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  • Superbad 4.0 (Druid Routine)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by handnavi, Aug 13, 2013.

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    1. f299

      f299 Member

      Feb 20, 2011
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      I use it all the time for arenas. If you want to be one of the best ferals, use this CC.
      Of course, you'll have to set it up to help you do arenas.
      I use macros, for instance. Healing team members, popping defensives, running away and not standing in the middle of a burst like a retard, etc. You'll have to play with it for you to understand how to use it in arenas, but overall, it is a definite yes for arenas (or pvp in general) x)
    2. gameraltt

      gameraltt New Member

      Oct 13, 2013
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      Thank you f299 <3 I was about to go through every page to find out if it was good for arenas, could you perhaps PM me with a few more details on how you tweak for Arenas? I am very interested!
    3. setsura3

      setsura3 New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      Would you please add delay for skull bash please
      Thank you so much!
    4. phaedrus

      phaedrus Member

      Jul 12, 2013
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    5. xilla

      xilla Member

      Jun 2, 2011
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      yeah instant-interrupts might cause attention :)
    6. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      Preferably with a slight random timer, so that the interrupt doesn't always kick in after the same number of milliseconds :)
    7. volkvin

      volkvin New Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      I disagree with you guys, i dont want any delay in interrupts. I do not pvp however, so maybe you should interrupt by hand... In PvE being first interrupter is of utmost importance to me.
    8. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I will implement the following:

      1.) Option to disable Interrupts
      2.) Option to delay
      2.1.) Min - max values
      3.) Option to miss Interrupts (0-100%)
      4.) :)
    9. Xcesius

      Xcesius Community Developer

      May 1, 2011
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      omg!! are you finally going to add the :) ???!!!
    10. Terrorschlag

      Terrorschlag Member

      May 14, 2011
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      Really looking forward to the ":)"
      So happy durid!

      Stay catty my friends, stay catty!

      Sent from my GT-I9505 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
    11. Symons

      Symons Member

      Sep 9, 2013
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      Hey Handnavi any chance you can give a little info about this routine on your initial post?
    12. eckoro

      eckoro Member

      Jan 9, 2012
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      Will say the "We are stunned, stopping everything" is a bit problematic and sometimes the rotation won't start for quite a while.
    13. ash23

      ash23 New Member

      Oct 26, 2013
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      Amazing routine but may i suggest 1 addition....

      can you add a Moonfire pull option? because by the time i get to the mob it's tagged.

      also is it possible to add Faerie Fire Support please?

      other than that.. amazing.
    14. loves2bot

      loves2bot New Member

      May 24, 2013
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      Let me try to elaborate...

      I have the same issue. It's not a showstopper, which is why I didn't bother reporting it, but I see other people with this issue so I figured i'd chime in.

      The routine stops, usually after being in combat for a few minutes straight (during arenas mostly). The routine will just stop doing anything at all for 15 sec or more. What ends up happening is I'm chasing an enemy around with zero debuffs, doing nothing. I'll try tossing a rip or rake onto the target and that will sometimes kick-start the routine. Often times, it will do nothing and start on it's own 10 seconds later. Sometimes the burst key gets it going.

      Like I said, not a showstopper, but definitely annoying. The CR is awesome though. I have it tweaked to the point that i'm now regularly topping damage in reg BG's as feral. Can't wait until the delay in interupts is added. I cringe at every insta-skull bash.

      One more thing that would be awesome to add if possible so we don't look quite so bot-like...a slight delay in wild charge(cat form). Looks extremely bot-like for a mage to blink, warrior to leap, druid to displacer and you are instantly behind them the moment they finish their move.
    15. newhealer123

      newhealer123 Banned

      Sep 16, 2013
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      if you are play feral druid in arena what to recommend Routines profil ?
    16. Ergosum

      Ergosum Member

      Jan 13, 2013
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      Can you add an AoE toggle option for fights such as garrosh, where towards end there isn't a need for AoE?
    17. f299

      f299 Member

      Feb 20, 2011
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      How to use Superbad in Arena (Guide)

