You dont ever visit 4chan? Haha can't believe you actually replied to that XD That whole "i hate each and every one of you" with exactly that picture is a pure copypasta thats been around the intrawebz for ages. (copypasta means it's a copy + paste story for you newfags...) This troll thread is amazing. I wonder when bossland falls victim.
All I can say is CLICK THIS LING AND SROLL DOWN XD: Even the text is copy paste.
EDIT: Look at the website here, I have uploaded the image:
Glad I saw this thread considering I live about 6 minutes from where the video in Richmond, va was shot and had no clue it happened.
Uh... ehm... Why nobody posted THIS: The UFOs on NY were balloons from a promo campaign.
Inform yourself otherwise you just blame yourself with stupidity, if you haven't got any knowledge, well no problem, inform yourself and get a basis and THEN come back and we can discuss..just trolling arround only shows how ignorant you are - nothing more, nothing less. Several governments all over the world have officially released their ufo documents they kept over many many years. The british government: The french government: The brazil government: The mexican government / department of defense: The canadian government: To clarify things..UFO doesn't directly mean alien spacecraft, most of the sightings can be explained as know aircrafts, fakes, balloons whatever..but some can not. All i want you to do is, to not laugh about this topic - it is serious and always has been and there are a lot of very very interesting government writings / texts / military reports / photos / videos that clearly show that this topic is taken seriously.
Those sightings are reports that someone has seen them, it does not in any way show and form of factual basis that they are real, those reports are simply what someone has observed, none providing any evidence of extraterrestrial life.
There is plenty of evidence and unexplained things about extraterrestrial life, It's just that It's too in front of people. As example, the Egyptian Faraoh's put there just born children a wrap around their head so it would go in a shape of a egg. lol, ok. That sounds funny, anyhow. They did it because they wanted to be the ones they worshipped to... now now, who did they worship to? The ancient egyptian hieroglyph's have alien ships, alien pictures, well. Alot of crazy stuff that havent been shown on TV or anything. Now, why is that? Why did china's government say that "We we're experimenting a new technology" Last time a space ship hoovered over that city last week? There's some info atleast. No wait, now some science guy comes here and says that "Some weed guy prolly re-painted the hieroglyph's" or something lol. For example, the hieroglyph's are unexplainable. And, the video i posted about the Starchild DNA results 2010. It proves that the evolution theory is bullcrap. And just to add, there still should be human/monkey hybrids. That is inevitable... Why would the monkey's evolution stop suddenly? The evolution theory scientists bagged themselves really. Me myself, I havent evoluted from a monkey but those that want to be, sure. Go ahead, Banana?
5/5! There are definitely a lot of strange things that haven't or can not be explained right now..with what we are calling science. For example: