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  • Sharecropper - Sunsong Ranch (Harvesting, cleaning and Planting)

    Discussion in 'Neutral' started by Thumped, Mar 29, 2013.

    1. xtronic

      xtronic New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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    2. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Right out the gate, i see that your Talented2 plug is set to the wrong Class. Turn off that plugin please.
      Line 5807 of your log the bot attempted to move to back to Area 3 then you stopped it, Why? if the bot failed to move back to the spot, that is the RunTo error i mentioned. It happens more often at Areas 3 and 4...if you click in the center of the area (middle of the 4 plots) the bot will continue...
      Also, i only test these profiles at 30fps "/console maxfps 30" and "/console maxfpsbk 30" that may be an issue...i don't know for sure but i will test on a toon or two.
      How low are you running the graphics?
    3. xtronic

      xtronic New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Today's attempt. Still leaves 3 crops without harvesting them.

      View attachment 122003

      So I harvest the remaining plants myself. It left 1 vermin and 1 weed. I re-run the profile again and it didn't find the vermin or weed, just instead carried on to plough.

      View attachment 122004

      I then removed the weed and vermin myself and ran the profile again. Because I removed them myself, this time it ploughs normally.

      View attachment 122006

      Next I ran the profile again and Honrobuddy got stuck this time. Its stuck on run macro 20/20 times. Here's how it looks after it got stuck:

      View attachment 122007

      So I stopped Honrobuddy once more and ran the profile again.

      This time it didn't crash, completed with nothing more to do, but it missed a "runty" crop at the back. I watched my toon jumping up and down, but it just never selected the crop.

      View attachment 122008

      I ran it again and it still didn't find the last remaining runty crop.

      So basically it misses three plants at the back row when harvesting. Unless you stop the profile, harvest all the crops manually and run the profile again, it will plough lob sided.
      Then upon dealing with with the newly planted seeds, it clears the weeds well, apart from the last section where Honorbuddy crashed and it left two weeds. I phased out and back in again to uncover the missing crop, ran the profile once more and it dealt with all the weeds apart from the one runty crop in the corner. I ran the profile a final time and it still didn't remove the crop.

      Its really bizarre how you aren't able to repeat these problems and it would be simply wonderful if you could leave it to do its thing without having to babysit. Nonetheless, thankyou dearly for this profile. It deals with most of the problems, but you just have to keep an eye on things.

      I have attached my log from when I made the screenshots tonight.
    4. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Ok i see the lopsideness you were talking about, at 15FPS and lowest Graphics settings. Keep the Graphics low and set your FPS to 30 and see what happens please...
    5. xtronic

      xtronic New Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      Do you mean set framelock to 30 in Honorbuddy settings, or set max foreground FPS to 30 in wow?
    6. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Wow max foreground and background to 30, actually I have framelock off...
    7. bsod

      bsod New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Thanks for your help, I applied your advice but I'm afraid the issue is still there, in fact it seems worse this time.

      The reason I stopped and started the bot last time is because Honorbuddy gets stuck like this every time in plot 3 after pulling a stubborn weed. It happened yesterday and today the same way. I tried to click in the middle and it just stood there, with Honorbuddy still stuck on running macro 20/20 times.
      So today, this is the result if two runs of harvesting and pulling the weeds/killing vermin/eagles. As you can see, same as yesterday:
      This time I ran the profile again with the crops still un-harvested, this time it ploughed correctly apart from the last row. Bizarely though, one of the soils went missing in row 2 (see screenshot).
      It then went round to check the soil was tilted and planted seeds. On the first section it threw seeds, despite a soil being missing. (When i ran out and back in to phase, the soil was back, but unplanted, (again see screenshot).
      Then when it was checking 3 and 4 for untilted soil, it didnt see the two at the back were still untilted, ignored them and planted the seeds. Then after it planted the seeds in p3 and 4. It then decided it would tilt the soil. At this point the profile just stopped again, no message or error. I had to restart it.
      I ran the profile for another time and it seemed to find the two tilted soils in p4 and threw seeds at them, but it ignored the single tilted soil in p3 and just stopped again. I tried moving in the middle, but it still didnt work.
      Again after it finished I ran the profile, it carried on to clear the crops and this is how it ended. Honorbuddy saying "nothing more to do".
      P3=Unharvest crop it left + tilted soil. On the last run, it did clear the tangled weed here, but ignored the tangled weed in p4, along with an occupied wiggling weed and the two un-harvested crops for the first round.

      I don't understand why soils and crops just go missing for me sometimes.

