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  • Singular - A community driven All-In-One CC - It Just Plain Works - (Pt. 3)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Apoc, Apr 19, 2011.

    1. Lockwood

      Lockwood Member

      Jul 30, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Using Singular with the rogue and gotta say not impressed. Doesn't use ambush and has the MAJOR problem of sometimes going stealthed too far away and then spamming 'too far away' and trying to attack. Never seems to right itself and close the distance.

      Is there any rogue CC that is any good? It seems most of these CC's need updating as Singular is not doing the job.
    2. Amplified

      Amplified Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      well singular gets the job done. but it does have major problems that if fixed would increase the speed of lvling and efficiency like 10x fold.

      and no, there arent any active rogue cc's besides singular.
    3. peanutbird

      peanutbird New Member

      Nov 19, 2011
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      Can you please, please look into the issue where Singular casts Soul Harvest (a channeling spell) and interrupts it way too early, sometimes even instantly, through movement or mounting up? It looks extremely "bottish".

      Same problem exists with Health Funnel.

      What Class are you?: Warlock
      What Spec are you?: Affliction, but affects all specs
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): BGbuddy
      What level are you?: 85
      What revision of Singular are you using?: 647 (latest)
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: none
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers): trunk
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: latest

      Attached a full log.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 2, 2012
    4. velonici

      velonici Member

      Oct 16, 2011
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      In post #103 laria posted a fix for the soul harvest thing. Its been working great for me. Now if the bot would just use something after it uses soulburn.
    5. lordimac

      lordimac New Member

      Mar 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
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      Thank you very much! It works!
    6. HB7032V76

      HB7032V76 New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      for me on any class i use Singular is "framing" the game, like sacadating i dunno why...
    7. ossirian

      ossirian New Member

      May 5, 2011
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      try making one. or pay someone to make one. or just play yourself if you are not impressed.

      i levelled a rogue to 85 very recently using this cc, maybe the problem is your end.
    8. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      What Class are you?: Priest
      What Spec are you?: Holy
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Dungeon
      What level are you?: 80+
      What revision of Singular are you using?: 647 ($616)
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: no
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers):
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: latest

      I'm running dungeonbuddy with 5 toons, holy priest as healer. Throughout the entire dungeon it's casting lightwell, even at places you're just running by. It sometimes has LoS issues casting lightwell, resulting in the tank waiting for the healer to catch up and slowing the run down. Now the biggest thing I don't like about is is the fact that none of the other bots ever use it, all running singular.

      Any possibility to add an option to disable it or have it disabled by default while running dungeonbuddy in group mode? Or code the use of the lightwells into the cc if needed (or a plugin for it maybe).
    9. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      I've been using protection warrior with lazyraider and the CC has very poor use of Shockwave. Please remember this is a conal spell with a range of only 10 yards. A range check may need to be added.
    10. EpicXss

      EpicXss New Member

      Jan 20, 2011
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      Adding dispel magic.

      edit the .cs file and add following

      //Regular dispelling.
      "Name of spell",
      ret => (WoWUnit)ret,
      ret => Dispelling.CanDispelUnit((WoWUnit)ret) && ((WoWUnit)ret).InLineOfSpellSight),
    11. Someday

      Someday New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Same here - and still no answer from the devs? =(
    12. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
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      Ive made a bunch of fixes but it may take a week or 2 until the guy with permissions to the repo is back from a busy real life, so all i can say for now is, have patience
    13. Xzual

      Xzual New Member

      Oct 6, 2011
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      Why does my feral druid use moonfire to pull then switch into catform running singular, level 14 currently
    14. Joker76

      Joker76 Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      What Class are you?: Priest
      What Spec are you?: Discipline
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): PartyBot
      What level are you?: 25
      What revision of Singular are you using?: v2 rev616
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers):
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?:

