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  • ShamWOW for HB - All Shaman Specs for Solo+Dungeons+Raids+PVP by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Sep 13, 2012.

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    1. xxxstar123

      xxxstar123 Member

      Aug 3, 2012
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      shamwow is broken with the lest HB as many other plugins version 440

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    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tonppa3d, I may have mentioned a problem with the HonorBuddy GCD (Global Cooldown) detection (although might have been a different thread or forum) and your log file and description matches that issue. The problem is that although a GCD is in effect and spells cannot be cast, HonorBuddy is returning false (no GCD in progress.) So ShamWOW begins its spell priority, but since it evaluates the high priority spells first and there is a GCD in progress, it will never be able to cast them. I should have workaround in place until the API is fixed in HB. Thanks for the log file, Bobby53
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* ShamWOW 4.9.03 available for download!

      New version available for download from first post in thread. Changes listed below.

      Is your HonorBuddy not working? Have a question? Read the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] post so you know what information needs to be provided for me to assist you. Otherwise my response will be a polite repeat of this same info... "Please visit the FAQ and follow those steps..."

      Change History for 4.9.00
      - fixed - All Specs - HonorBuddy Global Cooldown API is failing. This was causing high priority spells to be missed. Added temporary workaround
      - *new* - All Specs - Support for Healing Tide Totem and Healing Stream Totem.  No user interface yet, but configurable via .config file for your character
      - fixed - All Specs - HonorBuddy IsInRaid API is failing.  This caused Raid specific configuration and values to be used which impacted all specs, but Resto the most. Added temporary workaround
      - *new* - Resto - added detection of Glyph of Riptide.  Riptide is now a high priority if Tidal Wave needed or not glyphed, otherwise its a lower priority
      - *new* - All Specs - when DungeonBuddy is detected as the BotBase, it will automatically disable the DungeonBuddy 'Use Framelock' setting.  This is required for use with ShamWoW and is now done automatically.
      - fixed - All Specs - restored detection of Glyph of Chain Lightning, which impacts the decision during AoE for Elementals on whether to use Earthquake or Chain Lightning.
      - change- All Specs - .config files are now stored in the HonorBuddy\Settings folder for your character.  This matches the standard for HB and will allow easily copy a .config file from one character to another without having to rename.
      - *new* - All Specs - Log Level no longer needs to be set to Diagnostic.  ShamWOW will write debug info directly to the log file with Log Level set to Normal (default) or Verbose, and to the screen if Diagnostic.
      - fixed - All Specs - exception sometimes occurring when for pets
      - fixed - All Specs - issue in identifying Group Healer. 
      - fixed - All Specs - detection of Fear and casting of Tremor
      - fixed - Enhance - support for heal casts on 5 stack of Maelstrom Weapon
      - fixed - All Specs - exceptions occurring during detection of debuffs
      - fixed - Enhance - revisions to dungeon/raid spell priority.  should now match the EJ Enhancement rotation 
      - *new* - All Specs - will cast Astral Shift if available and health is below Health Trinket %
      - *new* - Resto - after primary Tank you have selected, it will then favor other Tanks for rolling Riptide before going to DPS, etc.
    4. pnrxt

      pnrxt New Member

      May 17, 2012
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      HonorBuddy Mode: PVP
      Shamans Location: twin peaks

      sorry, but your latest version is not possible to use with resto spec in BGs.
      To often bot just starts to spam earth shield none stop, each gcd, until oom.
      this log is an example:
      View attachment 500 2012-09-16 11.55.zip
      Would suggest to make earth shield to be casted only on self in pvp, as it was pre 5.0 release + keep the water-earth shield twisting when attacked or not.

