</3 WTB IB2 as well... how long does it take to test...? I can help test :O I can have 10 accounts running instances non stop if it'll help!
Make sure you have all you add ons disabled, once I acidentally left Recount on whilt doing Bg bot, the memory usage went up and up and up and up until it crashed.
Not trying to discount your suggestions, as I appreciate you trying to help. Just want to let you know that while on vacation, I ran Arelog and the crashes persisted. In regards to the CC, I'm getting the crashes using both the DK EZFrost CC as well as the Warlock Singular Affliction CC. With that said, I don't recall Arelog crashing while using the Singular Affliction CC, so I'll test that out and report back.
Yeah this has been rehashed several times...I have 16gb of RAM so its not a memory usage issue afaik. But the crashes happen regardless of add-ons being used or not.