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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. boogeyman269

      boogeyman269 New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      Hey bobby i have been playing my shaman again and the issue of it wanting to attack friendly targets that your in group with still exist only this time it isn't the healer attaching log hope it helps

      Attached Files:

    2. dstruktiv

      dstruktiv New Member

      Sep 19, 2010
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      Hi can someone please give me a little help? I've copied ShamWOW .415 in to my CustomClasses folder (As well as making sure it's the only Shaman CC). I'm running HB, when I start HB I get this in my log tab:

      Spell book built
      LOADED: ShamWOW v4.1.5
      Creating a character specific config file
      Your Level 71 Troll Elemental Shaman Build is:
      Eleme/Enhan/Resto 59/3/0
      Max Pull Ranged: 36
      Could not find a routine fitting for your class. Please make sure you have a proper combat class routine in your folder, and restart Honorbuddy.

      And if I start bot the bot can't attack etc.
    3. tylerdriver

      tylerdriver New Member

      Jul 2, 2010
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      I get the exact same error. Only happens when I try and bot the shaman. All other classes I've tried work.
    4. Halathen

      Halathen New Member

      Sep 16, 2010
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      I had the same problem too. On page 52, there is a download that you can copy and paste into your folder that will fix the problem.
      bobby53 likes this.
    5. tylerdriver

      tylerdriver New Member

      Jul 2, 2010
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      Man, do I feel stupid. It seems like every time I have a problem I miss the fix right in front of my face.

      Thanks for the help!
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Philips101, glad to hear you're pleased in general and my apologies for the unexpected behavior you describe. Please see the FAQ [link -- click here] for steps on posting an issue so I'll have the details needed to look into it for you.
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Boogeyman, I've looked at the log but don't see targeting issue. Could you narrow it down to the general time that the issue occurred? Thanks for your help, Bobby53
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nah, my apologies to you tylerdriver for it not being obvious what to download for a working version as it should be. An update will be coming out later today attached to the first post with all other possible versions removed. Let me know if you have any issues, Bobby53
    9. boogeyman269

      boogeyman269 New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      Ok below is just one time when it started tageting a druid that i was in group with

      [6:38:41 AM:682] ReadLog: >>> NEW TARGET: Druid-Druid[59]
      [6:38:41 AM:719] >>> NEW TARGET: Druid-Druid[59]
      [6:38:42 AM:408] % Safe_SetCurrentTarget() took 689 ms to update .CurrentTarget
      [6:38:42 AM:434] % Safe_SetCurrentTarget() took 0 ms to update .CurrentTarget
      [6:38:42 AM:620] ReadLog: ^Maelstrom Attack @ 5 stks
      [6:38:42 AM:661] ^Maelstrom Attack @ 5 stks
      [6:38:42 AM:684] % WillChainLightningHop(): took 1 ms
      [6:38:42 AM:748] % Stopped Moving
      [6:38:42 AM:848] Spell_C::CastSpell(15208, 0, 0x0, 0)
      [6:38:42 AM:925] ReadLog: *Lightning Bolt
      [6:38:42 AM:982] *Lightning Bolt
      [6:38:42 AM:983] % ShamanBuffs: AllowNonHealSpells:True, atrest:False
      [6:38:43 AM:30] % Exiting Combat
      [6:38:43 AM:351] Activity: Combat
      [6:38:43 AM:408] % Entered Combat
      [6:38:43 AM:451] % - status [me]: h/m:90.0%/66.0%, melee:0, range:0, rooted:False, immobile:False, silenced:False
      [6:38:43 AM:484] % Stopped Moving
      [6:38:43 AM:551] ReadLog: >>> ADD: Druid-Druid[59] at 4.0 yds
      [6:38:43 AM:595] >>> ADD: Druid-Druid[59] at 4.0 yds
      [6:38:43 AM:614] % ** Auto-Attack started in Combat
      [6:38:43 AM:673] ReadLog: *Auto-Attack
      [6:38:43 AM:717] *Auto-Attack
      [6:38:43 AM:785] % CheckForAdds(): PVE list built has 1 entries within 30.0 yds
      [6:38:43 AM:847] % *PLAYER: (H) Tauren Druid - Huuha[59] dist: 3.97
      [6:38:43 AM:890] % Total 1/0 melee/ranged in Combat with me
      [6:38:43 AM:923] % ## CheckForAdds() took 140 ms
      [6:38:43 AM:999] ReadLog: >>> Opposing PLAYER is Attacking!!!!
      [6:38:44 AM:91] >>> Opposing PLAYER is Attacking!!!!

      When it targets in most cases it will run toward the player then turn back and attack the mobs sometimes runing back and forth between the 2
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the info. It had been awhile so I didn't recall readily, but upon reviewing the source and the Change History that issue was fixed in ShamWOW v4.1.4. The version bundled with HonorBuddy is still v4.1.3 however, so you would need to download and use the latest from the forums to correct this issue. A new version of ShamWOW will be posted in the fourms later today. For use now, you can download 4.1.5 and then replace the Shaman.cs with the one attached to this post [link - click here]. Thanks again for your follow up on this issue.

      Note: I can't verify this at the moment, but for RaF ShamWOW will target the RaF Leader's target and attack. If the leader is targeting a party member, raid member, or other friendly at the moment ShamWOW's current target has died the same issue can occur. This is more infrequent, but clearly can still occur if the leader is casting an Innervate, Buff, or other spell on a friendly at that precise moment. I'll have a fix in the next release.
      Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
    11. boogeyman269

      boogeyman269 New Member

      May 24, 2010
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      Ok ill try it again but ive used 4.1.5 in the previous version of HB and was getting the same problem from the forum version and the default hb version but as i said ill give it another try

      thank you
      bobby53 likes this.
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New release... ShamWOW v4.1.8 for use with HonorBuddy and later is now available [link - click here for post w/ download]. Includes fixes for RaF and enhanced casting of heals for even great HPS in groups and battlegrounds. See the change history for more information.
    13. spudstar999

      spudstar999 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hello Bobby,

      testing it as a healer ... can you maybe add an option to not dps in heal spec?! would be very nice.

