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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      I realize it may take a little while for the bot to get going. The log I attached was for 3-5 minutes, the problem is it just stands there so there's nothing to log. The window shows "Activity: Resting" but he's at full mana and HP.

      I have a profile loaded, and it's within my level range.

      I got it working for a little while using NB 1.923 ... not really sure how though. It works for a little while, then it stops and stands there. If I restart HB, it works for a little bit again then repeats. Then, I got this message in the window. Full log below.


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      Last edited: May 30, 2010
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It would help me more to have the Log from your usage where it works and then fails. It would be especially helpful if you can say what time it appeared to stop working as well.

      The log message quoted is benign and generated by clicking the Stop button. It occurred because clicking Stop raised the System.Threading.ThreadAbortException and it was caught within a general purpose exception handler in the ShamWOW code. I have revised so future versions will no longer output this message.
    3. wired420

      wired420 Banned

      Mar 13, 2010
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      Why not just make it so it realizes its immune and switch so when you leave again we don't have to find someone to update it until you get back again...
    4. okeofs

      okeofs New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Won't even start for me.

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    5. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      I'm trying to get a clean log for you, but HB is not cooperating. It seems the logging function is also failing on my installation ... along with everything else. I'm assuming this is a more broad HB issue rather than just CC-related. I will try to get some more detailed log information for you.

      Just getting a bit frustrated because it's been working fine for the past few days and just started giving me issues recently. Also worth mentioning; when it does run, it's having issues healing still.

    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      After running HB, but before clicking the Start button, click the CC Configuration and go through each tab making sure every Dropdown List has a value specified. I don't see anyway this error could be occurring other than an issue with the Settings.setting configuration file.
    7. okeofs

      okeofs New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll give that shot and report back in a few.

      Edit: Do you have a check to see if a char has the weapon enchants at all? I'm still getting an error only this time it's 'The given key was not present in the dictionary'.

      Maybe the problem is that it won't work unless you have one of the weapon enchants.

      Edit: confirmed you need to have at least one weapon enchant to start. Once I trained rockbiter it started working fine. Looking forward to this mate. Thanks!
      Last edited: May 31, 2010
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      That would be my preference as well and it represents the next phase of immune mob handling in ShamWOW as well as other CC's. HB doesn't provide an API supporting CC's catching LUA Events, and that ability is required for realtime immune detection. It appears that a future version of HB will incorporate this, but as of this writing I have been told it won't be the next release.
    9. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      Ok, here is a new log.

      The issue I'm having today is that the Shaman will pull a mob using Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Flame Shock. Then, when the mob is in melee range, it takes 4-5 sec for the Shaman to start melee combat. I know this may seem like a short time but it's an eternity when you have mobs beating on you.

      All of the pulls in this log are the same, but if you look at the last lines from [9:20:20 AM: 294] to [9:20:32 AM: 244] you will get an idea of what's happening. He casts Flame Shock at [9:20:26 AM: 561] then takes 6 seconds to enter melee combat and cast Stormstrike.

      edit: If you could also take a look at [9:19:07 AM: 440] where he is resting at 83% health, 98% mana. Thanks.

      edit2: Switching to Survival mode seems to have eliminated the delay I was experiencing earlier. Looks like all the checks it was doing for Feral Spirit/Totems/etc. were causing it to delay combat. Which is weird because it wasn't doing that a couple days ago. *shrug*

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      Last edited: May 31, 2010
    10. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      My issues continue.

      Now, it stands around after combat for 2-3 minutes spamming this;

      It did continue after some time, but when I look at the full log it's doing it pretty regularly. Any ideas?

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    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      That is odd. I'll look into it.

      Resting is a state that where the Shaman will do a lot more than just eating or drinking. In this case, it entered the Rest state becuase it needed to apply temporary weapon enchants. You'll see them cast on lines:

      [9:19:09 AM:43] *Windfury Weapon
      [9:19:10 AM:782] *Flametongue Weapon
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Appears you are still in combat, but not being given target by HB and CC not switching to another target. Do you have something attacking your Spirit Wolves or a totem while this is occurring?
    13. louisduloc

      louisduloc Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My enhanced shaman run into the mob, but when the mob move, the bot does not readjust or something because it keep telling me it facing the wrong way. The damage shield and bot healing will beat the mob most of the time, but it never lands one attract. Any thoughts?
    14. krakaskillz

      krakaskillz New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      well i still can not get this cc or the default cc to work. All they erver do is "rest" looks like a problem that can't get figured out, asked about it before and never got an answer. Here is the log:

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    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Kraka... not sure why but it says that the Global Cooldown is active every time it tries to cast. That is preventing it from applying the Shield and the Enhancements. The code correctly detects these haven't been applied and enters the Rest state to try to apply them, again bumping into the GCD. The result is a loop occuring while your character stands still unti you move it manually or something pats by and agros to it. After combat it would return to the loop described. The code in the two Shaman classes is the same in this area, so them getting similar results makes sense.

