Hey Kick, another thing with your hyjal to fireland quest profile. After it does the lil talking wait thing you fixed. It flys back to Malfurion to pick up the quest, Though the Gates of Hell. On 2 chars it would fly back. but then hover like 25 feet above him on the statue thing above him and doesnt pick up the quest. I have to fly it down.
Here's what i have so far, am also waiting for the firelands mesh This is all in one profile you need todo the first into quest first so you can access the daily s (i already did them on all my chars when the servers came up) With the turtle one you will have todo it manually its way to buggy to script at this point.
your hyjah profile is currently broken. I couldn't start. Did you just fixed it when 4.2 was out? In addition, I am gathering 20 marks to enter fireland hub. Is this profile for the parts after entering Molten Front ?
Ok kick just a quick question how to meshed the fireland map ? and the Volatile / junk farming profile what they give ? epic fireland drop ?
Sorry Kick, didn;'t read this thread before my other post. But surely when using grind mode you shouldn't have to load a mesh ? G
it uses mesh to see where it's going. if the bot can't find the mesh, it kills hb. I can't even use combatbot in there lol
updated for today. Apoc just has to load the mesh onto the server - so i'd hope sometime soon firelands will be live I need feedback for any issues please Note: My server may have different dailies than yours... if that happens, paste your pickup / obj / turnin here and i'll add it.
Well Today my HB downloading the mesh for molten front and work good while doing the quest .. but after finishing all quest my bot keeping spamming to use flying mount while want turning the quest ..since at molten front we cant fly and the profile didnt doing daily at sanctuary of malorne .. im on stage 2 on this chain daily .. im using [Fly][N - Rep Quest] Hyjal Firelands Dailies [Kick] does it an error because the random daily ?
Got the new HB and the lastest profiles and it seems to be working. Idk if a mesh issue or what but it seems to do alot of unnecessary zig zagging. Like turning in quests and picking them up it seems to bounce between the people. Or between dif quest objectives it cant decide what to do. Looks very bottish. Anyone else having the same issue?
nope, it won't error for the random daily - but i only get 4 dailies per day per zone ... and they will differ from yours - so if your quest name / id differ from mine, please paste the objective and turnin via the 'copy xml' into here and i'll add it =)
Hm is this the info you need? PHP: <PickUp QuestName="Aggressive Growth" QuestId="29139" GiverName="Rayne Feathersong" GiverId="52467" /><Objective QuestName="Aggressive Growth" QuestId="29139" Type="KillMob" MobId="53107" KillCount="5" /><Objective QuestName="Aggressive Growth" QuestId="29139" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="69749" CollectCount="1" /><TurnIn QuestName="Aggressive Growth" QuestId="29139" TurnInName="Rayne Feathersong" TurnInId="52467" /><PickUp QuestName="Breach in the Defenses" QuestId="29137" GiverName="General Taldris Moonfall" GiverId="52824" /><Objective QuestName="Breach in the Defenses" QuestId="29137" Type="KillMob" MobId="52633" KillCount="5" /><TurnIn QuestName="Breach in the Defenses" QuestId="29137" TurnInName="General Taldris Moonfall" TurnInId="52824" /><PickUp QuestName="Burn Victims" QuestId="29138" GiverName="Captain Irontree" GiverId="53080" /><Objective QuestName="Burn Victims" QuestId="29138" Type="KillMob" MobId="52834" KillCount="8" /><Objective QuestName="Burn Victims" QuestId="29138" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="69240" CollectCount="1" /><TurnIn QuestName="Burn Victims" QuestId="29138" TurnInName="Captain Irontree" TurnInId="53080" /><PickUp QuestName="Call the Flock" QuestId="29147" GiverName="" GiverId="" /><Objective QuestName="Call the Flock" QuestId="29147" Type="KillMob" MobId="52595" KillCount="12" /><Objective QuestName="Call the Flock" QuestId="29147" Type="KillMob" MobId="52596" KillCount="5" /><Objective QuestName="Call the Flock" QuestId="29147" Type="KillMob" MobId="52594" KillCount="2" /><Objective QuestName="Call the Flock" QuestId="29147" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="69234" CollectCount="1" /><TurnIn QuestName="Call the Flock" QuestId="29147" TurnInName="" TurnInId="" /><PickUp QuestName="Hostile Elements" QuestId="29179" GiverName="General Taldris Moonfall" GiverId="52824" /><Objective QuestName="Hostile Elements" QuestId="29179" Type="KillMob" MobId="52504" KillCount="8" /><TurnIn QuestName="Hostile Elements" QuestId="29179" TurnInName="General Taldris Moonfall" TurnInId="52824" /><PickUp QuestName="The Protectors of Hyjal" QuestId="29128" GiverName="Captain Soren Moonfall" GiverId="53073" /><Objective QuestName="The Protectors of Hyjal" QuestId="29128" Type="KillMob" MobId="52300" KillCount="6" /><TurnIn QuestName="The Protectors of Hyjal" QuestId="29128" TurnInName="General Taldris Moonfall" TurnInId="52824" /><PickUp QuestName="Relieving the Pain" QuestId="29246" GiverName="Dorda'en Nightweaver" GiverId="52986" /><Objective QuestName="Relieving the Pain" QuestId="29246" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="69678" CollectCount="4" /><TurnIn QuestName="Relieving the Pain" QuestId="29246" TurnInName="Dorda'en Nightweaver" TurnInId="52986" />
Haha well those are what i got today On a side note, is there anyway to stop it from attacking horde. In those cramp areas splash damage happens and etc.
i've noticed that - it's a hb or singular issue. i don't know. attach the log to the release thread (mine was attacking non-flagged horde totems)
for the quest aggressive growth HB runs back and forth between piles of ash, doesn't ever make its mind up to which it wants to plant in Maybe it should just follow a pre-determined path to check every pile of ash ? G
actually it's an interactwith issue natfoth messed the behavior up if you check debug, it will say 'stuck' won't it? try it w/ the behavior from 4982