      Almost same problem with glyphed riptide as with earth shield. Bot spams riptide on same target many gcds in a row.
      In this log for example 4 times:
      *Riptide on Warrior.55EA at 17.0 yds at 67.8% 
      *Riptide on Warrior.55EA at 17.4 yds at 65.9%
      *Riptide on Warrior.55EA at 28.0 yds at 61.2% 
      *Riptide on Warrior.55EA at 38.7 yds at 65.4%
      View attachment 1744 2012-09-16 17.09.zip
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    5. tonppa3d

      tonppa3d New Member

      May 6, 2012
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      There's definitely something wrong with GCD detection/spell cast detection. Specced to elemental and now it tries to cast earth shock/lava burst while casting lightning bolt. I guess HB update is needed for the fix? I can post log later if needed.
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      pnrxt, Thanks for the post and the log file. There was a change to Earth Shield for PVP Resto only. It casts Earth Shield on the target in the most jeopordy. Typically that means the lowest health, but because of burst damage in PVP for Earth Shield only it is based upon which character has the most enemies targeting it, selfishly showing some favoritism to the Shaman first based upon his health since if he dies, nobody gets Earth Shield. This will cause it to be cast more than people familiar with ShamWOW in the past are accustomed to. This is a feature that has been often requested, so for now it will be the expected behavior for ShamWOW in PVP. Because it is clear you have used ShamWOW in the past and liked the previous Twisting behavior, I'll add that back as an option in the next release with the default being the new behavior.

      I don't see your character going OOM at all in the attached log. In carefully reviewing the log provided, but I don't see that it ever took a drink while resting and during combat the lowest mana level seen was:
      I will be revising the Earth Shield logic slightly based upon your log file as at one point it did cast changing from one 100% health teammate to a different 100% health teammate, since it should factor in who is actually being hit as opposed to be looked at if possible.

      I'll take a look at Riptide too and possibly throttle to adjusting the rolling logic slightly for PVP, but the best way to control it if you don't like it is remove the glyph.

      If you encounter an issue again, please send me the log for that session and provide the local system time or a logmark reference so I can focus on that occurrence. It's typically not useful for me to study an entire log file as I end up not identifying the specific occurrence you were most interested.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tonppa3d, I only need a log if you would like me to fix it, as I am not having the issue in my testing. Bobby53
    8. tonppa3d

      tonppa3d New Member

      May 6, 2012
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      Did some dummy testing and now everything was working well. going through that log and it seems to blacklisting spells.. don't know if that's anything major.
      Fight starts at 17:12:49.379 and ends 17:14:57.018.

      Need to run few heroics as enhancement as I'm having problem with feral spirit and shamanistic rage (not casting those at all). 4.9.03 fixed issue with flame shock.

      Thanks for great CC and support you are giving!

      Edit: Ran heroic well of eternity as enhancement and wasn't casting feral spirit and shamanistic rage at all (as I was expecting).
      Here's list of boss fights:
      Peroth'arn starts 17:44:27.858 and ends 17:46:00.553
      Queen Azshara: 17:50:23.246 and ends 17:52:15.373
      Captain Varo'then and mannaroth: 17:55:55.665 to the end.
      On a side note, I was unable to attack mannaroth because bot thought it was invalid target, but it wasnt. ([17:57:52.164 D] CombatMeleeRaid: clearing invalid target) don't know if it's cc/lazyraider or hb issue.

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      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    9. pnrxt

      pnrxt New Member

      May 17, 2012
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      Part of log that i was talking about is from 09:21:43.490 to 09:21:48.272 in 500 2012-09-16 11.55.zip.
      Was 5 earth shields used on same Priest.596C, 5 gcds in a row. It probably would continue applying earth shields even more, just that i stoped bot on 5th earth shield and saved log.

      Sorry for my English, possibly i didn't explain correctly what i wanted to point out.
    10. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      Its not possible to choose ShamWOW when the bot starts

      I can remember the old times where ShamWOW was the best CC I ever saw for Shammy.
      So when I read Bobby is back I wanted to try.