      I'll look into it further and get back to you, but I don't have a quick solution at this point as I see no reason why WoW/HonorBuddy would indicate the GCD like this on some systems but not all.
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Not at the moment. I have only seen this occur with the Stags in Ashenvale. Watching the WoW screen while this happens shows the mob is Visually in front being faced, but the red message displayed repeatedly is its not. I'll have this resolved in the next version. What mobs did you see this occur with?
    17. mrgalabama

      mrgalabama New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      love the work you done to improve the shaman CC. i think you trying to beat mordd cc. if so you are on your way on giving him a run for his money. after i watch for 2 days, i notice a few things.

      A.) There is no support for potions. this would be nice and help save mana that we wouldn't have to use for heals. not to much the mana potions would save time from eating.

      B.) I also notice there isn't a percentage to use bandage. the logic for it doesn't always use bandages. I also notice it using bandage than cast buffs while using the bandage. the logic for healing out of combat is healing more than using bandage. i have the emergency heal low so it should be using bandage. also the rest out of combat is heal so it can trigger the bandage heal which this seem to b the logic for it. they need to be separate.

      C.) i also notice it not dropping every totem in the "Call of the Element, Spirits, or Ancestors". most of the time it will drop the earth n wind totems and not the water and fire totems.

      D.) over all this is a great CC. with a few more fixes and it going to best one of the best. i say vote it CC if the year award. i done programing and i hate it. i have no idea why am a script kitty but i am. you done a great job boddy so keep it up.
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the constructive feedback. Responses below...

      Both Health and Restoration Potions are supported. They are consumed if either your health or mana drops below the Emergency levels set in CC Configuration. Noticed later in your post you set these values very low. If they are too low it is likely your character would die before being able to consume the potion.

      I'll add support for mana potions in a coming release.

      Bandages are currently supported only for "out of combat" heals. Further, they are only used if current mana is greater than the Rest Mana %. The reasoning there is if you have to take the time to drink, you may as well be eating at the same time and save a bandage. Buffs should be immediately before or immediately after bandaging. Note that a bandage may not be applied for the full duration if it reaches a 100% health and the remaining duration isn't needed. If you are seeing something else please post a debug enabled log file and point me to the timeframe pertaining to what you were seeing. Also let me know if that doesnt address all your issues regarding bandages. I'm not exactly sure what you were looking for regarding what needs to be separate.

      Correct. Originally was limiting the # totems cast for solo combat due to the mana cost vs. benefit trade off. However, am overhauling that in next release.

      Thanks for the feedback. Substantive critique like this is what creates a good CC.
      Last edited: Jun 1, 2010
    19. mrgalabama

      mrgalabama New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i also notice while using the Survival (PvP realms) it casting Feral Spirit alot. it nice to have but it casting it while fighting a single mob that is 3 lvls higher. i can fight 5 mobs ( 3 lvls plus, am lvl 65 n mob 68 r 69) without dying. so i dont need feral spirit for single mobs. is there a way to add a config button to make it cast it only when there are 4 mob or more, or when the mob is 5 lvl plus. at our choice? i know not every one is geared as i am.

      shamanistic rage. what make it cast this spell?? i was wondering so i can figure how to make it cast it when needed.
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Shamanistic Rage will cast if your char is in a stressful fight and the target has 85% or more health left. Idea here is to cast early in the fight or not at all. It's possible if you are that geared you may be taking them below 85% too quickly for it to cast.

      On the config items, I was going to add a few options. Let me know what you think of these:

      Treat target #### levels higher as elite (default is 3)
      Treat fight with #### mobs as stressful (default is 2)

      That would allow you to indicate not to break out the Spirit Wolves unless the target is at least ##### higher so you could set to as many levels higher as you want. The last one would allow you to control the size of the group that represents a stressful situation.
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