      [10:28:38 PM:996] Logging in...
      [10:28:40 PM:018] Buddy Sessions: 0/0
      Shared Sessions: 2/3
      [10:28:41 PM:268] Attached to WoW with ID 9640
      [10:28:41 PM:366] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5965 started!
      [10:28:41 PM:367] Using WoW with process ID 9640
      [10:28:41 PM:367] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [10:28:41 PM:367] Executable Path: C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
      [10:28:41 PM:373] Character is a level 25 BloodElf Priest
      [10:28:41 PM:374] Current zone is Ashenvale
      [10:28:41 PM:379] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      [10:28:41 PM:579] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]: Currently supported tanking dungeons :
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]: (This list will update itself automatically)
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]: 
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]:  (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
      [10:28:41 PM:587] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      [10:28:41 PM:929] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
      [10:28:41 PM:936] New bot added!: BGBuddy
      [10:28:42 PM:062] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
         at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnVal[T](String lua, UInt32 retVal)
      [10:28:42 PM:062] New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      [10:28:42 PM:093] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      [10:28:42 PM:101] New bot added!: Grind Bot
      [10:28:42 PM:112] New bot added!: Questing
      [10:28:42 PM:122] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      [10:28:42 PM:131] New bot added!: PartyBot
      [10:28:43 PM:348] New bot added!: Combat Bot
      [10:28:43 PM:348] New bot added!: LazyRaider
      [10:28:43 PM:348] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      [10:28:43 PM:363] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\JoKer\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
      [10:28:43 PM:363] KillBetweenHotspots: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LogoutForInactivity: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FoodAmount: 0
      [10:28:43 PM:363] DrinkAmount: 0
      [10:28:43 PM:363] EnabledPlugins:
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     Anti Drown
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     AutoEquip2
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     Bug Submitter
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     Refreshment Detection
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     Set The Leader
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     Talented
      [10:28:43 PM:363]     Tidy Bags 3 Reloaded
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FormLocationX: 23
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FormLocationY: 479
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FormWidth: 532
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FormHeight: 408
      [10:28:43 PM:363] SelectedBotIndex: 9
      [10:28:43 PM:363] UseFlightPaths: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] UseRandomMount: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FoodName: 4538
      [10:28:43 PM:363] DrinkName: 1205
      [10:28:43 PM:363] MountName: 35022
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LootMobs: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] SkinMobs: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] NinjaSkin: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LootChests: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] HarvestMinerals: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] HarvestHerbs: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] UseMount: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] PullDistance: 1
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LootRadius: 75
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] TrainNewSkills: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LearnFlightPaths: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Profiles\Blank.xml
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Profiles\Blank.xml
      [10:28:43 PM:363] MountDistance: 75
      [10:28:43 PM:363] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FoodAmount: 0
      [10:28:43 PM:363] DrinkAmount: 0
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FormLocationX: 23
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FormLocationY: 479
      [10:28:43 PM:363] SelectedBotIndex: 9
      [10:28:43 PM:363] UseFlightPaths: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] UseRandomMount: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FoodName: 4538
      [10:28:43 PM:363] DrinkName: 1205
      [10:28:43 PM:363] MountName: 35022
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LootMobs: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] SkinMobs: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] NinjaSkin: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LootChests: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] HarvestMinerals: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] HarvestHerbs: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] UseMount: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] PullDistance: 1
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LootRadius: 75
      [10:28:43 PM:363] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] TrainNewSkills: True
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LearnFlightPaths: False
      [10:28:43 PM:363] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Profiles\Blank.xml
      [10:28:43 PM:363] MountDistance: 75
      [10:28:43 PM:363] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [10:28:43 PM:365] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [10:28:43 PM:365] Activity: Initializing.
