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  • ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, May 25, 2010.

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    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Anonuzer01, Thank you for checking, but there isn't an option for every ability. My preference is to automatically determine whether an ability should be used and respond without a user having to statically select an option, which they most likely will have to remember to go back and disable later for a different scenario. In this case, there is no clear way to automatically determine whether it should be cast or not, so I'll provide an option. Thanks for the suggestion, Bobby53
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tvsian, I added support for the two Figurines. Core of Ripeness was already supported as a Mana Trinket. Those were only being used at Emergency Mana % or lower however. I have revised so there are two new Config options: Health Trink % and Mana Trink %. Because these apply to all environments, they are on the General tab. Look for this in the next release coming soon.
    3. dshiizznitt

      dshiizznitt Member

      Feb 14, 2010
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      The only debuff i wouldnt want dispelled is blackout on the Valiona and Theralion fight. o
    4. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      Hello Bobby:

      this is from your post:

      NEW - Disable Targeting: option allows you to disable CC targeting when CC movement is disabled. Also disables Immunity Checking

      Do this mean that the bot now support CC? (so for example the green triangle for frog etc).........

      thanx a lot for this great work,
    5. Kuku

      Kuku Member

      Jan 27, 2010
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      This means that the Bot stops targeting automatically^^ So you ahve to choose the target and move to it. I don't know wether the CC still pulls or not. :) ... This is used when you want to play but let the bot handle all the combat...
    6. Nightskine

      Nightskine Member

      Oct 30, 2010
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      Hey Bobby, I'm guessing there's a face target command in there somewhere but I cant seem to find it. I want to // it out.

      Everytime something attacks me and I try to run away - I auto target it since its attacking me - and then the bot faces the target halfway and i end up turning around and running right to it .... followed by running around it ... haha not suspicious at all

      I've already disabled targeting and movement so it must be somewhere else in the code ... hoping you could tell me in which file i could find it. Thanks - Great CC Bobby
    7. Tekken

      Tekken Member

      Jan 4, 2011
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      Hi Bobby53 ... I am sorry about taking my time to reply. I am also sorry I wasn't clear enough as to what I wanted to do. I have two accounts, My main that has 8 lvl 85s and my farming account that has 3 lvl 85s one of them a shaman. Due to the long queing times for heroic dungeons I wanted to have the shaman from the farming account to group up with my main account characters and heal the group as this will cut the waiting time by 75% hence I was wondering what was the easiest way to obviously group up and play both toons; I have tried multiboxing but it takes practice, so what I am doing at present is put the healer shammie on follow and get your cc to heal whilst I play the other character manually. I am a great fan of your cc it is clear the amount of work behind it and when you observe the results it is quite simply phenomenal. Many thanks for your contribution, and by the way many thanks for the Hyjal profile is incredible work as usual.
      Thanks again.
    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Tekken, I would just use InstanceBuddy. Create a Party and use LFD manually. Instead of letting InstanceBuddy queue, you will need to queue by using the Join as Party option in WOW. Once both are queued, then press Start on both InstanceBuddy setups. Once the dungeon ends, you'll need to Stop InstanceBuddy, leave the Queue, then repeat the Join as Party then Start again. Let me know how that works for you, Bobby53
    9. abndrew82

      abndrew82 New Member

      May 14, 2010
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      Question on the Disable Movement function

      I have been trying to use it with the modified Combat / Heal bot with no Movement that was released by Joker with lionheart the fury war CC.

      And while it works to give me most control over my char, I noticed that on some occasions in dungeons the CC still decides it wants to override the Disable movement, and try to move to a target or face them and such.

      This makes it difficult when running a heroic or say BH, as when I try to make him run from the fel flames I have to fight it wanting to move back to group members instead of letting me control the char and just run him away from flames.

      Is there anywhere else I can look to get a full disable to the character moving, I like using the CC for Heroics and raids to just heal and I move him through the dungeons and fights.

    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      abndrew82, See the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on how to post a question or constructive criticism regarding observed behavior. ShamWOW does not perform any movement when you check the Disable Movement option in CC Configuration. If its still occurring, then the movement is being caused by some other component (bot, plugin, etc.) or its a bug requiring a complete debug log file for me to pursue further for you. Please be sure to specify the system time that you observe the abhorrent behavior as well so I can correlate what you describe to me with the log file activities recorded at that precise time. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    11. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      I had the same problem. I disabled the movement quick because I should frog a mob. And it was impossible because the toon didnt want to let me run there. Then I close the bot brutally but my wow didnt want that :)
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      aprisma, Same issue and no detail after reading my response? Here it is again...