      If I start the bot I can choose

      * [Shaman] CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) 3.3.0
      * [Shaman] Singular v3 $Revision: 771 $

      But NO ShamWOW.

      When I delete Sinular and CLU I get that there is no routine.

      What I did:



      There is a direktory called like my server but there I didnt put anything.

      Any ideas?

      thanx a lot,
    11. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Ok, bobby, ShamWoW was working before this latest update. I deleted the old ShamWoW and extracted as directions say to do. Let me know if the log says I did something wrong, but as far as I know, I did everything exactly as before, step by step. I did notice that there were a lot of compiling errors in the HB window though. Log is attached.

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    12. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Edit: I think it's fixed now. I believe my download was corrupted. Deleted ShamWoW again, redownloaded and extracted, and now it seems to be working ok.
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tonppa3d, No, it's by design. Every spell cast in ShamWOW results in the spell being temporarily blacklisted for the amount of network latency you have. This just about ensures that the GCD, .IsCasting, and any buff/debuff resulting will be realized before another spellcast is attempted. It's more complex than that, but that is the basic idea behind the blacklisting references you see.cast, it does not immediately register in the user interface as having been cast. The spells are temporarily blacklisted to account for the network latency between you and the realm you are playing.

      Thanks for the logs on the Feral Spirit and Shamanistic Rage. I'll dig into those a little bit later when I'm back at my computer.

      That's definitely a ShamWOW message and determination. I'll look into that as well. Thanks for taking the time to post with the logs and detail, Bobby53

      Edit: isn't there a period where Mannoroth is not attackable? I haven't been in there in awhile, but if that's the case that combined with him being missing from the Bosses list in ShamWOW was why it kept clearing the target. Fixed in the next release as he will be a part of the bosses list.
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      pnrxt, Thanks for the post and followup! Please be sure to attach complete debug logs rather than a partial file that has been edited. There is version info, configuration setting, and combat scenario info prior to this that is essential to understanding how your character possibly got to the point it is at. In the case of reapplying Earth Shield to the same character multiple times, that would only occur if HonorBuddy is having a problem with auras again (meaning even though you can see the the Priest had 9 stacks, when asked HonorBuddy is saying 0 stacks are present.) The only workaround available prior to a fix in HonorBuddy is for you to choose the Disable Shields option and handle applying manually or run without them. Alternatively, you could try the English WoW Client and see if you get better results with that. Note: the problem with reapplying Riptide to the same character would also be an aura issue in either the character does not show the Riptide buff present. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      aprisma, Thanks for the post, but unfortunately the symptoms described do not match the results of my testing. Please follow the steps in the FAQ linked above for issues you would like support. The error you described means either the files were copied to the wrong location -OR- a change has been made in HonorBuddy in the last 12 hours that breaks what was working yesterday. There have been a few of those breakages so that is a possibility, but I would need your complete log file as mentioned in the FAQ to assist you. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      zeldrak, Thanks for the post with log file. Most likely your download was fine. The problem is with the HonorBuddy assembly loader. I haven't been able to identify a pattern yet, but it periodically fails on startup like it did in this case. To fix, exit HonorBuddy then start again. I get this periodically with Singular also. There is a lot of work still being done on HonorBuddy, so more improvements and fixes to come. -Bobby53

      Edit: You may also need to delete the contents of the Compiled Assemblies folder before restarting.
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
    17. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      Hello Bobby,
      this weekend I was aksed 4 times to update my HB :) So this might be. Thanx for the FAQ I will try to solve.

    18. catrix

      catrix New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Latest HB Update killed the class again.... so we need a new update again
    19. Exokid7699

      Exokid7699 New Member

      Jul 31, 2011
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      Every single time im about to raid.... hb kills the working one. Its awesome.
    20. johngeorge

      johngeorge Member

      Dec 27, 2011
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      im am getting errors on my 71 shammie on build 444 of honor buddy attaching log.
      even deleted the singular shammie cc

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