      Other things I have tried include deleting Honorbuddy and wow Cache, sadly its still the same.
    8. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      I would think the plots missing is a WOW issue to be honest...
      Just confirming your running at least 25FPS in wow, and framelock in HB is turned off?
    9. bsod

      bsod New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      I actually did a fresh wow installation today and had the same problems again. This time with the addition of the profile missing ploughing the second row. Its so strange how sometimes for me it ploughs sometimes it doesn't...

      Yes, this is with framelock disabled and the fps set to max 30 foreground and background, fps is always above 25 and today I even tried with high graphics setting . Same problem.

      I think the missing plots probably is a wow issue and it won't surprise me to learn that most of the problems I am having are, I just don't understand it thats all.
    10. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      bsod...i really had a brainfart on this one, i have made changes to all the other files to fix most of the issue you are having. But i totally forgot about the Wind Shear file...

      Update your SVN, under WIP there is a file called "Sharecropper_WindshearCatcus_Bsod" use it and let me know the results...thanks
    11. bsod

      bsod New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      haha no problem! I knew it was strange.

      I used the new profile today and it worked much better, but its still not perfect. It stopped again when clearing weeds of the harvested plants Honorbuddy stuck showing:

      I tried what you said and moved to the middle, but my toon was still stuck doing nothing, with Honorbuddy showing the above message. Instead I stopped and started the profile.

      Then, when I ran the profile again, on the final stage, when clearing the weeds of the newly planted seeds, it missed two runty crops and one wiggling.

      On the final run, it went round and cleared everything:D

      As you can see, much better than before, but ideally don't want to have to run the profile 3 times to get it to work :)

      I've uploaded my logs to google drive since the forum has attachment problems now, you will see half way through I ran out of seeds, but this isn't related to the two problems I had.

    12. Nodecaf

      Nodecaf New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      This profile is so useful.. if it would only work consistently. It often misses several plots. I will often just "stop" at "Change [Disable in Quest Vehicle] setting...", or as in this situation, stop at "[Profile Message]: Cleaning up Area 3" (logfile attached).

      Once rather than plowing vertically, it actually ran horizontally across the back row, lol. Usually if I stop and restart the bot once or twice, it will go back to the beginning and eventually finish, although if it missed 1 plot out of 4, it will still use an entire charge...

      Very cool what you've come up with, I just wish I could figure out how to make it work consistently....

      Attached Files:

    13. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Unfortunately, there are issues with HB that i have no control over. A big issue is the meshing of the farm, specifically plot 3 and 4. They are meshed as if the wagon and boulder are still in place, which causes the bouncing around on those plots. Also i believe that the back to plots on area 3, where guessed as to the location of the actual plot. Part of HB says your within 3 yards from the plot, but the mechanics say your 12 yards. Really messes up stuff.

      The last conversation i had with the Devs about the mechanics...here

      The "[Profile Message]: Cleaning up Area 3" is a Behavior issue. The RunTo behavior seems to have issues when you are really close to where it needs to go, around a yard or 2. When it hangs, i have been just clicking in the middle of the plot and the profile keeps going. A pain i know...I will be doing some re-writing over the next few weeks trying to compensate for the RunTo error. And when they re-mesh the farm again, a whole new set of problems will come up.
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
    14. Nodecaf

      Nodecaf New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      thanks for the explanation.
    15. bsod

      bsod New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      Have you given the broadieman collection a go Thumped? Would be interested to see what you think of how it deals with plot 3 and 4. I have a good idea that somehow he made his own mesh for the area.
    16. bsod

      bsod New Member

      Mar 5, 2014
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      What happened to the improved windshear cactus profile? It worked much better than the default one.
    17. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      I rewrote the profile, Look in WIP folder for Windshear and Snakeroot, let me know how they work.

      Got reports from a friend of mine that the plowing and harvesting were jacked up...so i rewrote a bunch of it.
    18. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      So since it is raining and over all miserable outside, I have re-wrote a few of the profiles. But I need a little help. Please test the profiles under the WIP folder.
      Currently I have done Engima, Shakeroot and Windshear. By testing these three, with any feed back, then tweaking them, I will be able to easily do the rest.

      Thanks for your support,

    19. Nodecaf

      Nodecaf New Member

      Dec 4, 2011
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      Ran the new enigma profile on 3 different characters, and with all 3 the plow segment worked flawlessly. 2 of the chars got "stuck" in area 4, requiring a manual "click" to the center of the area to resume (previously area 3 seemed to be where they got "stuck").

      The third char ran the entire profile without error. I will run it a few more times on different characters, but a definite improvement as the plowing was flawless!
    20. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Thanks Nodecaf, still tinkering with them. The Enigma is the largest profile by far and i still have a few tweaks to make on stuff i missed. Thanks again for the update.

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