I'm looking at $450 you've made so far and these noobs are trying to give you shit about possibly getting banned. LOL Great stuff OP! I'm surprised no one else has thought to do something like this! I check on this nearly every other day
Nice thread, I'm reading it since it was started. Always good to learn things about making money from ppl who know how to do that right. I'd love to read some detailed review of your botting method after 30 days. Also, how much time do you spend a day watching\setting up the bots?
I think what you are doing is great but seriously I am not impressed with HB. Every time i create a thread about certain aspects of the bot not working like garrison buddy and lfr's not scripted they close the thread and never reply to it way to go china you only prove my point every time you close a thread without a response. I will keep spamming your inability to give everyone a working bot till you realize that its not all about money and some are getting pissed off. On a side note way to go on this thread i look forward to seeing your outcome.
I would also like to know this. Honestly. Reading through the Original post, it would seem you spend quite a bit of time at the AH of trade channel for selling your stuff. It could be me, but it ain't exactly the kind of botting I'd like If I have to invest daily time of mine to obtain the adequate profit. A similar profit could be made just flipping at the ah, with no botting involved. If you wanted to live off it (and not in a country where 500 us dollars is a fortune) could you? Would love to see you expand your business; looking at your results, there's no reason why not to.
Hey everyone, thanks for all the positive feedback! I'm very happy that some of you are generally interested in this thread. So I usually spend about an hour a day working on all 3 of my bots. Usually this occures is the form of: When I first wake up. Turn on bots. Throw shit on AH. Bot Halfway throughout the day go to the AH. Continue to Bot. End of the day. Throw the rest of my shit onto the AH. Talley up numbers. The way I look at it is a percentage. With only spending an hour I'm able to get about 80-90% of the value off the items I sell. If I spent another hour, which means taking my time with selling, I can get about 95-100% of the value. Total, I spend about 1 hour per day up-keeping my bots. Sometimes It's a little more if I'm selling gold. In the US I can't live of $500 a month and I don't plan to. By the end of the 30 days though I am planning to have made about $800, which would be very nice.
Day 18 added. For all those PM'ing me, I sincerely apologize for the lack of communication. All of the PMs are about the same thing, what exactly do I do. Once the 30 days are concluded I will post my habits for making this gold Updated Income PNG added as well.
Day 19 SKIPPED Day 20 Added. IRL shit the last couple days. Shit times to farm and hb kept crashing on DAY 19. Still though, I can't complain.
"18: Numbers are for 23 hours of botting. Honestly I expected to break 100k for BOT2/3 but that didn't happen. Very close, but like always the market will play a roll. Seriously cannot express how much I hate people that undercut on the AH by 20g+" Honestly mate, botters are the reason such a thing is so common again. The six weeks after the May banwave was a godsend for legit players and botters who didn't lose their accounts and/or their materials supplies. The demand for a ton of mats was huge and the under cutting was minimal due to the lack of botters. Now that enough time has passed for a good amount of botters to rebuild to at least a minimal level the supply is huge, the prices are down, and the undercutting is back. Somewhere there are a bunch of legit hand playing people pissed they we can undercut them so easily even if it's only by a gold or two. Sour grapes and all that stuff.....
Great job what you are doing. Your methods are the only reason i keep botting. If it wasnt for gold making and selling i wouldnt even touch this game i would of gave up at the end of lk. but thanks to botting ive made fuck tons of gold and leveled so many accounts i forgot. ( RIP to the accounts that died to ban hammers) but seriously keep up the good work look forward to day 30
Love your thread, can't wait to hear about how you bot. Have 2 bots going but don't make no where as much profit. Sent you a pm but I saw you will posting breakdown soon Keep it up
damn sorry to hear the way you were botting though it was incredible you lasted this long who knows could of been the massive amounts of gold you were selling too that could of got you introuble or noticed before the botting was it a perma or 6months?
Yea I'm extremely happy with my net profit from this. I hope this run goes a bit better tho tbh. Gonna switch up how I sell my gold. They were all perma bans tho haha. Bliz wasn't fucking around.