      Okay, so, I have had several (about 10 to be exact) people ask me my set up for arenas.. No one really gets what I mean when I say "It's YOUR preference".
      So, here's what I do for arenas. This is a simple guide, and it's helped me get to 2k + in arenas. Again, this is MY PREFERENCE. Obviously you don't have to use this, since this is for ME.
      Anyways. Let's start with talents...
      This is what I use for my talents on my druid for arenas. (also glyphs).
      I'll explain why I use these talents specifically.
      Wild Charge: I use this because it's beautiful in arenas. Someone blinks? Superbad's got you! Too far? Superbad's got you! With this talent (as well as superbad) you will pretty much always be within range of your enemy. I do NOT use wild charge myself, however, unless I need to. I use wild charge to get away (the slow it throws on them helps quite a bit and it (sometimes) confuses the enemy). I do that on 1v1 however. The second time I use it is just to mess around.
      Cenarion Ward: I love, love, love this talent. Even though so many people don't recommend it, I do. I let superbad control this. It has 100% uptime (when off cd) and it saves your ass sooooo much. Mix this with HoW and you're golden (like, 2k to 400k hp golden)
      Typhoon: Even though I don't really use it that much, this is useful for Hunter's zoo, or throwing off someone when they're on you're ally.
      Force of Nature: This is by far your winner in this tier. You get 3 treants, each treant takes 20 (or 30) seconds to get another charge. Superbad throws them all out at once when you open, which I like because instant pressure. They also help with kiting (being kited or being the kiteie) If you pop it on the enemy, they get an instant entangling roots. So, if you use this right, (I keybind this so I can throw off a treant if need be)you will be pretty much extremely op.
      Mighty Bash: Useful stun for, well, stunning.
      Heart of the Wild: Epic way to gain your place back in the game if you're losing. No need to say more.
      Barkskin: This is useful for when you're being bursted down. I, in my opinion, say this is a must have for arena.
      Savagery: This is quite useful when it comes to opening. Throw on a free Savage, pounce, GG
      Cat Form: Another must have for arenas. More healing for you = more survival (I rarely die with this.. I've had to do 2v1 with 2 rogues on me, killed both with full hp)
      Gems and Enchants
      I use simply what most people use.. so here you go:
      • Head: Agile Primal Diamond, Delicate Primoridal Ruby
      • Shoulder: Delicate Primordial Ruby (Greater Tiger Claw Inscription)
      • Cloak: (Superior Critical Strike)
      • Chest: Delicate Primordial Ruby x2 (Glorious Stats)
      • Wrist: If you have BS, Primordial Ruby (Greater Agility)
      • Weapon: (Dancing Steel)
      • Hand: Perfect Assassins's Roguestone, if you have BS Primordial Ruby as well. (Superior Mastery)
      • Waist: Delicate Primordial Ruby x2 (Shadowleather Leg Armor)
      • Feet: Primordial Ruby (Blurred Speed)

      Stat Priority
      Hit 3%>Agility>Power>Mastery>Crit>Expertise>Haste (Expertise gives your spell hit (bleed) increased % as well)
      This is of course my preference of what I use.
      • I have it set to Cat form only. Simply because it saves me time from having to switch back and forth when I pop defensives. It might be best to have manual form so you can switch between bear and cat if need be, but again, this is my preference.
      • Most of the stuff is self explanatory on the General settings tab. I don't have Buff group or myself because once you're out of combat and your buff is dispelled, superbad will throw you out of stealth and fuck you over. SET EAT/DRINK TO 0. This will save you from exiting stealth or the bot forcing your character to stop moving.. the AoE is just me being safe.
      • The Skill Settings tab, again, my preference. I have all the moves keybinded so I can throw off something if I want to when superbad won't. (You have to play your part in arenas too, there's more than just moving..) Set Out of Combat healing to 0, this will also throw you out of stealth. I have "Use Savage Roar out of combat (Farming Mode)" Unchecked because since it is a finishing move, it gives your Predatory Swiftness a chance to proc, and Superbad will use it's proc to heal, throwing you out of stealth.
      • Advanced stuff, self explanatory. Even though "Open with Pounce" Is checked, you still need to open with pounce your self, don't expect that bot to do it.
      • Symbiosis is unchecked because it's not well used if you have the bot do it. Much better to do yourself.
      • For the burst key, that's all you, do as you wish.

