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  • RogueAssassin - A MutaRaidBT Continuation

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by LaoArchAngel, Sep 23, 2011.

    1. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Yes, although not very good news (maybe?). I'm working on Rupture (as I mentioned), and I'm making a decent improvement. The problem is that currently, that improvement fluctuates with a loss. Currently I'm in my 350's iL (give or take) and with my new changes, I'm seeing DPS on the dummy reach the mid-to-high 14ks (which is great for dummies unbuffed, since we never reach BS phase). However, currently I'm capping energy far too often and, when that happens, I see a nice big dip in DPS (below what the current release mode shows). I think part of the problem is the poor design I used (read: statics). I will release as soon as I have it stable. I'm actively working on it. Sorry peeps. ^^

      Build as in the talent build? I'll post a link to my build when I get home. 16k DPS @ 379 sounds way too low for the dummies, especially since my own is upwards of 14 on the dummies, and I don't even have T11 set bonus.
    2. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      I was asking about the new build of the CC. I'm using 4pc T12 , a 378 mh/ 391 oh with cookie cutter raid dps talents.
    3. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      And it's up! You can download from GitHub by following the instructions on the main page, or use this link:


      So, here are the major talking points:

      1. Optimized the way Rupture works. It should not longer spam Rupture when it's about to fall off. Now you'll see in your log a line that reads [A][C]Rupture, where A is your energy on use, B is the combo points of your previous Rupture, and C is combo points of your new Rupture. Rupture should only be cast when C > B or Rupture has fallen off.
      2. Changed the logic to test if we're behind the target. I feel it works pretty flawlessly now.
      3. Will now use Garrote after Vanish.

      What's coming next (not in order):

      1. Open fights with Garrote. Need to look at "pull" logic, probably from Fpsware's source, or Apoc's. I think this will hold the key to opening with Garrote whenever we're in stealth.
      2. Lower energy pooling. Capping energy for a few milliseconds on there. Don't want that.
      3. Automate detecting glyphs.
      4. Combat Rotation.
      5. Raid more so I can see what Encarsia sees.

      PS. encarsia, I meant to say that I don't have a T12 bonus. I have a single T11 bonus. Your DPS really should be a lot higher. Buffed, I would hope you hit somewhere in the 40s?
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
    4. Soulbound13

      Soulbound13 New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      :D Thank you :D

      Gonna test on dummies and a couple of heroics now...
    5. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      Not even close , I think a lot of the problem was with the rupture logic. As I stated before my rupture was very minimum damage and envenom was suffering because it was spamming to put up a rupture. I'm no programer by any means but I do know the class very well. Manually I can produce equal numbers to or exceed what the previous CC build was putting out. I'm about to give it a test run and I'll post results soon as well as results from next weeks FL run. 40K is a tad high even for where myself and the other rogues in my guild are geared for most fights but some 30-35 isn't out of reach. Blizzard was not very kind this expansion to melee classes when designing the fight mechanics.

      Just ran some testing , added an enhance shaman for buffs for second round of testing , Self buffed (poison & agil food) on Raider's Training Dummy 20k , w/Shaman 24k (spike) 22k sustained. Rupture logic is amazing now very good job. As far as I can tell it's pretty much spot on with the exception of using vanish garrote since this isn't perfect I'm pretty sure it's actually resulting in a dps loss both due to how it's used as well as well as the time would be spent for an extra envenom etc. As I mentioned next week I'll give it a go in firelands and give more results. If there is anyway I could disable vanish/garrote for further testing please let me know. This is a great CC with tons of potential but just like the class it supports perfection is key.
      Last edited: Oct 21, 2011
    6. Artking

      Artking New Member

      Jan 23, 2011
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      thank you very much!!!! :)
    7. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      I'll have to check my settings file. I feel like vanish is already optional, but garrote from stealth isn't. I'll look into that when I get home and report / update.

      I agree that perfection is key, and will use all the input you guys give me to get it there. As I mentioned in my first post, information and collaboration are my preferred forms of currency. :). Also, without input, updates will be limited to my own personal observations, and that leaves for a disastrous margin for error.

      Sent from my Galaxy S II.
    8. mezhakov

      mezhakov Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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      plz make setting plz plz plz


      on/off use Vendetta (It uses it when I run around is barefooted or when I can't approach to it)
      on/off use ColdBlood

      At them long cd and them it is better to use in the fullness of time
    9. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Settings for cold blood and vendetta. Can do.

