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  • RogueAssassin - A MutaRaidBT Continuation

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by LaoArchAngel, Sep 23, 2011.

    1. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Hey peeps!

      Yeah, I too have felt that the rotation isn't what it should be, but I can't quite put my finger on it. However, I will hopefully get it running a lot smoother than it is now (details below). First, you should know that it was always my intention to make each of the cooldowns optional. And those aren't the changes that are holding me back, actually. It really would only take me the better part of 3 minutes to put them in. They're not in yet because I've been too focused on trying to find the Achilles Heel to this rotation. I will put in the code to make them optional very soon, though. I think it's one of those things where it's taking priority from what I'm hearing.

      All right, now as to what I've been doing. I've finally gotten around to studying Apoc's code from Singularity, and in the first half an hour of doing so, I learned a LOT about the API and its usability. I'm going to implement some of his practices (and some of his classes, actually, since otherwise I'd just be re-writing generic code that's already available). The ironic thing is that my original implementation (using a lot of statics) actually mimicked his far better than my current revision. I really believe that using the things I've learned from reading his code will increase DPS *MARGINALLY*. However, the real crux of the DPS will be on perfecting the rotation.

      I, like you, believe that a huge boon to the rotation will be to make all the cooldowns and other similar spells optional and then handled by the player. I, personally, have my FoK handled manually. It's also possible that changing the logic of when these are used would also help, but since boss fights are generally so distinct in strategy, automating it via a single process would be foolish. The true answer would be to write a framework that would allow grant "fight" bots access to components of a modular rotation. The fight bot would know the boss fight, rather than the class, and would enable / disable or even call portions of a CC depending on what's happening. But this is not in scope and would require a lot of work from a lot of people.

      Anyway, I'll be refactoring my current code to be more in-line with what I've learned from Apoc. However, before I start, I will release a version with cooldowns as settings.
    2. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      The rotation not being fully optimal is more than just coding in my opinion. It's the fights having such a broad range of mechanics. Domo for example requires a ridiculous amount of target switches which can cause a multitude of issues the cc just doesn't know how to handle properly because its 100% situational. Regardless if you have any questions or need any part of this tested for any content heroic rag excluded (for now!) I'm always checking this thread for updates and feedback etc. Lao you've done a great job in responding to the community as well as stepping up and continuing this project and there is no doubt in my mind that with someone such as yourself and a few more dedicated testers we will get this thing perfect in the near future.
    3. incognitto

      incognitto New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      alright just because i wanted to be sure i wasnt doing anything wrong i did a fresh hb/CC and set up to run on the target dummy. Im running 376ilvl on a boss target dummy full optimized for best dps output. Ive ran this for 5x 10 min sessions and have come to the conclusion of where the issue lies. The dps issue is purly in its energy consumption, many times it goes to maximum energy because (not 100% sure if intentional or not) of relentless strikes. instead of spaming the abilities the cc tends not keep energy at used up 100% of the time so when its using its finishers at usually 90% energy it gets the energy gain from relentless strikes and BAM wasted energy. Im not baggin u out i think its going to be a good CC when ur done but if u want advice from a top end raiding rogue you button mash. Its not like playing a healer where u have to be careful u need to be on ur ability and spaming that ability till its used.
      Any ways just what ive observed and do.
    4. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      I fully agree on the energy pooling. I don't think my algorithms really take into account the true energy gain rate. I'm going to play with this a little. I've started adding this things as issues, because if I don't, I'll forget (I really have a notoriously poor memory). If any of your observations aren't on there, let me know, or even better, create an issue yourself.

      Here's the current list (all are links):

