did hawker make a release i am unaware of ? or you guys still talking about the same version that he stated didnt pick up nodes
[10:24:03 AM:801]:Character is a level 80 Horde HUNTER. [10:24:03 AM:815]:Character will harvest herbs. [10:24:03 AM:819]:Character will gather ores and gems. [10:24:03 AM:823]:Combat range is 5 yards. [10:24:03 AM:831]:Character will not do repair runs. [10:24:03 AM:834]:Character will harvest with resurrection sickness. [10:24:03 AM:838]:Character will exit if inventory full. [10:24:03 AM:843]:Will exit in 8 hours. [10:24:03 AM:857]:Current zone is: Mount Hyjal. [10:24:03 AM:863]:ZoneId is 616. [10:24:03 AM:866]:Harvest count reset to Zero. [10:24:03 AM:887]:95 nodes in built in blacklist. [10:24:03 AM:889]:There is no local badNodes.xml file yet. [10:24:04 AM:743]atrolling...my hyjal [10:24:04 AM:759]atrol: Ascent needed. [10:24:05 AM:766]atrol: Ascent complete. [10:24:05 AM:793]atrol2Invalid ExecutorRand Injector used in extension method.
Disabling Teamspeak v6 solved all my problems with mounting! What the hell did the Teamspeak devs? Harvesting Herbs works fine. I hope the vein-fixed version comes out early....
@ Hawker, read the 2 threads below: ore: Mineral Veins - Objects - World of Warcraft herbs: Herbs - Objects - World of Warcraft Obsidium Deposit -- Shimmering Expanse, Abyssal Depths, Kelp'thar Forest 425 Rich Obsidium Deposit -- Deepholm 450 Elementium Vein -- Twilight Highlands, Deepholm 475 Rich Elementium Vein -- Twilight Highlands 500 Pyrite Deposit -- Twilight Highlands 525 Rich Pyrite Deposit -- 525 Herbs: Azshara's Veil -- Kelp'thar Forest, Shimmering Expanse 425 Cinderbloom -- Uldum 425 Stormvine -- Shimmering Expanse, Abyssal Depths, Kelp'thar Forest 425 Heartblossom -- Deepholm 475 Whiptail -- Uldum 500 Twilight Jasmine -- Twilight Highlands 525
well hawker said few minutes =/ but people kept complaining about unneeded crap (guildbank) Atm what is needed is Something to FARM it. can worry about mail later. lol
Do you use teamviewer? If so the 6.x beta version of Teamviewer gets in the way of GB's sending keystrokes to wow.
Can someone tell me what this means? :[1:44:54 AM:281]:Gatherbuddy - System information. [1:44:54 AM:285]latform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0. [1:44:54 AM:289]:Gatherbuddy executable: C:\Users\"Desktop"\Desktop\New folder (3)\Gatherbuddy.exe [1:44:54 AM:304]:WoW Process with ID 5272 is free. [1:44:54 AM:387]:Cannot find fasm_managed.dll: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller at System.Diagnostics.Process.SetPrivilege(String privilegeName, Int32 attrib) at System.Diagnostics.Process.EnterDebugMode() at b3.e(Int32 A_0) at b3..ctor(Int32 A_0) at c.a(Int32 A_0) [1:44:54 AM:399]:Init: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at c.b() at ci.b(Int32 A_0) [1:44:54 AM:406]:Cannot start - reinstall Gatherbuddy."