Is the messaging thing still working? [Sharp Messenger] Messaging state 'Securing'. [Sharp Messenger] Messaging state 'Authenticating'. [Sharp Messenger] Messaging authentication error. Check credentials! [Sharp Messenger] Messaging state 'Disconnected'. [Sharp Messenger] Connect server is '', server is '' and port is '5222'. the mail is and the pass is the same as my gmail pass, confirmed its the right one... so any idea?
Double check user + password for the *local* Google Talk user. Did you disable Google hangouts for both accounts? Did you enable less secure apps for both accounts? I will need your full log file for further support.
Damn was having some problem so before asking fro support I decided to do some tests... What I found was, if your mail is for example: he will try to msg someone that doesnt exist "Some Thing" if your mail is he will msg it fine, "Something"... Just a warn in case someone had the same problem, create a mail with just one word and no dots....
For Google Mail and is the exact same e-mail. I am using the one with a dot and it works fine for me.
What the hell is this? Code: [08:36:43.410 D] [Sharp Messenger] Loading Sharp Messenger from 'C:\Users\TRTAMRTA\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Sharp Messenger\SharpMessenger.dll'. You are using version and current version is Why don't you migrate to buddy store? You are getting the following error. Code: [08:36:51.215 N] [Sharp Messenger] Messaging authentication error. Check credentials! You have to double check your credentials for local Google Talk account and/or re-enable less secure apps on both accounts in Google.
Hmm... somehow sharp messanger isnĀ“t connecting anymore to google talk... changed nothing ^^ and he says nothing. only [Sharp Messenger] Sharp Messenger is starting. [Sharp Messenger] Start up completed.
Oh, it was again the problem with Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 in prefix policies (with windows 10 64 bit) after i installed the hotfix from Microsoft everythink was ok.
I currently have 2 problems if I try to /r a bnet message it doesn't work and if I do /b with name or bnet tag it can't message
You are probably using the wrong command. To reply a whisper you have to use /br and not /r.
Hello guys... just purchased Sharp Messaging and it doesnt work... always tells me when i try to send commands "[Sharp Messenger] Message '/help' from Google Talk. [Sharp Messenger] Message not from configured user. Ignoring." And when i got a wisper it also isnt sending it to me via messanger.... Am i doing something wrong? Dont think so.... Can someone help me out please? im using the external user for sending commands via my mobile phone and the local on HB..... its right or not?