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  • [Release] RebornBuddy64 Version 1.0.424 - DirectX11 / x64 bit compatible

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by mastahg, Feb 29, 2016.

    1. pookabunny

      pookabunny New Member

      Sep 23, 2015
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    2. Mystic

      Mystic Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      Try on Kupo alone and post that log. Also on THAT profile... Try to kill the 1st mob yourself. Sometimes that let it resume after the 1st mob set was killed (The trio set of mobs)
    3. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Build 84
      Simply duty tag should now once again reattempt a failed duty.
    4. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Version 87
      This version marks the start of overhauling the questing system in rebornbuddy.
      The following changes have been made:
      EmoteNpc,UseObject, and UseItem tags have had their movement logic cleaned up.
      PickupQuest tag now better handles skipping cutscenes, it will no longer interact with the target after the cutscene has ended causing a SelectString window to appear
      GetTo tag introduced
      This tag will handle getting you from point A on map X to point B on map Y. 
      Currently it knows how to use zone transitions, aetherytes and aethernets. 
      It is very aggressive in obtaining new aethernets and aetherytes.
      Chaining getto's together in profiles is not recommended as the tag makes several requests to the nav server. You should GetTo then moveto/nocombatmoveto. Using getto and then following up with an interaction tag and then another getto should be fine.
      Known Issues:
      Using npc transports is not yet supported.
      All zonetransitions are assumed to be unlocked, this is not the case in some heavensward zones.
      Getting to housing zones is not supported.
      Path is not recalculated after picking up a new aetheryte/aethernet while running, but will be at the next getto tag.
      Please create a thread in the support section with a log attached if you have a problem with the getto tag.

      Also, I'm clarifying the license on all included quest behaviors, they are licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
      — CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
      ) The same as honorbuddy's.
    5. tuie

      tuie New Member

      Dec 6, 2015
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      I updated my rebornbuddy64 and my key becomes invalid??

      3 hours ago it was still available ,anybody meets the same situation?
    6. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Make sure you didn't accidentally hit an extra key. Otherwise youll need to send an email to support@thebuddyforum.com for all key related issues.
    7. ShakinBacon

      ShakinBacon New Member

      Aug 1, 2015
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      Since the update, the game client becomes choppy and unresponsive for three seconds every five seconds, and the bot becomes unsuable. Is there a rebornbuddy issue?
    8. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
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      Post a log.
      y2krazy likes this.
    9. MrFish

