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  • [Request] Warlock Survival Tank build with [Dark Apotheosis]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Javilionaire, Oct 14, 2012.

    1. Kamilche

      Kamilche New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      Handy, thanks for posting that! I implemented it tonight in FightThisWay, an all-in-one custom class I wrote.
      To test it, I ran my level warlock through the beginning fight in StoneCore a few times. He generally succeeded - this is a test where tanks have been the only ones to pass.
      However, he was level 88 instead of 85, and it was normal mode, not heroic.

      I'm sure it could use tweaks - but give it a whirl, see if it's close to what you want. I had to get REALLY severe on bumping the priority of 'Shadow Bolt', so 'Demonic Slash' would cast often enough.


    2. Kamilche

      Kamilche New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      This brings back fond memories. One of the best times I had playing WoW, was after the MoP patch went in, but before Pandaria went live. I and my two sons were playing together, one son a paladin, my other son a warlock, and I a warlock. The warlock son asked the paladin son if he could tank a dungeon, even though he was queued as DPS, and the paladin son reluctantly agreed. He went on to tank that dungeon as a warlock, and the paladin son was SO upset he quit playing that day. My warlock son and I went on to two-man an AT-LEVEL dungeon as 2 warlocks! I was 78, he was 80, so we had to walk in - it was 2 levels higher than me.

      It was great. I haven't had such fun on a warlock ever. I remember turning to him and saying 'I think we should get an achievement or something for 1 and 2-manning at-level dungeons'. Now, I'm happy to put it in the custom class for everyone to enjoy.

      But be aware - you give up DPS to get it, and tanks will hate you for it.
      Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
    3. Kamilche

      Kamilche New Member

      Oct 2, 2010
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      What, no testers for it?
    4. AtticusG3

      AtticusG3 New Member

      Aug 27, 2011
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      Running it at the moment, only things so far is that it pop's Immo Aura with too little Fury, so maybe it could be set at like min 400 fury or something. Also I haven't seen it Harvest Life yet.

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