    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Spudstar999: The combat style "Healing Only" has always been a part of RaF support. The option was just added for PVP support in version 4.1.8. There is a Windows Help file included with the download if you have questions on options / features. possible. The default for a Resto spec in both cases is "Healing Over Combat" so you would need to change them to get the behavior you want.

      If the options are set correctly and it is still attacking, please post an issue [click here for information needed] and I'll get it resolved as quickly as possible.
      Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
    15. Fruitbasket

      Fruitbasket New Member

      Aug 21, 2010
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      You'll say WOW everytime you use this towel!
      Err.. CC
    16. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Tried ShamWoW tonight with the Mr.Autofight plugin. I have a level 80 Shammy with about 3k gearscore and I'm trying to farm badges to upgrade his gear.

      The first dungeon went fine (Violet Hold), I was able to move him around and it healed just fine. However, there were a couple issues. He didn't cast Earth Shield on the tank, and he didn't refresh Water shield on himself when it went down. It seemed to concentrate solely on the main tank. If one of the DPS took aggro, it did not heal them as I expected it to. Other than that, he healed the instance fine (with a little help).

      The second instance, Arub-whatever The Old Kingdom had some serious issues. The bear druid tank was taking massive spikes of damage and the bot simply couldn't keep up. There were times where it would go OOM and try to drink in the middle of a fight, and other times when it didn't seem heal at all, even thought the tank was below the 85% threshold I set. I tried taking over a couple times, but the tank still died 3-4 times before the second boss (prince whoever).

      I have attached a log in hopes that someone can determine if I was doing something wrong or if there are issues with the CC.

      RAF mode
      Mr.AutoFight plugin enabled
      Disable CC movement checked
      Heal only setting on RAF tab

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Sep 24, 2010
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Joker76, Sorry to hear you were having some unexpected behaviors and thank you very much for the great post and log file! I had some difficulty tying the specific issues you described in some cases back to where they occurred in your log file. If you run this again and can give me the system time on your PC at the general time it occurred that would be a huge help, but if not no worries. I believe I was able to duplicate most of the issues so can respond now and continue to investigate a few items further.

      In general, Mr. AutoFight is a neat plug-in that prevents Out of Combat movement by blocking HonorBuddy from performing its normal tasks while Out of Combat (OOC.) This works great for disabling movement, but it also prevents HonorBuddy from doing other non-combat activities such as calling the CC to handle resting, etc. In short, the intent of Mr. AutoFight is for the user to be at the keyboard handling out of combat movement. With the current implementation, you'll need to also handle other out of combat tasks as well.

      Buffing. These spells have a high priority out of combat, and a lower priority while in combat (since the healing spells themselves would have a higher one.) The buffing problem (Water Shield / Earth Shield) you see is due to ShamWOW not getting control when Out of Combat.

      Eating / Drinking. This is an OOC activity, so when using Mr. Autofight it won't occur automatically will have to be initiated by you. I don't see any attempts by the CC to eat or drink in the log. If you can remember what gave that appearance let me know and I'll look into it further.

      OOM. This is something that invariably will happen, especially if you run with a group that has low dps (resulting in longer fights) or a tank taking continual big hits (spamming big heals.) In this case, it was hastened by the lack of Water Shield being present. I'll add support to have Mana Tide automatically at a certain mana level while in combat. You may want to keep some mana potions on hand as well.

      Focusing Tank. I noticed this as well at times in my investigation of your issues. A few times it was due to going out of combat. I know I mentioned this before, but once your character goes out of combat the CC doesn't get control again (until going back into combat at some point.) This means at the end of a fight any character that needs heals will have to be healed manually. It seemed to happen during the fight a few times as well.

      Thanks again for the post. I'll am looking into this further for you and will include any refinements in the next release for you.
    18. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Hey Bobby, first of all thanks for the detailed response. I sent you a PM, but not sure if you received it.

      Anyway, I ran a few more instances last night and was able to tweak some things to work a little better.

      It still wasn't applying Earth Shield to the tank, so if that could be looked at I would appreciate it. I noticed in once instance that it was applying Earth Shield to the group leader, who was a Hunter and not the tank in this case. Is there any way for the CC to determine which party member is the MT? If so, that would be great.

      I determined it was not trying to drink during combat, it was simply using potions. Sorry for the confusion regarding that.

      Totems were a small issue. I have all the totems in the RAF tab set to "None" but he continues to drop totems at the start of combat each time. Is there a way to disable them, so I can drop them manually on boss fights? Dropping them on every trash pull is not very mana-efficient.

      It did use Totemic Recall. I can see in the log that it will cast Totemic Recall right before dropping the next set of totems.

      If anyone else has experience using the healbot functions, please feel free to pass a long some tips.

      Again, thanks for the great CC. Keep up the good work!
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Appreciate the detail Joker76, thank you!. You should have had a PM waiting from me. My response covered the issues explaining in detail more about the In Combat and Out of Combat differences. An update will be coming soon that addresses some of these.
    20. spudstar999

      spudstar999 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hello Bobby,

      i have also some problems with the totems. when in fight the mana spring totem gets destroyed it cast the totem very often also after there is a new one.

      also sometimes drops the set of totems ... cast totemik recall and set the totem recalls them and set them ...

      the rest works very nice ...

      sincery spud
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
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