      MrFish New Member

      Nov 15, 2015
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      View attachment 244796 2016-10-14 16.03.zip
      [22:20:17.214 N] BehaviorDirectory element found, compiling custom behaviors...
      [22:20:21.182 N] Loaded profile PorciniSaltPipiraBlueScrips
      [22:20:24.325 N] BehaviorDirectory element found, compiling custom behaviors...
      [22:20:25.175 N] Loaded profile PorciniSaltPipiraBlueScrips
      [22:20:25.175 N] Bot Thread Started.
      [22:20:25.308 N] Connection to established.
      [22:20:25.308 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] b59e2a66-5afc-4ea4-8a32-e68a83390509
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 3f9ceb77-9566-4159-ba9c-1c191ff09f33
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 8042eb86-458d-4757-b2c7-b1e8fd6d2f6e
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] a94a5951-aa8d-4741-866f-c2fa6b00a477
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 3f281a1f-964d-4f77-874f-2f16dd626755
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 56c51ea9-2695-4058-8072-bca998056c0f
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [TreeStart] 323edee8-1954-46d2-b032-68bbf3890e03
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [PoiAction] 80283dd4-1591-4199-8358-67d95c89d9cb
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] ccdb21ac-3f38-472f-88f4-00a2979ea036
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [HotspotPoi] 7fa82f2c-2ea9-43dc-8f2c-c5b8894ca599
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [SetDeathPoi] 8f16b7e7-0fe8-47b5-9d4f-13301a9f7bd4
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [SetCombatPoi] 077d9c3c-e368-4e46-941f-40cee78d75dd
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [SetHotspotPoi] 1dd91737-c5a5-4341-8ab3-6958901451f0
      [22:20:25.308 D] Added new hook [SelectPoiType] 0e0352dd-a09d-46d4-9750-c6bb5405464e
      [22:20:25.308 D] Replaced hook [SelectPoiType] 3f91d6b0-e4bb-4d47-a130-36c1e3523255
      [22:20:25.308 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 10bf8dec-7452-4a2b-8005-0ee4ba32da70
      [22:20:25.308 N] [Agil] Please enter your key on Agil's settings.
      [22:20:25.308 D] Inserted new hook [TreeStart @0] 98b9c10b-2c40-4a82-9ff2-cb0a3d299492
      [22:20:25.308 N] [Agil] Hooked.
      [22:20:25.337 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to StopCrafting: IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 227, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
      [22:20:25.337 D] Removed all hooks from [HighPriorityProfileOrderBehavior_Hook]
      [22:20:25.337 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 78ef8f96-42bf-4249-808e-f9a8b6b034e6
      [22:20:25.337 V] [FlightNav] Replacing Navigator with Flight Navigator.
      [22:20:25.337 N] [EnableFlight] Started Flight Navigator.
      [22:20:25.377 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to StopCrafting: IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 230, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
      [22:20:25.377 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 9eb7888a-0a6f-4e03-9595-e5d461da8358
      [22:20:25.381 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExLogTag LineNumber:233.
      [22:20:25.381 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 7cd06117-edb1-4782-af80-a36390e21710
      [22:20:25.382 N] [ExLog] [BTN] Snorlax ~ Destination ----> Eil Tohm
      [22:20:25.423 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to TeleportTo: ZoneId: 0, AetheryteId: 78, Name: Moghome, Force: False, Aetheryte: null, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 235, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, .
      [22:20:25.423 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] a9cf3e8b-e4e0-4913-8a08-a04e5d348c2a
      [22:20:25.687 D] Teleporting to Moghome
      [22:20:32.990 N] [FlightMover] Set default value for flying to false until we can determine if we can fly in this zone.
      [22:20:36.605 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to RunCode: Name: BTN, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 237, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
      [22:20:36.605 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b9fc03b9-3058-4115-ba05-a1221346b6d4
      [22:20:37.089 N] Building Actioncache
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Sprint Action Id:3
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Triangulate Action Id:210
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Arbor Call Action Id:211
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Stealth Action Id:212
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Preparation Action Id:213
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Toil of the Pioneer Action Id:214
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Ageless Words Action Id:215
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Brunt Force Action Id:216
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Nophica's Ward Action Id:217
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Field Mastery Action Id:218
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Field Mastery II Action Id:220
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Truth of Forests Action Id:221
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Blessed Harvest Action Id:222
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Blessed Harvest II Action Id:224
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Leaf Turn Action Id:225
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Leaf Turn II Action Id:226
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Menphina's Ward Action Id:236
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Arbor Call II Action Id:290
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Llymlaen's Ward Action Id:292
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Field Mastery III Action Id:294