      I really don't use many macros.. but I'll give you what I do use..
      Defensive Cooldowns:
      I use this when I feel is necessary.. So I couldn't tell you when to exactly use it. Use your HoW cd to your advantage though. Don't just be "herpderp nothing more to do durr hurr". No. Use your damn Rejuve! When you're ready, run back in and beat on your enemy so you get PS procs so you can get 400k Heals!!
      Self explanatory. Not much use for this now seeing as how you don't get a cyclone proc anymore, but still useful to use when your friend is being beat on.
      Friend Heal
      Replace friend name with your friend's actual name.. This heals them so you don't have to target them. This is a definite keybind. Use HoW and your healing procs on them if you need to. Your role as a kitty is to support people, so support!!!
      This is specifically for other kitties. I use this for BM hunter pets as well, those guys are painful..
      • If you're being kited, don't be a retard and follow them. This is ESPECIALLY with WW Monks! They have heals! But here's a hint, you do too! Use your Rejuvenation to your advantage. Run away and use your treants (if he is trying to get you). LoS him and rejuve as much as possible, then STEALTH (don't enter cat form and use stealth, just use stealth, it'll throw you in there automatically).
      • When facing monks: Do NOT stun them. You WILL lose. They have some op passive that if they get stunned, they dodge everything. (or something like that...)

      Going against other classes 101

      Death Knight: Depending on the spec of the deathknight, you really just want to let range take care of it.. If there is no range, then you gotta do what you gotta do!
      Dk's are heavy hitters, and with plate, they don't exactly die quick.. But with this CC, and some decent ass gear, they sure drop.
      There is a couple of things you need to look at here... They have a pretty amazing self heal (Conversion). Basically, for a certain amount of runic power per second, they get healed a certain amount per second. It's super op, but, there's ways around this... Stun the hell out of them.. Their tier 4 (or 2, don't remember) gives them a runic power generation buff when stunned, but if that's their only source of runic power income, they won't get much out of it. Try not to let them hit you, and you'll be fine. Run away if you need to heal (use your force of nature to entangle root them),
      You also need to watch out for remorseless winter. When you see that going, you can stay in it for a little bit, but you need to get out as soon as you can. Once you reach five stacks, you're stunned for a good 7 seconds. The good thing is, the debuff lasts for about 2/3 seconds, so it'll drop quick, and you can run back in there, even with it still going.

      Other than that, you really just need to drop them.
      If you are going in 3s, it's usually necessary to take out unholy dk's pets and take out a good part of their damage output.
      Going against a blood dk, you just need to hit him with out him hitting you..

      Warrior: Warriors hit hard, and they hit hard. But the plus side, they usually go down quick. Usually, you'll have to open up on them. Actually, you should be opening up on them. If you see them go big and red, run away. If you see them using Bladestorm, run away. If you stay in that, you deserve to die. Once they pop their offensive cd's, it is just a matter of getting them down quick and fast, They'll use their defensive cooldowns almost immediately. Long story short, a warrior is like a raid boss. Stay out of the bad shit, then tank and spank!

      Paladin: These guys genuinely suck in arenas, except for those good few that actually don't suck! The only major thing you need to worry about with these fellas, is that beautiful bubble. And honestly, that's nothing to worry about. You, or at least I, can genuinely shred these guys, bad. If you have a warrior buddy, than stay on the pally, otherwise, switch to the other dps for the duration of the bubble, then switch immediately and continue killing them. They're weak, and die like weaklings!

      Hunter: These guys are sometimes a pain, IF they know how to play them. The only thing you really need to worry about is Zoo. What I do is I LoS the hunter, and just tank the pets (you can kill them if you want, or at least focus on the main hunter's pet (especially if he's a beast mastery hunter)). Once that is done, just go in for the kill. They are going to pop their defensives, obviously, but just keep on them. You also need to watch out for their traps. You can always see where they lay their traps, so keep an eye out. If you see a freezing trap, pop a tree to take the bait, while you finish the tard up.
      They also have a lovely move called Scare Beast. But, there is a trick here. The key word is BEAST. In other words... GET OUT OF CAT FORM WHEN IT'S ABOUT TO CAST. That will make you un-fearable, and that would screw up the hunter.

      Rogue: This is basically a game of the stealthies. However, I usually win. Hell, I always go 2v1 with 2 rogues going against me, still come out on top. If you're going against them, make sure that your friend takes their opening bursts. That is the key. If they use the bursts on your friend, that means YOU have the advantage. They will do their pretty little vanish dance, but, just switch to the other enemy, and once they pop back out, get them, and end them. If you also want a better chance at winning, stampeding shout/dash to the nearest stealth seeing crystal thing, find the rogue, and kill him so he doesn't get his health back (that's the reason they go into stealth, those sneaky bastards)... If for whatever reason they open up on you with those bursts, just be prepared to run like a bitch and pop all your defensives and heal the hell out of yourself. You MIGHT live....

