Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current behavior in quest bot, exception was thrown.
Pls read provious post. Daily quests arent fixed yet by honorbuddy team... sometimes they work, sometimes they dont - but profile is well writen. I will add rest of the quests when they fix the issues. At this time I dont see the point.
I got a problem with the quest "Free From Her Clutches" where the bot tries to get closer to the cage then i can and starts to run into it and turn around and back again it it just spinns around and dont open the cages
biggest issue I have seen and I noticed it as well with the golden lotus profile you have is that it will continuously kill other toons mobs. A lot of times it will ignore mobs you have tagged but mostly will attack any mob that is in combat in range.
[CombatUseItemOnCopy-v249(error)]: One or more of the following attributes must be specified: CastingSpellId, HasAuraId, MobHasAuraId, MobHpPercentLeft [CombatUseItemOnCopy-v249(error) @line 396]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile! This is what I get.
In regards to this error, I went in to Line 396 (use notepad, theres an option in View-Status Bar that denotes line numbers) and changed CombatUseItemOn to UseItemOn. The issue is that the item isn't being used in combat, but now causes no issues on startup. I am attempting to find how to use items in combat, but I've seen this issue dating back to cata low level quests requiring item use when "mobs become weakened". Also, in regards to the cages: I deleted the line that made you walk into the cage to touch the bug (to confirm it was there) as then the profile would (most times not all) get stuck inside the cage, as it doesn't know how to path out the front door. This may cause the bot to persistently open cages that are empty, however the doors respawn faster than the bugs, and as i've seen it, the bot stands on one cage and constantly opens it until the quest is done, pending no interruptions from mobs. I've also had the problem with Sonic Disruption, where the hotzone for these big mobs is along the same spots as the cages, causing me to walk into them and get stuck on every cage, on every pass. Any way to rework the hotzone for this quest when its combined with the other, or can spots be Blacklisted specifically during a quest?
I already fixed these quests but dont have time to make few remaining quests. Maybe tomorrow I will upload full working profile for honorbuddy beta version.
any1 else has problems with [Free From Her Clutches]? for me it tries to use an item on the guys inside, instead of just interacting with the cages... when it tries to use the item on the guys inside it keeps running back and forth outside of the cages, and looks 110% like a bot, could you fix this please so it just interacts with cages waits the 4 sec it takes, and then goes for a new one?
[Sampling the Empire's Finest] it isn't interacting with the object. just running down there then leave it. will try to get a log next time
Ill test this tonight, worked most of the quests out in that zone, cant be bothered to do those with all those other damn dailies out in mop. I hope this works!
For the tablet section bot is pulling the guadians one after another is this a CC issue? I currently have Singular and i know that it used to do that before is there a way i can blacklist? Also instead of flying to or in addition to flying too can you add the name of the quest that it is going to complete?
"Putting an eye out" im getting Mesh Problems there, just to inform you, will put this into the Navi Thread too
View attachment 3632 2012-10-21 20.09.txt I do not work. bot flies to just one point and there is not doing anything.