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Flora Mastery Action Id:4086
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Bountiful Harvest Action Id:4087
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Collector's Glove Action Id:4088
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Methodical Appraisal Action Id:4089
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Instinctual Appraisal Action Id:4090
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Impulsive Appraisal Action Id:4091
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Discerning Eye Action Id:4092
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Utmost Caution Action Id:4093
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Deep Breath Action Id:4094
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Luck of the Pioneer Action Id:4095
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Prune Action Id:4096
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Single Mind Action Id:4098
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Last Ditch Action Id:4099
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Thaliak's Ward Action Id:293
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Byregot's Ward Action Id:219
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Nald'thal's Ward Action Id:234
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Lay of the Land II Action Id:291
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Truth of Mountains Action Id:238
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Prospect Action Id:227
      [22:20:37.091 N] Action Name:Lay of the Land Action Id:228
      [22:20:37.091 N] Done building Actioncache
      [22:20:39.672 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExMoveToTag: { Location: <292.2472, 82.39008, 521.7303>, LineNumber: 238 }.
      [22:20:39.672 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] b971eacc-2d33-4682-9066-d83c0566715a
      [22:20:39.672 D] DoAction Mount 45 0xE0000000
      [22:20:41.638 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <266.0443, -42.25103, 603.6507> to <292.2472, 82.39008, 521.7303>
      [22:20:41.642 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      [22:20:41.647 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <292.2472, 82.39008, 521.7303> using 28 hops in 00:00:00.0088879 ms
      [22:20:41.648 N] [FlightMover] Started Takeoff Task
      [22:20:41.648 V] [FlightMover] Created new Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:20:41.648 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:20:42.254 N] [FlightMover] Takeoff took 00:00:00.6060336 ms or less
      [22:20:42.823 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <267.9853, -29.05135, 597.5825> D: 7.979702
      [22:20:43.188 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <268.9557, -22.51866, 594.5484> D: 8.010839
      [22:20:43.555 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <269.9262, -16.06553, 591.5143> D: 7.865102
      [22:20:43.922 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <270.8967, -9.716803, 588.4802> D: 7.644893
      [22:20:44.288 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <271.8672, -3.495902, 585.4462> D: 7.301883
      [22:20:44.622 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <272.8376, 2.575467, 582.412> D: 7.492163
      [22:20:44.988 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <273.8081, 8.477633, 579.378> D: 6.859966
      [22:20:45.322 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <274.7786, 14.1932, 576.3439> D: 6.737701
      [22:20:45.623 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <275.7491, 19.70731, 573.3098> D: 7.108139
      [22:20:45.956 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <276.7196, 25.00783, 570.2757> D: 6.62046
      [22:20:46.256 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <277.69, 30.08549, 567.2416> D: 6.585875
      [22:20:46.556 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <277.9343, 49.69172, 566.4781> *D* D: 20.15895
      [22:20:47.556 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <277.8391, 64.34897, 566.7756> *D* D: 14.81616
      [22:20:48.290 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <279.7602, 66.75445, 560.7695> D: 6.802929
      [22:20:48.602 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <280.7207, 67.95719, 557.7665> D: 4.173868
      [22:20:51.156 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <281.6813, 69.15993, 554.7635> D: 2.860921
      [22:20:51.289 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <282.6418, 70.36267, 551.7605> D: 3.563866
      [22:20:51.457 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <283.6024, 71.56541, 548.7574> D: 3.609104
      [22:20:51.623 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <284.5629, 72.76816, 545.7545> D: 3.645743
      [22:20:51.789 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <285.5234, 73.97089, 542.7514> D: 3.689203
      [22:20:51.989 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <286.4839, 75.17364, 539.7484> D: 3.064691
      [22:20:52.123 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <287.4445, 76.37638, 536.7454> D: 3.764591
      [22:20:52.290 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <288.405, 77.57912, 533.7424> D: 3.812899
      [22:20:53.356 N] [FlightNav] Collision detected! Generating new path!
      [22:20:53.390 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <293.3917, 83.82307, 518.1524> to <292.2472, 82.39008, 521.7303>
      [22:20:53.391 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <292.2472, 82.39008, 521.7303> using 2 hops in 00:00:00.0009806 ms
      [22:20:55.658 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExLogTag LineNumber:241.
      [22:20:55.658 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] f2de1818-0cfa-4e46-8e93-169608c76dec
      [22:20:55.658 N] [ExLog] [BTN] Camphorwood Branch(Eil Tohm) [START]