      Priest: This all really depends on what the priest is... Regardless, I usually go for the priest last, depending on the comp. All you need to look out for is their fears, and the roots. Other than that, just survive their damage, and kill em.
      A tip for going against Disc Priests.. Don't let them free cast at the beginning of a match with Spirit shell.. Get them as soon as possible.. If for whatever reason they do get it off and you can't get to them, just wait it out, and then go.

      Shaman: I ALWAYS go shaman first if they are Ele or Enhance. Their bursts are so painful, that you NEED to take them out.. If you can't get to a Elemental shaman during their burst, just los them, and you'll screw them over badly. Just burn them down, or be prepared to be burned down.

      Mage: These tricky bastards are tricky (is that redundant?). They just LOVE to kite you around, but hey, guess what? You're a BAMF! Guess what you have? Two sprints and a charge. I strongly recommend you letting superbad take care of the Wild Charge with these bastards. As soon as they blink away, superbad is quick to get back right behind them!
      You really just need to burn these guys down.. When they Ice block, don't be a retard and stand straight behind them. LoS them so they don't frost nova you and blink away and run and win. That's just bad.

      Warlock: I usually go last with these guys, unless they are accompanied by a healer. There's nothing to really be scared of with these guys. Just keep behind them and don't let them free cast on you. Just burn through their op healing defensive and you're g2g.

      Monk: These guys are assholes. Plain and simple. The trick is with these guys is to NOT stun them, unless, of course, you are planning on bursting someone down first.. I usually go last with these guys unless accompanied by a healer. In a 1v1, I can usually win against these guys. You just need to keep behind them, and to not stun them. If you need to heal, run away, use force of nature to trap them, LoS if possible, Heal, stealth, run back in, stun them, run, heal, repeat..

      Druid: Druids can also be assholes. Each druid has their own cc. Even though with Feral, we don't really use it now, but, they still use it against you. Just watch out for hibernate (same trick with hunter, just get out of cat form), cyclone, and other stuns/disorientations and you'll be fine! Usually going up against another feral (or even boomie), I will win depending on the circumstances.. You really shouldn't be worrying about anything.

      Order to Kill!

      This is my preference that I am going off base on the top of my head as of right now... I usually just play by ear, but this is just to help you get started.
      KILL ALL HEALERS LAST! (unless your dps (and your teammate's dps, if you have one) can take them down fast!!)
      Shaman>Warrior>Rogue>Paladin>Death Knight>Druid>Hunter>Mage>Priest>Warlock>Monk

      More Tips?
      • Let your teammate open up first when you are going against someone who is stealthed, but their team mate isn't stealthed. If you know for a fact you are much better than your team mate, than you are much more valuable alive.
      • Try to not die. If you see you are being opened up on, or targeted, prepare to use your defensives, and prepare to run away. You're not much use dead.
      • You have to survive through cc's, but you can also try and prevent all the cc's. So be smart.
      • Use Force of Nature to your advantage. Seriously. They are like the best thing ever for you. I'm not kidding. Use them. Seriously.
      • I prefere going with another dps. If you go with a healer, prepare for long fights, and many losses.
      • If you go with another dps, you guys need to work together. Burst the same guy.
      • If going with an Ele Shammy (who knows how to play), and going against a dk and some other enemy, let the shaman burn down the dk. You just need to keep the other guy away from your shaman friend, and you'll win.
      • Force of Nature. I'm not kidding.

      That is pretty much it. Keybind the way you're comfortable. For those that haven't keybound anything yet, or never done it, you will feel uncomfortable for several hours (or days) of playing this new set way. But trust me, once you get used to it, you will be much, much better. I do highly recommend to unbind your A,D and S keys for movement and use them for more moves. Set W for forward, Q to strafe Left, and E to strafe Right. It'll take some getting used too, but once you get it down, you will be golden. You will have to use your mouse, but you're supposed to anyways.
      I also strongly recommend getting the add-on Gladius as well, as it will strongly help you in arenas..
      Other than that, that is all. Hope this helps you all.
    18. newhealer123

      newhealer123 Banned

      Sep 16, 2013
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      works well in the arena? :) or not
    19. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I just starred several minutes at your question to find a proper answer.
      Dont get me wrong, but my thoughts were somewhere between:
      - WTF?
      - I wont answer
      - Report for spam

      Please look above your posting. There is a fucking huge wall of text that explains everything.

      To give you a short answer: it works good, if the person that sits in front of the computer knows how to use his brain. It does not work 100% afk.
    20. amputations

      amputations Active Member

      Jan 6, 2011
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      You're saying you actually missed the informative post right above yours from f299?
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