Just right click on it, and save target as... That will allow you to save the zip. On another note: Love this. Found 2 within 10 minutes. Found the next 5 with in a half hour.
This works good but the bot takes 5-30 seconds to actually loot the egg after spotting and landing. Which is annoying because I just had a stupid alliance guy take it from me.
That's not true. I am using it right now and i allready found 5 eggs. Maybe something is wrong with your config or hb
i am on a stupid server...illidan..so many people are trying to find eggs. it's been 1 hr + ...gosh...I don't even know if the bots works for me....
Pretty good profile. It worked at first, so I thought I would let it run overnight with Arelog. It collected 4 before it started crashing over and over (I woke up to a ton of wow crit errors). I tried running it when I woke up and it would work fine until it reached a certain coordinate, where it would just stop. I waited a few minutes, attempted to stop HB, which gave me the wow crit error (even after restarting computer). However, I just kept trying and it started working perfectly again. The only complaint I have, like others, is that it takes about five seconds to actually harvest the egg. tldr: my profile had separation anxiety but works great now.
after i get 1 exalted on my bnet with this profile and bought +rep for all bnet account item... it takes about 2-3 hours to get exalted)...thx for the profile and +rep u
I had this same problem... I was having to stop the bot to manually pick up the eggs when I saw them. Turns out I forgot to turn on the rarekiller plugin... after recompiling if flew to an egg in the first 25 seconds and gathered it promptly.
Works great! Botted for 5 hours using the LogMeOut plugin and got 29 eggs! Started around 2:30 AM and left it to bot for 5 hours and when I woke up I had a stack of 20 and another of 9. Thanks! I have now reached Exalted with the Cloud Serpents. Guys, once you hit Revered with them buy the commendation and it will make the rep per egg go to 1100 instead of 550 (if you have Mr. Popularity guild perk).
it works great the only thing is that it don't gather the eggs it only find them than i have to click to get so i can't leave it alone... someone have the same problem?
I choosing GatherBuddy2 bot and selected a RareKiller2 plugin. HB flying on route but passes over the eggs! It works great for me a few months ago but now something's going wrong.
yeha i have the same problem the only good thing is that i can leave it work while i'm on pc and it advice me that it found it