      [10:28:43 PM:366] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [10:28:43 PM:384] Activity: Loading Spells
      [10:28:43 PM:415] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [10:28:43 PM:429] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [10:28:43 PM:430] 
      [10:28:43 PM:431] H: 0B-6A-BF-56-3E-98-42-3E-DC-ED-0B-5A-8B-34-F0-B8-DF-F2-0F-A5
      [10:28:43 PM:432] V:
      [10:28:46 PM:135] [WeightSet] Selected weight set: Priest-Discipline
      [10:28:46 PM:602] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [10:28:46 PM:603] Root element is missing.
      [10:28:46 PM:603] ItemForAura: Continuing with Default Config Values
      [10:28:46 PM:604] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
      [10:28:46 PM:604] Root element is missing.
      [10:28:46 PM:604] ItemForAura: Continuing with Default Config Values
      [10:28:48 PM:150] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [10:28:48 PM:152] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
      [10:28:48 PM:155] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
      [10:28:48 PM:156] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [10:28:48 PM:179] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [10:28:48 PM:182] Building spell book
      [10:28:48 PM:184] Spell book built
      [10:28:48 PM:184] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\.svn
      [10:28:48 PM:211] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\CLU
      [10:28:48 PM:897] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Config
      [10:28:48 PM:898] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Hunter
      [10:28:49 PM:346] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Fpsware Paladin
      [10:28:49 PM:852] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Free Dunatanks Warrior CC v4.0 BT
      [10:28:50 PM:249] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\NoobRage
      [10:28:50 PM:677] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
      [10:28:51 PM:258] Compiling C:\Users\JoKer\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Singular
      [10:28:52 PM:093] Activity: Initialization complete
      [10:28:52 PM:094] Initialization complete.
      [10:28:52 PM:094] Honorbuddy is up-to-date
      [10:28:52 PM:095] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
      [10:28:55 PM:434] Chose Singular v2 $Revision: 616 $ as your combat class!
      [10:28:55 PM:435] [Singular] Starting Singular v2.0.0.0
      [10:28:55 PM:435] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [10:28:55 PM:554] [Singular-DEBUG] [Talents] Best Tree: 8
      [10:28:55 PM:555] [Singular] Current spec is  Discipline Priest
      [10:28:55 PM:560] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Combat behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:564] [Singular] Building method list
      [10:28:55 PM:567] [Singular] Added 426 methods
      [10:28:55 PM:572] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateDiscCombatComposite is a match!
      [10:28:55 PM:572] [Singular]  Using CreateDiscCombatComposite for Discipline Priest - Combat (Priority: 0)
      [10:28:55 PM:602] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Pull behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:604] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateDiscCombatComposite is a match!
      [10:28:55 PM:604] [Singular]  Using CreateDiscCombatComposite for Discipline Priest - Pull (Priority: 0)
      [10:28:55 PM:607] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Rest behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:609] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateDiscHealRest is a match!
      [10:28:55 PM:609] [Singular]  Using CreateDiscHealRest for Discipline Priest - Rest (Priority: 0)
      [10:28:55 PM:621] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating CombatBuffs behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:625] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating Heal behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:627] [Singular-DEBUG] CreateDiscHealComposite is a match!
      [10:28:55 PM:627] [Singular]  Using CreateDiscHealComposite for Discipline Priest - Heal (Priority: 0)
      [10:28:55 PM:630] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PullBuffs behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:634] [Singular-DEBUG] Creating PreCombatBuffs behavior.
      [10:28:55 PM:636] [Singular-DEBUG] CreatePriestPreCombatBuffs is a match!
      [10:28:55 PM:636] [Singular]  Using CreatePriestPreCombatBuffs for Discipline Priest - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
      [10:28:55 PM:639] [Singular] Behaviors created!
      [10:28:55 PM:686] [Singular-DEBUG] Attached combat log
      [10:33:51 PM:108] Starting the bot!
      [10:33:51 PM:750] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
      [10:33:51 PM:872] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
      [10:33:51 PM:911] Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
      [10:33:51 PM:921] Remoting client started
      [10:33:53 PM:060] Cleared POI
      [10:33:53 PM:061] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
      [10:33:53 PM:061] Cleared POI
      [10:33:53 PM:739] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [10:33:53 PM:739] Loading Kalimdor_34_28
      [10:33:53 PM:916] Loading Kalimdor_34_27
      [10:33:54 PM:087] Loading Kalimdor_35_28
      [10:33:54 PM:253] Loading Kalimdor_35_27
      [10:33:54 PM:425] New spells available at the trainer: Fade [586]
      [10:33:54 PM:429] Unloading tiles!
      [10:33:54 PM:433] Loading Kalimdor_34_28
      [10:33:54 PM:583] Loading Kalimdor_34_27
      [10:33:54 PM:749] Loading Kalimdor_35_28
      [10:33:54 PM:914] Loading Kalimdor_35_27
      [10:33:55 PM:079] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [0g1s44c]
      [10:33:55 PM:098] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:34:04 PM:568] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:34:04 PM:571] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [1]
