Is this profile working for anyone at the moment? mine just stand still , if i do any quest he moves to start questing , and at some random point , just stan still....
This profile should really be in the stickeys. It does need a lot of babysitting but that is not because of the profile itself, but we know all that. I was blown away yesterday when I saw how much Silentfu did with this - all the way through the Yavin quests too. Thank you Silentfu - wish you would come back do some more magic now that the bot is getting better.
Just ran this on my Agent and it ran BEYOND amazing with very very little babysitting needed. STICKY STICKY STICKY IT!
I've only tried two levelling profiles that has run allmost flawlessly. This one and the makeb one. So I agree, make this a sticky post.
This was my favorite profile out there-- it always worked like a charm, but now it doesn't seem to work, even on supported classes. I tried on both my Bounty Hunter and my Sith Warrior, and got errors. The bot wouldn't move or even defend itself in combat. View attachment BuddyWing 6696 Am I missing a dependency or something? I've never seen those error messages.