      [22:20:55.689 D] Added new hook [PoiAction] 97486d8b-3538-49dc-9517-5824d86a3982
      [22:20:55.689 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Using rotation -> RegularNode
      [22:20:55.691 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to ExGatherTag: { DiscoverUnknowns: True, GatherIncrease: Yield, GatherObjects: [Rocky Outcrop, Mineral Deposit, Lush Vegetation patch, Mature Tree], GatherSpots: [StealthApproachGatherSpot: { ReturnToStealthLocation: False, StealthLocation: <470.6837, 23.88359, 512.7332>, NodeLocation: <477.1408, 23.48306, 524.3116> }, IndirectApproachGatherSpot: { ApproachLocation: <599.6972, 20.34034, 491.4504>, ReturnToApproachLocation: False, NodeLocation: <594.189, 21.49491, 493.1122> }, StealthApproachGatherSpot: { ReturnToStealthLocation: False, StealthLocation: <590.2356, 21.26801, 479.5449>, NodeLocation: <574.4484, 23.32597, 461.3707> }, StealthApproachGatherSpot: { ReturnToStealthLocation: False, StealthLocation: <411.0842, 23.87378, 382.237>, NodeLocation: <424.3351, 25.21637, 388.3117> }, StealthApproachGatherSpot: { ReturnToStealthLocation: False, StealthLocation: <458.3395, 19.17876, 360.8439>, NodeLocation: <450.895, 19.94349, 356.9699> }], HotSpots: [<457.0232, 30, 518.3314> Radius:50, <589.5259, 30, 501.3627> Radius:50, <453.2689, 30, 364.8374> Radius:50], Items: [GatherItem: { Name: Camphorwood Branch }], While: ItemCount(14160) < 50, Name: Camphorwood Branch, LineNumber: 242 }.
      [22:20:55.691 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 3a0ecb65-f94c-469e-854f-dc3b28c949c9
      [22:20:55.692 D] DoAction Spell 221 0x106BA68A
      [22:20:55.692 N] [ExBuddy] Casted Aura -> Truth of Forests
      [22:20:56.990 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <293.0063, 83.34053, 519.3572> to <457.0232, 30, 518.3314>
      [22:20:56.991 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardRight
      [22:20:56.997 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <457.0232, 30, 518.3314> using 30 hops in 00:00:00.0070612 ms
      [22:21:01.040 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <314.994, 89.87298, 515.7701> *D* D: 16.89813
      [22:21:01.875 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <330.7955, 93.02943, 506.4854> *D* D: 18.81874
      [22:21:02.807 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <339.5008, 88.68257, 507.3023> D: 9.862463
      [22:21:03.291 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <343.8535, 86.50914, 507.7108> D: 5.069942
      [22:21:03.524 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <348.2062, 84.33571, 508.1193> D: 5.291537
      [22:21:03.758 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <352.5589, 82.16228, 508.5278> D: 5.506014
      [22:21:04.024 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <356.9116, 79.98885, 508.9362> D: 5.050654
      [22:21:04.260 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <361.2642, 77.81543, 509.3448> D: 5.271923
      [22:21:04.508 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <365.6169, 75.642, 509.7532> D: 5.153072
      [22:21:04.757 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <369.9696, 73.46857, 510.1617> D: 5.027205
      [22:21:04.990 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <374.3223, 71.29514, 510.5702> D: 5.24793
      [22:21:05.242 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <378.675, 69.12172, 510.9787> D: 5.124484
      [22:21:05.474 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <383.0276, 66.94829, 511.3872> D: 5.349213
      [22:21:05.724 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <387.3803, 64.77486, 511.7957> D: 5.219681
      [22:21:05.959 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <391.733, 62.60143, 512.2042> D: 5.439727
      [22:21:06.191 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <396.0857, 60.42801, 512.6126> D: 5.657631
      [22:21:06.458 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <400.4384, 58.25457, 513.0211> D: 5.205447
      [22:21:06.691 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <404.791, 56.08115, 513.4296> D: 5.420142
      [22:21:06.924 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <409.1437, 53.90771, 513.8381> D: 5.635068
      [22:21:07.208 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <413.4964, 51.73429, 514.2466> D: 4.852559
      [22:21:07.441 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <417.8491, 49.56086, 514.655> D: 5.069857
      [22:21:07.676 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <422.2018, 47.38742, 515.0635> D: 5.278867
      [22:21:07.908 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <426.5544, 45.214, 515.472> D: 5.496641
      [22:21:08.076 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Node set -> Mature Tree 0x246C5CF0
      [22:21:08.076 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Mature Tree, ObjectId: 400003D9, NpcId: 0, Location: <477.1166, 24.47419, 523.1007>
      [22:21:08.109 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] GatherSpot set -> StealthApproachGatherSpot: { ReturnToStealthLocation: False, StealthLocation: <470.6837, 23.88359, 512.7332>, NodeLocation: <477.1408, 23.48306, 524.3116> }
      [22:21:08.143 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <424.0314, 46.47383, 515.2353> to <470.6837, 23.88359, 512.7332>
      [22:21:08.148 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      [22:21:08.148 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <470.6837, 23.88359, 512.7332> using 12 hops in 00:00:00.0054539 ms
      [22:21:08.626 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <431.8068, 47.38072, 514.8183> (Stealth Location) D: 4.573603
      [22:21:08.858 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <435.6945, 47.43338, 514.6097> (Stealth Location) D: 4.369096
      [22:21:09.061 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <439.5822, 47.03577, 514.4012> (Stealth Location) D: 4.282434
