Guys if you are having isues EDIT the file and change max lvl from 90 to 100 or 101 or what ever over 100
3 try Paladin blood elfe dps 639 : Icc 25HM , using Icc V 1.292 horde : 2 first boss fine the third didn't kill fast enough boat (had to do it with my hand) 4 fine if i remember then go to valthria trash done but no sister salva (skiped twice) so rezet trash (had to do it by hand) then get stuck near elevator after valithria 'failed to move etc", had to do sindra and trash before with my hand then swap to icc v 1.292 upperspire stuck cockroach (ask to consecration) shaman draenei elem 615 Icc 25 NM using Icc V 1.292 ally (had to upragde lvl profile to 101) worked fine but until third boss where he don't kill boat fast enough stopped here Priest troll 620 shadow icc 25 NM using Icc V 1.292 horde 2 first fine and get stuck combat on trash to third boss i will try tommorow on my dk maybe i will work cause you also did it with a dk
10 Normal 630 Human Hunter Pulls trash mobs which are not necessary since we are level 100, wasting time. Additionally the bot kills every mob on it's spot rather than pulling them all and kill them every 100 yards. Boss 1 works Boss 2 works Gun Ship too slow, didnt work (blacklisting first gun since he couldnt reach it somehow) -> stuck Boss 4 works Upper Spire: Boss 5 works (Festergut) Boss 6 works (Rotface) Boss 7 works (Professor Putricide) Boss 8 works (Prince Valanar) Boss 9 works (Blood-Queen Lana'thel) Way to Valithria Dreamwalker, Event starts but bot does not kill all adds and the NPCs can't kill them, which leads to a failure of the quest and the door to Valithria Dreamwalker won't open. -> stuck Valithria Dreamwalker; The bot runs directly through the adds and the dragon trying to skip the event. But since he pulls the adds the event starts and the bot won't win this -> stuck. One should walk around the mobs to the exit, this boss is not mandatory and hence should be skipped. Frostwing Halls Bugs event: Don't know if it works, made it by myself. Sindragosa: Don't know if it works, made it by myself.
I run it an hour or so ago and I noticed the same issues. So, I modified the profile a bit. My code is hasty and not clean, but it should work. If I find time i might polish it even more tomorrow. View attachment ICC V 1.292 alliance.xml
Gun Ship worked for me Way to Valithria Dreamwalker, Event starts but bot does not kill all adds and the NPCs can't kill them, which leads to a failure of the quest and the door to Valithria Dreamwalker won't open. -> stuck Valithria Dreamwalker; The bot runs directly through the adds and the dragon trying to skip the event. But since he pulls the adds the event starts and the bot won't win this -> stuck. One should walk around the mobs to the exit, this boss is not mandatory and hence should be skipped. Still not working =)
Yeah, I forgot to include the hospots for the event on that file, my bad! WIll post tommorow! For Valithria, do you have a pet or are you a boomkin? I found today a similar result with my boomkin. I will push a fix tommorow.
Bot wasn't able to do Gunship without assistance. i ran it on my shaman and it was trying to get into the canons in ghostwolf form. can't get in while shapeshifted.