I am still getting Code: Attached to WoW ProcessId: 4596. Gatherbuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: Failed (No avaible auth servers online) View attachment Debug.html
I'm still using GB and i'm having no problems so perhaps if you really want to bot go back to this version = ) I also tried using the 3.3.5 version or w/e and it's too out-dated because of WoW updates.
Erm 2.6 doesnt herb for me Just flys and Flys and Flys And Flys I tried 2.5 back and Its working just fine though I dunno about the crashes they do happen often
Are there any differences between this and the previous version besides the howling fjord and zuldrak fixes?
Can't logon ((((( Gatherbuddy Authenticating Attempting Authorization AttemptAuth: Failed (No avaible auth servers online)
Works perfectly fine other than not mailing, yes I have the box checked and a name entered. Just flies to the mailbox doesn't open the interface then flies off again only to come back and do the same thing. EDIT: Forgot to mention, Alliance in Howling Fjord
Hmmm - when I wrote it, I actually stopped the bot mailing AFTER it opened the mailing window. Attach a log and I'll take a look at why its not working for you.
http sync is lagging ((((( on other session geting Unable to connect to the remote server (((( oh......
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this or not, but this current build along with the last one that was up I've noticed that my toon gets in combat with random mobs and puts her back towards them. When/If I notice it, I try to face her towards them and she just repositions herself to get beat from behind. She still ends up killing them from Thorns and keeping heal up on herself, but it takes forever and is quite obvious it's a bot. It's @ 9:49:30 on this log that it happened this evening. I haven't changed anything since I started using the program, aside from the duration I stay on and now both herbing and mining.
Please fix that bot don't target as enemy NPC - Dying Soldier in IC (http://www.wowhead.com/npc=31304), all time after fight with real enemy he tries to reach this NPC. it causes bad bad things )