      [22:21:09.258 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <443.4698, 46.08671, 514.1927> (Stealth Location) D: 4.283693
      [22:21:09.458 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <447.3575, 44.52258, 513.9843> (Stealth Location) D: 4.476699
      [22:21:09.659 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <451.2452, 42.32167, 513.7758> (Stealth Location) D: 4.943692
      [22:21:09.892 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <455.1329, 39.5057, 513.5673> (Stealth Location) D: 5.079103
      [22:21:10.126 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <459.0206, 36.13826, 513.3588> (Stealth Location) D: 5.560446
      [22:21:10.391 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <462.9083, 32.32057, 513.1502> (Stealth Location) D: 5.676198
      [22:21:10.659 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <466.796, 28.18449, 512.9417> (Stealth Location) D: 6.023898
      [22:21:10.924 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <470.6837, 24.88359, 512.7332> (Stealth Location) D: 5.792097
      [22:21:11.129 N] [FlightMover] Started Landing Task
      [22:21:11.361 N] [FlightMover] Landing took 00:00:00.2322240 ms
      [22:21:11.491 D] DoAction General 23 0xE0000000
      [22:21:12.253 D] DoAction Spell 212 0x106BA68A
      [22:21:12.253 N] [ExBuddy] Casted Aura -> Stealth
      [22:21:12.958 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <469.3362, 23.83568, 512.8055> to <477.1408, 23.48306, 524.3116>
      [22:21:12.959 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardRight
      [22:21:12.962 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <477.1408, 23.48306, 524.3116> using 5 hops in 00:00:00.0038957 ms
      [22:21:13.008 N] [FlightMover] Started Takeoff Task
      [22:21:13.008 V] [FlightMover] Created new Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:13.008 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:13.040 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
      [22:21:13.106 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:18.173 V] [FlightMover] Created new Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:18.173 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:18.309 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000
      [22:21:18.375 D] Requesting path on 400 from <469.3362, 23.83568, 512.8055> to <477.1408, 23.48306, 524.3116>
      [22:21:18.408 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:18.685 D] Generated path to <477.1408, 23.48306, 524.3116> in 00:00:00.3098881 ms
      [22:21:18.738 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:21:21.023 N] [FlightMover] Takeoff took 00:00:08.0151721 ms or less
      [22:21:21.492 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <472.458, 29.40097, 517.4079> (Mature Tree) D: 3.44729
      [22:21:21.659 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <474.019, 29.33045, 519.7092> (Mature Tree) D: 3.364979
      [22:21:21.809 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <475.5799, 27.0803, 522.0104> (Mature Tree) D: 3.860491
      [22:21:21.977 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <477.1408, 24.48306, 524.3116> (Mature Tree) D: 4.328693
      [22:21:22.192 N] [FlightMover] Started Landing Task
      [22:21:22.192 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Estimating rotation based off GatherIncrease: 'Yield'
      [22:21:22.192 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Rotation Estimate -> Old: RegularNode , New: SmartYield
      [22:21:23.348 N] [FlightMover] Landing took 00:00:01.1557755 ms
      [22:21:23.559 D] Interacting with Mature Tree 0x246C5CF0
      [22:21:24.825 V] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Started gathering from Mature Tree with 480/493 GP at 5:37 PM ET
      [22:21:24.825 V] Blacklisting 400003D9 for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Mature Tree 0x246C5CF0
      [22:21:27.444 N] Gathering ItemName:Camphorwood Branch Chance:87 HqChance:11 Amount:1 RawItemId:14160
      [22:21:42.578 V] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Finished gathering from Mature Tree with 493 GP at 5:43 PM ET
      [22:21:42.578 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Rotation reset -> RegularNode
      [22:21:42.581 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone
      [22:21:42.678 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Node set -> Mature Tree 0x246C52A0
      [22:21:42.678 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Mature Tree, ObjectId: 400003D8, NpcId: 0, Location: <479.0856, 23.36306, 550.9417>
      [22:21:42.679 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] GatherSpot set -> GatherSpot: { NodeLocation: <479.0856, 23.36306, 550.9417> }
      [22:21:42.744 D] DoAction Mount 45 0xE0000000
      [22:21:44.778 D] Requesting path on 400 from <475.8372, 23.31804, 521.7611> to <479.0856, 23.36306, 550.9417>
      [22:21:44.844 D] Generated path to <479.0856, 23.36306, 550.9417> in 00:00:00.0662650 ms
      [22:21:45.362 D] Moving to next hop: <480.294, 24.52824, 522.7853> (Mature Tree) D: 1.999336
      [22:21:45.494 D] Moving to next hop: <479.0856, 22.5614, 550.6853> (Mature Tree) D: 28.53422
      [22:21:48.360 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Estimating rotation based off GatherIncrease: 'Yield'
      [22:21:48.360 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Rotation Estimate -> Old: RegularNode , New: SmartYield
      [22:21:48.360 D] Interacting with Mature Tree 0x246C52A0
      [22:21:49.711 V] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Started gathering from Mature Tree with 493/493 GP at 5:45 PM ET
      [22:21:49.711 V] Blacklisting 400003D8 for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Mature Tree 0x246C52A0
      [22:21:50.078 N] Gathering ItemName:Camphorwood Branch Chance:97 HqChance:11 Amount:1 RawItemId:14160
      [22:22:01.528 V] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Finished gathering from Mature Tree with 493 GP at 5:50 PM ET