      [10:34:06 PM:082] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:34:06 PM:083] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [2]
      [10:34:09 PM:144] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wildthorn Lurker
      [10:34:09 PM:304] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Wildthorn Lurker
      [10:34:11 PM:066] InteractDebug:701534824
      [10:34:11 PM:093] Interact Done:701534824
      [10:34:12 PM:525] Looting Unkown Object Guid:0x0000000000000000
      [10:34:12 PM:597] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:34:12 PM:597] Cleared POI
      [10:34:13 PM:000] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:34:37 PM:927] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:34:37 PM:928] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [3]
      [10:34:39 PM:426] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:34:39 PM:427] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [4]
      [10:34:41 PM:695] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:34:41 PM:824] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:34:43 PM:374] InteractDebug:701633424
      [10:34:43 PM:400] Interact Done:701633424
      [10:34:44 PM:340] Looting Ghostpaw Alpha Guid:0xF1300EF1000BFB7B
      [10:34:44 PM:430] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:34:44 PM:430] Cleared POI
      [10:34:44 PM:851] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:34:44 PM:979] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [10:34:44 PM:979] Cleared POI
      [10:34:45 PM:123] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:34:58 PM:058] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:34:58 PM:059] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [5]
      [10:34:59 PM:542] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:34:59 PM:543] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [6]
      [10:35:03 PM:287] Activity: Combat
      [10:35:04 PM:983] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:35:05 PM:113] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:35:07 PM:712] InteractDebug:701511624
      [10:35:07 PM:742] Interact Done:701511624
      [10:35:10 PM:881] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:35:10 PM:881] Cleared POI
      [10:35:11 PM:325] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:35:19 PM:325] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:35:19 PM:326] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [7]
      [10:35:20 PM:862] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:35:20 PM:862] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [8]
      [10:35:23 PM:460] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Wildthorn Lurker
      [10:35:23 PM:625] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Wildthorn Lurker
      [10:35:26 PM:028] InteractDebug:701674024
      [10:35:26 PM:054] Interact Done:701674024
      [10:35:29 PM:173] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:35:29 PM:173] Cleared POI
      [10:35:29 PM:593] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:35:37 PM:381] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:35:37 PM:382] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [9]
      [10:35:38 PM:878] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:35:38 PM:879] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [10]
      [10:35:42 PM:798] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:35:42 PM:923] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:35:46 PM:486] InteractDebug:701621824
      [10:35:46 PM:519] Interact Done:701621824
      [10:35:49 PM:715] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:35:49 PM:715] Cleared POI
      [10:35:50 PM:222] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:35:56 PM:213] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:35:56 PM:214] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [11]
      [10:35:57 PM:663] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:35:57 PM:664] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [12]
      [10:36:02 PM:406] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:02 PM:533] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:06 PM:321] InteractDebug:701650824
      [10:36:06 PM:354] Interact Done:701650824
      [10:36:09 PM:482] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:36:09 PM:482] Cleared POI
      [10:36:09 PM:865] [PartyBot] Following Leader
      [10:36:10 PM:380] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [10:36:10 PM:380] Loading Kalimdor_35_29
      [10:36:14 PM:669] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Tank
      [10:36:14 PM:670] Spell_C::CastSpell(17, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [13]
      [10:36:16 PM:180] [Singular] Casting Renew on Tank
      [10:36:16 PM:181] Spell_C::CastSpell(139, 0, 0x200000006506615, 0) [14]
      [10:36:20 PM:014] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:20 PM:146] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:21 PM:741] InteractDebug:701517424
      [10:36:21 PM:772] Interact Done:701517424
      [10:36:22 PM:301] Looting Ghostpaw Alpha Guid:0xF1300EF1000BFA93
      [10:36:22 PM:393] Cleared POI - Reason Waiting for loot flag
      [10:36:22 PM:393] Cleared POI
      [10:36:22 PM:790] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:22 PM:953] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [10:36:22 PM:953] Cleared POI
      [10:36:23 PM:084] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:23 PM:213] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [10:36:23 PM:213] Cleared POI
      [10:36:23 PM:344] Changed POI to:Type: Loot, Name: Ghostpaw Alpha
      [10:36:23 PM:474] Cleared POI - Reason Already looted
      [10:36:23 PM:474] Cleared POI
      My disc priest does not cast any DPS spells while in PartyBot. I'm assuming this has something to do with one of the 'CreateDiscHealOnlyBehavior' entries but I don't really know what I'm looking at. My setting in the ClassConfig is to DPS above 1 mana.

