Had to do Gunship manually. The RP for Saurfang makes it run into the door endlessly, I manually targeted the boss and it started attacking after that. Had to manually loot the chest then hit start again. edit: So after restarting it tried to skip 2 wings and go right to LK. I'm going back to the entrance and restarting to see if that helps.
How do i change it to 25 normal? My alt warrior have not done it yet on HC, so need a normal run first!
Thanks for your work! =) Can you add a Normal 10 man version please? There is no need to do it in 25m heroic. Just kill all bosses in 10 man normal, go out of dungeon, set it to 25 man normal, enter instance and set it to heroic for the lich king. In normal mode 10 man your script should win the gun battle easily, its 2 shots.
I don't think you can do 10m> 25 anymore. But You can do 25Normal > 25Heroic. ---------- Also there are two files. ICC2 and V which one is the updated one?
will upload it in next days till then you can set difficult manally and start bot/profile in the instance
Thank you for the profile But here's what im having to do: Load ICC 2. Manually Loot boat chest and start fight after boat. Load Uppershire manually clear insect/bug room... for w/e reason the bot doesnt do few aoes spell..? Also at Sister svalna.. on my priest, the bot tries to run to the door and get 'impaling spear' which is very annoying because i have to wait for toon to die and manually kill her. Relogging also help reset.. but then i have to finish the rest of the raid manually because bot wants to start from the beginning
then you loaded wrong profile. just cleared icc with 20 toons only bugs twice on the bugroom... just read the faq enable movement and everything in your cc