      [22:22:01.528 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Rotation reset -> RegularNode
      [22:22:01.528 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone
      [22:22:01.729 D] DoAction Mount 45 0xE0000000
      [22:22:03.695 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <479.1485, 22.69224, 548.0137> to <589.5259, 30, 501.3627>
      [22:22:03.699 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <589.5259, 30, 501.3627> using 21 hops in 00:00:00.0043019 ms
      [22:22:03.728 N] [FlightMover] Started Takeoff Task
      [22:22:03.728 V] [FlightMover] Created new Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:22:03.728 V] [FlightMover] Resumed Takeoff Coroutine
      [22:22:04.994 N] [FlightMover] Takeoff took 00:00:01.2647661 ms or less
      [22:22:05.145 N] [Agil] Logged in.
      [22:22:14.546 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <489.1828, 30.10865, 543.7727> D: 5.85477
      [22:22:14.813 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <494.2, 33.64468, 541.6522> D: 6.981866
      [22:22:15.146 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <499.2171, 36.97804, 539.5317> D: 6.703493
      [22:22:15.446 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <504.2343, 40.04763, 537.4112> D: 6.954788
      [22:22:20.081 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <509.2514, 42.79772, 535.2906> D: 6.401789
      [22:22:20.380 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <514.2686, 45.1791, 533.1702> D: 6.343786
      [22:22:20.680 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <519.2857, 47.15004, 531.0497> D: 6.13753
      [22:22:20.981 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <524.3029, 48.67719, 528.9292> D: 5.792404
      [22:22:21.247 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <529.3201, 49.73622, 526.8087> D: 6.006378
      [22:22:21.513 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <534.3372, 50.31233, 524.6882> D: 6.150591
      [22:22:21.813 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <539.3544, 50.40056, 522.5677> D: 5.596808
      [22:22:22.080 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <544.3715, 50.00587, 520.4472> D: 5.721355
      [22:22:22.347 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <549.3887, 49.14306, 518.3267> D: 5.904289
      [22:22:22.615 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <554.4058, 47.83646, 516.2062> D: 6.169158
      [22:22:22.897 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <559.423, 46.11942, 514.0857> D: 6.210114
      [22:22:23.198 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] Node set -> Mature Tree 0x246C5F00
      [22:22:23.198 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Mature Tree, ObjectId: 400003D7, NpcId: 0, Location: <594.189, 21.49491, 493.1122>
      [22:22:23.230 N] [ExGather v3.3.0.1607060] GatherSpot set -> IndirectApproachGatherSpot: { ApproachLocation: <599.6972, 20.34034, 491.4504>, ReturnToApproachLocation: False, NodeLocation: <594.189, 21.49491, 493.1122> }
      [22:22:23.265 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <558.6534, 46.37706, 514.4109> to <599.6972, 20.34034, 491.4504>
      [22:22:23.269 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      [22:22:23.270 N] [FlightNav] Generated path to <599.6972, 20.34034, 491.4504> using 12 hops in 00:00:00.0046908 ms
      [22:22:23.797 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <565.494, 42.03761, 510.5842> (Approach Location) D: 4.954678
      [22:22:24.030 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <568.9143, 39.86788, 508.6708> (Approach Location) D: 5.102205
      [22:22:24.265 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <572.3347, 37.69815, 506.7574> (Approach Location) D: 4.87208
      [22:22:24.497 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <575.755, 35.52843, 504.8441> (Approach Location) D: 4.730123
      [22:22:24.697 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <579.1753, 35.3801, 502.9307> (Approach Location) D: 4.587844
      [22:22:24.897 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <582.5956, 35.53696, 501.0173> (Approach Location) D: 4.501805
      [22:22:25.097 V] [FlightNav] Moving to next hop: <586.0159, 32.73404, 499.1039> (Approach Location) D: 5.229139
      [22:22:25.132 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.
      [22:22:25.164 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
      [22:22:25.164 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
      [22:22:25.164 N] Clearing all hooks.
      [22:22:25.164 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 1a7c8ea3-cbe9-47ea-a328-1573de4280c6
      [22:22:25.164 D] Replaced hook [Heal] c488a2a7-787b-42e3-832b-5a8164ce65f9
      [22:22:25.164 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 0f198c6e-073f-464c-8e0d-3897e918dfa4
      [22:22:25.164 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] 4ebe636e-2d69-449e-be3a-f1df4994381a
      [22:22:25.164 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 2116c533-e614-49dd-a20a-53fe5d548399
      [22:22:25.164 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 35f29868-336e-49fc-9ea1-fa183408f825
      [22:22:25.164 D] Added new hook [TreeStart] 323edee8-1954-46d2-b032-68bbf3890e03
      [22:22:25.164 D] Added new hook [PoiAction] 80283dd4-1591-4199-8358-67d95c89d9cb
      [22:22:25.164 D] Navigator.Clear()
      [22:22:25.164 D] OnStop event
      [22:22:25.164 D] OnStop Event Invoking
      [22:22:25.164 N] [EnableFlight] Stopped Flight Navigator.
      [22:22:25.164 V] [FlightNav] Putting original Navigator back!
      [22:22:25.164 N] [EnableFlight] Disposing the GaiaNavigator
      [22:22:25.164 N] Connection closed!
      [22:22:25.164 N] Bot Thread Ended.
      Theres a lot of lag between actions like taking off to fly to moving to new location its very laggy and i get the DC symbol every new action.

