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  • Request - Concede back to rank 20

    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by N3k0, May 15, 2014.

    1. N3k0

      N3k0 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      People will use bot for multiple accounts. And even on one account it's always better to get something done in 2 hours then 4 hours. Safety has nothing to do with conceding back to rank 20. It's shouldn't be hard to make also. Many people are requesting it as we can see so it should be made just because of that and the fact that other bot have this option.
    2. greenxeyezz

      greenxeyezz Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      Did we all forget this 30% is all THEORETICALLY obtained. There is no evidence that this is 30% faster. It can be 40% faster, 10% faster, the same, or even SLOWER.

    3. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ever heard of server side pattern analysis? Ah other bots have it...best argument ever. Other bots do full injection, shall we inject now too?
    4. N3k0

      N3k0 New Member

      May 15, 2014
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      Yeah, like in theory DaSoul have brain but we wont know for sure till we cra.ck open his skull. You wont get evidence without checking this option. From what I've seen when I manually conceded bot back to rank 20 is that he greatly improved farming speed. Conceding back takes little time and you do it once every 2 hours usually unless bot gets a crazy win streak which happens sometimes. Of course it's only on my one deck that I checked but the improvement was great.
      Is it so hard to understand that it will work for some decks better and for some it will work worse? Let the people decide what they want to use. They implemented rush profile (which from what I've seen DaSoul is using and it was only made because of request like this), they implemented speed mode - all because some people asked for it. The same goes with auto-concede. You don't want to use it? Then don't. But some people want and will and from what I see in this thread there are quite a few of them.

      Have you ever heard about people farming golden heroes manually? They also concede back. Blizzard didn't even turned the warden on at this point. And you want them to do such analysis that would catch more normal people than bots.
      Many players ask for such option - if someone wants it he can use it, nobody is forcing you into it so I really do not get what's your freaking problem about people getting what they want.
      Last edited: May 22, 2014
    5. Shadosky

      Shadosky New Member

      May 22, 2014
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      I think this tread is becoming a HUGE TROLL PARTY...

      Anyway both sides have right, it's useless to improve the win rate by 1 per hour if u just wanna have ur daily 100 gold, personally i only bot in normal & play ranked & arena by myself but if u wanna use the bot to farm golden heroes it's ur right...

      And like for every conflict in this forum : u can now use some C# skill to add an auto-surrend to the API

      See ya

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