      Is there a way to enable DPS while in PartyBot?
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2012
    15. kmolleson

      kmolleson Member

      Feb 22, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      What Class are you?: Warlock
      What Spec are you?: Destruction
      What 'context' is the bot in? Normal/Questing
      What level are you?: 20
      What revision of Singular are you using?: 626
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? trunk i think... the normal one from SVN
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?:

      I've been having some issues with Singular on my new warlock while leveling. For whatever reason he only casts corruption and immolate then stands there trying to autoattack with his staff. He won't cast shadowbolt (from reading the lowbie code, it looks like he should) and he keeps fearing the targets which is getting me killed repeatedly in tight areas. Also, I'd prefer he shadowbolt but if that's not possible or recommended is there a way to get him to wand instead of autoattack? I tried to fix it myself but I don't know enough about coding to get the changes to work. Thanks!

      View attachment 8-13-2012_6_23 AM 4484 Log.txt
      Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
    16. Crabmen

      Crabmen New Member

      Dec 29, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:

      can i use this for pvp healing an my druid?
    17. rascal9

      rascal9 Member

      Aug 8, 2012
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      What Class are you?: Priest
      What Spec are you?: Shadow
      What 'context' is the bot in? Questing
      What level are you?: 82
      What revision of Singular are you using?: 626
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? Trunk
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?:

      When i run out of food/water the bot will try to move to the nearest vendor and buy some on his way though he continues to target Enemy's and fighting while on his way there. only problem is singular waits for mana to regen before next fight or continuing to move. So now he stands there saying No food/water waiting for mana regen and there is a lot of downtime. When out of food and water i want targeting/attacking off and just fly straight to vendor before attacking again.
    18. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      u r right, the lowbie specc does support SB, the Destruction (which u own) doesn't

      Try with the attached file (replace it in YourDrive:\YourHBFolder\CustomClasses\Singular\ClassSpecific\Warlock\)

      Attached Files:

    19. Stormchasing

      Stormchasing Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      DPSing on DiscPriest atm only supported in SoloMode, if u r in a party, the dpsing is not fired
    20. T@rget

      T@rget Active Member

      Jan 15, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      I'm having some issues using this with a hunter on low level mobs.
      You have to disable Pet Usage or your pet wil oneshot the mobs, and you won't get kill credit.

      But disabling Pet Usage crashes the CC

      What Class are you?: Hunter
      What Spec are you?: Survival
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Normal, Grind Bot
      What level are you?: 85
      What revision of Singular are you using?: Latest from SVN (647)
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: No
      Are you using a branched build, or the trunk build? (Only viable for developers): n/a
      What version of Honorbuddy are you using?: 5965

      Here's a log: View attachment 14-8-2012_13_38 4744 Log.txt

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