      [22:26:45.935 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to Craftaction id:100069 MinDelay:250 MaxDelay:500.
      [22:26:45.935 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] afb59f09-dd43-4a28-9579-b24eaebff055
      [22:26:45.935 N] [CraftActionByNameTag] Casting Careful Synthesis II (100069)
      [22:26:45.935 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0xE0000000
      [22:26:48.535 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to Craftaction id:100069 MinDelay:250 MaxDelay:500.
      [22:26:48.535 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 664e29ce-e428-45f3-9b0f-bd5c0f74c159
      [22:26:48.535 N] [CraftActionByNameTag] Casting Careful Synthesis II (100069)
      [22:26:48.535 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0xE0000000
      [22:26:52.902 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to Synthesize: IsDone: False, MinimumCp: 0, RecipeId: 31489, UseCR: False, RequiredSkills: null, HQMats: System.Int32[], HighPriority: False, LineNumber: 280, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.ActionRunCoroutine, .
      [22:26:52.902 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 639d2619-b204-409c-b6f8-63cf71e5d30c
      [22:26:55.685 N] [Agil] Starting mender repair.
      [22:26:55.713 D] DoAction Mount 45 0xE0000000
      [22:26:57.853 N] [FlightNav] Generating path on 400 from <446.7836, 32.89769, 381.7032> to <290.6847, -42.65496, 578.1329>
      [22:26:57.859 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardRight
      [22:26:57.862 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardDown
      [22:26:57.864 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardRight
      [22:26:57.866 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardDown
      [22:26:57.868 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardLeft
      [22:26:57.870 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardDown
      [22:26:57.874 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <280.8056, -21.65973, 535.3213> to <280.3997, -22.5609, 535.8651>
      [22:26:57.876 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <280.3997, -22.5609, 535.8651> to <279.6736, -21.61668, 536.1046>
      [22:26:57.879 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <279.6736, -21.61668, 536.1046> to <279.7418, -20.78767, 536.1592>
      [22:26:57.881 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <279.7418, -20.78767, 536.1592> to <278.7709, -19.06547, 535.0599>
      [22:26:57.883 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      [22:26:57.885 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <279.0617, -9.464485, 536.1113> to <277.5494, -10.08291, 535.5543>
      [22:26:57.887 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardDown
      [22:26:57.889 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <277.7957, -20.60366, 536.3527> to <279.1266, -22.34673, 535.1744>
      [22:26:57.891 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      [22:26:57.893 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <279.2307, -13.00453, 535.5613> to <277.6488, -12.06037, 535.0376>
      [22:26:57.895 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardDown
      [22:26:57.898 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <278.0403, -22.38087, 536.3318> to <277.4158, -22.39291, 536.3231>
      [22:26:57.900 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <277.4158, -22.39291, 536.3231> to <278.77, -22.85789, 536.2509>
      [22:26:57.903 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <278.77, -22.85789, 536.2509> to <278.8229, -22.1058, 536.2715>
      [22:26:57.905 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <278.8229, -22.1058, 536.2715> to <279.3417, -21.51074, 534.746>
      [22:26:57.907 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      [22:26:57.908 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardDown
      [22:26:57.911 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <279.7884, -22.26948, 536.455> to <279.759, -21.01437, 536.4742>
      [22:26:57.913 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <279.759, -21.01437, 536.4742> to <278.5035, -20.10199, 536.2833>
      [22:26:57.916 N] [ExBuddy] Adding Random Direction.  from <278.5035, -20.10199, 536.2833> to <278.6815, -19.10403, 534.526>
      [22:26:57.917 V] [ExBuddy] Direction of deviation: ForwardUp
      Some more... lol guy flys back and fourth constantly trying to pick up where buddy lags out is my guess... just watched him take 5mins to get somewhere that takes 20secs or less.
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    10. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Version 89
      Path precision increased to .7f from .8f
      Fix an issue with the database missing some entries
      Fix an issue with using the tag and running it once and stopping then starting the bot
    11. born2live