      1. Energy Capping
      2. Cooldowns Optional
      3. Garrote Pull
      4. Expert Mode
    5. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      The only problem with properly trying to address energy cap is the fact that the values of energy regeneration will vary from rogue to rogue. I just ran the same 10 minute timer that Incog did and only fell on cap twice I'm going to almost assure this is due to different haste values therefore one of us will regen faster than the other based off of this value. Throw RS into the mix and at what combo point level finishers are being used and you once again will alter this value as dependent upon your current timers you may have to settle for a 4p rup/envenom to keep down time to a minimum or avoid dropping a snd. Another issue is going to be how do you account for buffs/enchants/gear (higher or lower stats ,windfury/icy , lust , 4pc t12 bonus , springs , haste to gloves/boots <- neither optimal but used none the less by some etc) or the lack of?. The only true way I can think of would be to fixate around a certain percentage of haste the algorithm which in the end honestly is no better than the current state which is good for some and not so much for others. My opinion at the end would be for those of us trying to push maximum dps out of our characters as I know some of us including myself are is welcome to expert mode , let this CC take care of the basic stuff and manage the very vital details
    6. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Right, that's why I see it as a soft answer, currently. The short term solution is to play with the pooling. I might even have to make pooling an additional setting.

      Sent from my Galaxy S II.
    7. Hayt

      Hayt Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      I agree, tweaking the CC to a very complex level is pretty much stats specific. For raid use managing slice and dice, rupture, envenom, mutilate and tricks should be enough.
    8. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      Just checking in to see when we can expect some of the up coming changes especially the expert mode release.
    9. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Sorry, peeps. Had one hell of a weekend with no time to code. I'll be busy tomorrow as well (double-date to watch Puss in Boots). I'll probably start making large changes on Wednesday. I already have some test code concerning energy pooling, but not sure if it makes a significant enough difference.

      Anyway, more to come, of course!
    10. Hayt

      Hayt Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Last build gets me about 14.300dps at raid dummy 85. My gear is mostly the same, 366 ilvl, 9622GS. Previous build got me 16k if I remembered well. I don't know if this is because of the rotation or the gear changes, but I'd doubt higher lvl gear is worse. From what I've seen (tested for a good while, done 12mil dmg) sometimes it fails to appy rupture after the DoT expires for 1 to even 5 seconds. Acording to theorycraft, 1 sec of missing rupture is about 1000dps loss.
      If Rupture expires when you have no or low combo points, the CC will wait until you have 5 combos and above 60 energy before applying new Rupture. Imo this could have higher prio, apply even at 4 combos and 25 energy.

    11. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Actually, if Rupture is down, this should put up Rupture as soon as combo points are available. I do notice the Rupture falling off, though. I've been working on it this week. I've noticed a lot of things that I can change, and I'm trying to prioritize them. Currently, I'm working on the issue list in order.
    12. Hayt

      Hayt Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      That's very good news, thanks!
    13. encarsia

      encarsia New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      Just checking in on the status of the updates. Thread has become rather quiet lately just making sure we still have a project here.
    14. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Yes. Sorry I haven't been active here. However, I've been very active with the code. Unfortunately, it hasn't really gotten anywhere (in fact, at the moment it won't even compile). I can't tell you the level of frustration I've had the past few days with the DPS and timing fluxuating so much. I get so close, and then there just always seems to be something missing.

      Anyway, I'll do better about release the current features on my queue.
    15. Hayt

      Hayt Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      If you want I can provide you with extensive logs from about all bosses in FL using your CC.
    16. EntaroAdun88

      EntaroAdun88 New Member

      May 30, 2010
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      Amazing CC!
      Been near the top in the meters with this. All i had to do was point at boss's ass, and away it goes!

      One thing, is there a way to include trinket activations, or other "USE" spells? Like the goblin racial, or the engineering Gloves tinker?
    17. Soulbound13

      Soulbound13 New Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      Korriban, probably :p

      This CC still works ok for me, but sometimes fails to keep Rupture up.
      I'm very grateful for your work to date on this LaoArchAngel, it's been great for me in many raids.
      Are you planning to maintain it, or would you consider offering it to another developer?


    18. buck0

      buck0 New Member

      Feb 9, 2011
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      whats the current status of this?
    19. LaoArchAngel

      LaoArchAngel Member

      Oct 14, 2010
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      Hey guys. Just remembered to check my messages. I'm currently taking a planned hiatus from WoW while I plunge into every corner that Skyrim has to offer. WoW is my game in between games. However, I have not abandoned the project.

      As for handing off the project to someone else: I can't do that. The project has been open-sourced since the beginning. If another dev wants to use my stuff and continue or else collaborate with me, they've been able to do it from the start :p.

      Sent from my Galaxy S II.
    20. devvzje

      devvzje New Member

      Jan 1, 2012
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      still works, excellent. :3

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