCo and see if I'm still having the same issue. :)

      MOAR EDIT: I tested with kupo for a bit, I didn't experience the FPS lag, or the previously mentioned issues with the movement.. However, of course, it also doesn't dodge, buff, heal, etc! :p
      Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    4. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      From what you're describing, it's the hop movement. Most of the time this is caused by the nav movement's need to confirm you've reached each hop. If your ticks are so slow that you enter and leave the hop point before it sees that you even reached the hop point, then it will send another movement request to move to the missed hop point. It would be nice if you could skip a hop point but this would often result in you attempting to travel to the next hop before clearing obstacles and getting stuck. If this is a problem unique to my cr, then I could deactivate my pulse while not in pull/combat/heal.

      I've also seen it have the other problem you're describing where it changes which direction to run around an obstacle, weird but I've only seen it a couple times.

      I actually just fixed the protect buff problem and it will be working as intended next release (I only just made a conjurer.) If the cast uses a buff check then I need to blacklist it until 3 seconds after the cast finishes. Aura data is a little laggy >_>

      I know the fps lag must be linked to some call I'm making a lot of. I have a crap ton and a half more calls made every tick than kupo. Probably just need to find out what it is, maybe cache the results.
      Are the movement problems you're describing common? I've only seen them a few times and they seem to be in the same areas
      Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    5. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      Yes, Very common. I think it averages at least once per FATE. XD
    6. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      wow, I haven't seen it in the past week. Do you mind doing some testing for me?

      I'll send you a version with my out of combat pulses turned off tomorrow, hopefully that will fix it.
    7. Tinytox

      Tinytox Member

      Nov 5, 2014
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      Cool, thanks, I'll give it a try :)
    8. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Does anyone else have consistent moving to hop problems and are will to help me test?

      I can't reproduce the issue...
    9. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      New version out, I need testers for movement/fps freezes(mid combat, not during movement or target change)/anything.

      I can't reproduce the bugs so I really need some help.
      I still haven't gotten any feedback from the test versions I sent Tinytox.

      edit: just noticed a bug in my party buff code - protect
      I also somehow put leg sweep in my monk/pug rotations, I'll fix both of these and update them tonight

      edit edit: fixed with some more efficiency changes.

      edit edit edit: i screwed something up in 2.2
      Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
    10. Sc4res

      Sc4res New Member

      Jan 5, 2014
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      I am new to this and my english is not the best but I will try my best to report bugs I find to help you improve this
    11. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Thank you so much!
      I desperately need feedback and testers T_T

      I'm hoping to get all of the routine's core handling running smoothly before working on rotations and extra features (since each new approach often requires a rewrite of my rotation's syntax,) but it's pretty slow going when I only have sporadic feedback to identify and isolate what's wrong. It's always ran smoothly and quickly for me but a couple testers have reported fps/movement slowdowns...
    12. Sc4res

      Sc4res New Member

      Jan 5, 2014
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      I like dat it doges =) and it seems like my lancer stops atackin sometimes and is just standing around while getting atacked
    13. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      are you sure it didn't stop attacking because of a status effect or because it was changing targets?
      Please post a full log for me: with the bug happening at the end or please give me a time.
      How long did it stop attacking for?

      thanks ^_^

      edit: this version has a rare Ninjutsu bug where doaction fails, I'll throw in a check for it and hopefully that will fix that problem. I haven't been lucky enough to see a rotation freeze though :(
      edit edit:the removal of my doaction's consistency check is also causing a priority failure. testing a workaround now
      edit edit edit: I also forgot to flip the combat buffs gcd check when I pulled it out of the conditions.
      These bugs would not affect a rotation freeze so I still really need a log of when it stops attacking.
      Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
    14. Sc4res

      Sc4res New Member

      Jan 5, 2014
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      Could not reproduce the bug but when it happens again i will send you the log i had the problem 2-3 times with lancer lvl 5-15. And what I wanted to ask is if you want to support dogin from the round circles becaus it only doges the cone ones and if yes how can i help?
    15. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Log would be great. I'll take a look in my code and see if it could have been a low lvl combo system bug.

      i'm planning to work on those aoes after I get my core working smoothly and then add the other classes. If you'ld like to help me prepare, it would be awesome if you look at their spell ids and tell me which one's I don't have added yet. ^_^

      i was thinking of changing my narrow frontal list into stip/cone & short/long but not sure if it's worth the trouble to treat strips/cones differently.
    16. Sc4res

      Sc4res New Member

      Jan 5, 2014
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      Ok sure would like to support you with spell id´s just tell me how i get them and i will collect them
    17. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      my cr has a setting for ShowSpellIds that's on by default. Or you can post this in another cr's pulse:
      [COLOR=#333333]if ((Core.Me.CurrentTarget as BattleCharacter) != null && (Core.Me.CurrentTarget as BattleCharacter).IsCasting && (Core.Me.CurrentTarget as BattleCharacter).SpellCastInfo !=null)
      [/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]                Logging.Write("[Spell Id] "+(Core.Me.CurrentTarget as BattleCharacter).SpellCastInfo.Name +" Spell ID " + (Core.Me.CurrentTarget as BattleCharacter).SpellCastInfo.ActionId);[/COLOR]
      That will post both the spell name and the id into your log. You can make sure the name's the same as what they're casting to check you're grabbing the right one and then copy paste it into notepad or something.

      You would be the first person to actually give me a spell id ^_^

      edit: All I need is the spell id and what category it should belong in.
      edit edit: there's a new epic plugin to help with this
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
    18. Sc4res

      Sc4res New Member

      Jan 5, 2014
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      I like dat you use Doge and want to get this as good as possible so sure why not support u =) and it is a little bit sad that there are not more people to support you finding spell id's to improve your function (sry 4 my bad english^^)
    19. lordofthereef

      lordofthereef New Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      Attaching some logs as per your request! Didn't have too much time to actually look at rotations, but everything seemed to work. MNK died because he is way undergeared lol.

      Attached Files:

      • DRG.txt
        File size:
        60.5 KB
      • MNK.txt
        File size:
        40.4 KB
      • WHM.txt
        File size:
        76.4 KB
    20. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      thanks, I'm always looking for more testers

      Even if everything appears fine, my debug writes can show me if something subtle is wrong with my spell handling. I often find errors in other's logs while they do not appear in my own. I actually found a couple small bugs in the logs you uploaded. new beta has the fixes.

      Although I really wish I could get some more logs of fps freezes or combat halting.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2014

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