      born2live New Member

      Sep 13, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I'm getting an error that I don't think I should get. I checked, and the WaitTimer cs file is in my folder. I just started getting this error when I updated.

      [21:48:28.216 N] Failed to load profile: Element WaitTimer is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<WaitTimer WaitTime="3" />) Line 692
      [21:48:28.219 D] System.Exception: Element WaitTimer is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<WaitTimer WaitTime="3" />) Line 692
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(XElement , Type )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor..(XElement )
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
         at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(XElement , PropertyInfo )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfile.Load(XElement element, String path)
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfile.Load(String path)
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath)
      Any help would be appreciated.
    12. born2live

      born2live New Member

      Sep 13, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Wait Timer Not Working After Update

      My WaitTimer cs file is not being read by the bot after the update, for some reason. Any ideas?

      [21:48:28.216 N] Failed to load profile: Element WaitTimer is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<WaitTimer WaitTime="3" />) Line 692
      [21:48:28.219 D] System.Exception: Element WaitTimer is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<WaitTimer WaitTime="3" />) Line 692
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(XElement , Type )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor..(XElement )
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
         at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
         at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(XElement , PropertyInfo )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.PropertyProcessor.(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object )
         at Clio.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element)
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfile.Load(XElement element, String path)
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfile.Load(String path)
         at ff14bot.NeoProfiles.NeoProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath)
    13. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Do a clean install. Post an entire log.
    14. Eliitti

      Eliitti Member

      Sep 10, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
    15. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
    16. Eliitti

      Eliitti Member

      Sep 10, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      So Sodimm daily quest profiles don't work on RB 64x?
    17. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Means you probably failed to install the required behaviors, read the thread and ensure you followed the steps correctly. Otherwise post in that thread for support.
    18. Mystic

      Mystic Member

      Aug 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Mastahg. Question and I know its smaller one. Could you increase the option for when to use a chocobo? 100 just doesnt seem "long" enough yet. In many farming needs, still makes it look too bot like when it hops from one gather spot or hunt spot to another in the same section of land and you are constantly getting on and off chocobo. Maybe if that could be increased to 300 as an option to ensure its just used for LONG distances?
    19. mastahg

      mastahg Administrator Staff Member

      Feb 27, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      You can edit the file manually in the settings directory and increase it beyond 100.
    20. Mystic

      Mystic Member

      Aug 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Well now! I didnt know that! Neat! Does it stay that edited change when RB updates?

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