      Sent from my Galaxy S II.
    10. mezhakov

      mezhakov Member

      Jul 14, 2010
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    11. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      im about to faction transfer my rogue to horde and im wondering if this Blood Furies before Vendetta?
    12. weischbier

      weischbier Guest

      Nope its not in yet, maybe you should ask for it ;)


    13. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      Well in that case Leo anychance you can have it blood fury (orc racial) before using Vendetta?

    14. Soulbound13

      Soulbound13 New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      Hi Beast, I've managed to get Blood Fury & Vendetta stacking by using Katzerle's 'RunMacro' plugin.

      I set this plugin to automatically cast Blood Fury every 2 mins (the actual value I use is something like 120095 milliseconds), and Lao's awesome CC takes care of the Vendetta. So they more or less get cast at the same time. I think Lao may be using certain criteria for when Vendetta casts in order to get optimal benefit from it, but in general I'm happy with how this set-up works.

      Hope that makes sense!
    15. Beast

      Beast Member

      Apr 22, 2010
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      aight thanks man ill take a look at it :)
    16. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Hey peeps.

      Right now I don't have racial done. However, I am working on adding options to use trinkets as well as other items (eg, engineer gloves). The problem with racials is that I would either be flooding the code with if statements or else creating child classes for each race with a valid racial (which isn't a bad idea, but not a very high priority atm).

      I'll keep you updated on this. I will likely add it at some point in time.

      Sent from my Galaxy S II.
    17. incognitto

      incognitto New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      hey man ive been using this cc for a few raid and thought u would like to know that its rotation is out of wack in mutilate spec. ive been monitoring it and it lets snd drop, doesnt time rupture very well i went about 5 secs without rupture on the boss and it constantly waits till its at maximum energy before using an ability. not bagging it out just letting u know just a few tweaks and it will work well, but rupture needs to be applied pretty much ASAP after the previous drops and the rogue should NEVER hit max energy.
    18. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you have something wrong with your setup. I use this CC daily, without exception, in anything from raids, heroics, and quests. I am not experiencing the symptoms you're describing. My suggestion is that you ensure that you're using the correct version of this CC with the latest version of hb. Also, make sure that your weapons are poisoned properly (instant main, deadly off, I believe).

      Sent from my Galaxy S II.
    19. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      Update 10/27/11

      Finished FL 25 4/7HM tonight with the latest build DPS increased from previous build but still have a few things that seem to be lacking. Rupture works 100% better than it did but still fails to apply from time to time. Not certain why but it just doesn't. Envenom is still incredibly low compared to manually controlled rogues in group again not sure why. But here is my new found request list for this project. The ability to turn off the use of all cool downs individually such as cold blooded , vendetta , vanish. Why you might ask? Simple the CC can't determine the proper time to burn them while keeping them on cool down is 100% correct and needed it's also a waste of dps to use them at the wrong times. ie: Vendetta and CB were burned on the pull for H Domo while this might seem great it cause them to not be avail during lust which would have been a huge dps increase. On another note I was rather surprised with the increase in dps from the previous week as I placed in the top 10 for the Rag encounter. Also Lao if you could send me a PM I have a very strange request for what could I guess be a modified version of this class for me personally depending on how complex it would be to write or if I even would know how or if it's possible. Just think about my request to manually control cool downs and you might get an idea. Anyway stay tuned for more updates.

      @incognitto , i've been using this CC for some time now and have NEVER had it drop snd unless it was a multi target fight in which you didn't make it back to the starting target in time and secondary target died too quickly (example domo cat phase). Also with the exception of myself I don't think anyone else here has given any end game raid feedback with that said you must also remember this is a work in progress and to make matters even worse most of the cata content was not designed to be very melee friendly. Not saying you aren't an attentive or good player but even when you bring your best to the table life a melee can still be very difficult even with a tool designed to make it easier.
      Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
    20. Hayt

      Hayt Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      I've tested this CC on the raider dummy, solo, without any buffs. I have 365ilvl and the average gear a players has right now. I'm doing 14600 dps after 10 minutes. This is a little lower compare of what you can do manually if you don't miss any procs/ticks, but better than most of the rogues are pulling of (not top raiding rogues). So the conclusion is for heroics and not top level raids this CC is very good and will put you high enough on the list.

      I'm starting FL raids next week, I'll get back with more results then.

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