      Please see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for details on how to post a question or constructive criticism regarding observed behavior. Please be sure to specify the system time that you observe the abhorrent behavior as well so I can correlate what you describe to me with the log file activities recorded at that precise time. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    13. aprisma

      aprisma New Member

      Feb 25, 2011
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      Hi Bobby,
      I did read your post :) I wrote 2 pages before about the problem, but you couldnt find a problem in log. I told you that I will post when the next one dies. The problem is - your cc is so good that it is nearly impossible that one dies if you do not have a DC :)) Its depressing healing manually part times .....

      But Tony told me in another thread that rezzing is not a thing of the CC its a thing of IB !!!!!
      So i will bother Tony & Company in future :))

      thanx for this godlike CC
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      aprisma, Thanks for the follow up. I can't always find the problem even when a user provides everything needed (accurate detail description, the system time issue occurred, and a complete debug log file attached.) However, I do know I won't be able to identify and fix most problems without those things. In your case, since you closed HB immediately after being unable to move the character, you would have been able to point exactly to the portion of the log file representing the error. If you still have that log file, please attach it to a post for me to look into. In general, when communicating about an issue forum members should follow the steps listed in the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] to avoid having their time wasted posting something that can't be looked into. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    15. abndrew82

      abndrew82 New Member

      May 14, 2010
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      Disable Movement Not fully disabling with Logs and info

      HonorBuddy Mode: CombatBot_NoMovement

      Shamans Location: Stonecore for this test

      What should have happened (be specific): I have disable movement set so that I can completely control the characters movement for moving from AE's and such and everything is my goal.

      What did happen (be specific): It appears to disable all movement except movement while in Combat. When in Combat and the bot in controlling spells and heals it will move into range to heal if needed and such. This is normally good, but could be bad if you are running from an AE or something, where I need to be able to control which way to run not just make a straight attempt to get into heal range.

      System time of issue (log time stamp):

      [3:16:20 PM:846] % NeedRestLogicResto: no heals needed and tank 38.4 yds away so moving in range

      I was purposely moving my shaman all around and such to try and force it to move like I had seen it before.

      That is in the log occasionally and my guess that would be what it causing the movement I am seeing.

      It is trying to get in range to heal a group member, but I am trying to move the character to avoid something normally such as in BH avoiding the Felstorm thing.

      Please let me know if I can get you any other information.

      Attached Files:

      bobby53 likes this.
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      abndrew82, Thank you for the very well written issue post! +rep The log message you referenced doesn't signify movement by ShamWOW, only that it detected the Shaman needs to move. All movement code in the CC is wrapped by a test for whether movement has been disabled. The log shows two messages that indicate you had disabled movement and that ShamWOW recognized that:
      [3:07:51 PM:695]   # DisableMovement:        'True'
      [3:11:54 PM:492] CC movevement disabled due to Config Setting 
      All movement related code ( moveto and stop ) call a single point in ShamWOW which is wrapped by a test for the disable movement option. The only movement related code that is not wrapped is the command to Face an enemy. This doesn't cause movement towards a heal target as described, but at times can interrupt your attempt to move by turning to face that target. I don't see anywhere movement is initiated by ShamWOW for a Resto Shaman when that option is set. I'll post a new release later today after some additional testing that prevents the facing calls as well. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
    17. kayes

      kayes Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi Bobby, Ive done quite a few arena's with this CC now as healer. Works quite well, but there is a shield spam in the beginning of the fight (before the arena starts) could you look into that? I can post a log tomorrow if needed :)
    18. stiky

      stiky New Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      hey Bobby, you ever thought of setting up some kind of svn trunk, so we can update it with beta builds or whatever? much like Apoc does for Singular.
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, and for the foreseeable future this project will remain distributed as release snapshots only. There are advantages to just sharing the SVN trunk, but for now the downsides aren't worth the benefits.
    20. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Kayes, Glad to hear its working well for you in arena. Yes, I can look into the shield spam issue for you but I will need a complete debug log file. For steps on providing the info needed to give me the best chance to troubleshoot an issue for you, see the ShamWOW Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] .
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