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  • The One CC - Closed Beta Test Application

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Apr 25, 2010.

    1. khurune

      khurune Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Class (Class you are capable of testing, Warlock, Mage, Priest etc..) Whatever am in the mood for at the time (so alotta classes.)
      • Spec (Feral, Balance etc) See above, but most likely not the required 'best' leveling spec
      • PVE and/or PVP PvE don't trust the bot in PvP atm, still too slow on reactions to look the way i want it to
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75) 1-80 Again depends on my current leveling mood.
      • Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed). Played and botted most classes, Am fussy and get too bored of a class if i play it too long, i like to chop and change.
      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies) I want to see if it can make coffee better than me, if it does, Am killing 'The One'
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test Because am a pain in the ass, and fussy as **** So if am in a bad mood, every little tiny thing that bugs me or is broken will get Yelled at you, and the log tossed at your head !
    2. Adamrl

      Adamrl New Member

      Feb 21, 2010
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      I would like to sign up please! :D

      Class: Pally
      Spec : Holy PvP/ PvE "heroic instance"
      Level : 80
      Personal expierence playing this class : I know the ins and outs of this class. Have full Wrathfull/T10.5 gear
      What aspect do you want to test : Party/Raid Healing
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test:
      I will give you the best as i can info on bugs and Performance fast as i can run the CC
    3. metus

      metus Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Did you even read the first post?
    4. Adamrl

      Adamrl New Member

      Feb 21, 2010
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      Well sir... i figured he might need someone to test pally sence it looks like he just put it in the CC.
      Im just offering my help.
    5. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Originally I was not going to include Paladin and DK support in The One CC.

      The Pally is now working and almost fully functional. Though, its not as feature rich or advanced as Mord's pally.

      EDIT: Healbot features will not be available for at least 1-2 months after the release of The One CC.
    6. Ivanovai

      Ivanovai New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Class (Class you are capable of testing, Warlock, Mage, Priest etc..)
      Can test,
      Warlock x 2 : Both Destro but have affliction offspec and in good pvp gear
      Hunter : Surv spec
      Paladin : Retri/Holy
      Mage : Arcane PvE/PvP
      Rogue : Subtlety / Combat

      Spec (Feral, Balance etc) - See Above :)
      PVE and/or PVP - See Above :)
      Level (or level range eg 70-75) - All are level 80

      Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed).

      I've Played every class mentioned to 80 by hand, and botted also done all endgame raids atleast once :)

      What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies)

      I Would like to offer my help in testing the PvP and PvE Grinding/Leveling,
      Im also an avid pvp player, so if these do anything shitty in pvp ill pick up on it

      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test

      Im online Alot on the forums or in chat.
      Trustworthy guy.
      Can give you detailed problems in realtime , not waiting few hours later and to have forgotten it ;).
      Your be able to contact me throughout the day, also can use my phone/laptop to check on the bots when im out.
      Im not a knob, least i try not to be ;)

    7. lucky11

      lucky11 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Class (Class you are capable of testing, Warlock, Mage, Priest etc..) - Hunter, Rogue, Lock, Warrior
      • Spec (Feral, Balance etc) - BM, Sub, ( untalented ), Prot
      • PVE and/or PVP - Done both, on all characters. Rogue is mainly PvP though, warrior is mostly PvE
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75) The 4 characters range from 64 - 80 ( warrior being 64 rogue being 80 )
      • Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed). Know all of them pretty well, other than the lock ( those are straight foward though really )
      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies) Either or doesn't matter, would rather PvP though... or watch it make cheesecake that'd be awesome
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test - If I am elected as class president, I will promise to.... Yeah nevermind, I think I'd just be a good choice :p
    8. Xillidan

      Xillidan New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Class: Pally, Warlock, Chicken, DK, Hunter in that order

      Spec: Prot/Ret - Dest - Lazorz/Tree - Blood - MM

      Personal expierence playing this class: Played all of them by hand from 1-80 and raided as tank, heals and dps.

      What aspect do you want to test: PVE grinding/leveling

      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test Because am a pain in the ass, and fussy as **** So if am in a bad mood, every little tiny thing that bugs me or is broken will get Yelled at you, and the log tossed at your head !
      You sound like my boss...
      Last edited: May 12, 2010
    9. Gosu

      Gosu New Member

      Feb 10, 2010
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      Class: Warrior DK Hunter Priest

      Spec: Prot/ms Unholy/frost MM/MM Disc/Shadow

      Personal expierence playing this class: Played all of them by hand from 1-80 and raided as tank, heals and dps.

      What aspect do you want to test: PVE grinding PVP Grinding

      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test Because am a pain in the ass, and fussy as **** So if am in a bad mood, every little tiny thing that bugs me or is broken will get Yelled at you, and the log tossed at your head !
      Because I get horny by this kind of stuff.
    10. aricias

      aricias Member

      Mar 31, 2010
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      I noticed you said you wasn't starting the Closed beta until this weekend, so I would still like to think I can still apply.

      Class: A rogue and a priest. rogue is level 28, priest is level 48.

      Spec for the rogue would be combat, and spec for the priest is disc/holy.

      If you so choose to accept me, I'll be solely testing PVE. there's enough people testing pvp and testing level 80's, I want to be able to test some mid-range characters to try and help you perfect the CC for all level ranges.

      While I don't have some of the in game experience that some of the others have (I've not raided with either class for a long time, but I do LFD with them both all the time. Healing with the priest.) I do know how to conduct my testing in a mature manner, and give detailed and informative information if I encounter a bug. My goal is to level these two characters to level 80 using your CC, proving you bug reports, and status updates of their levels if you so choose you want them.

      the main reason I want to test your CC for you (besides being able to use it to level, obviously), I want to be able to help you through beta testing in order to provide the HB community with the best quality CC there could be.

      I can only hope you'll add me to the list of people you let do the closed beta testing. Thank you.
      Last edited: May 12, 2010
    11. feymania

      feymania Member

      May 1, 2010
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      Level 35 hunter/shaman
      Spec (survival, Enhance )
      Played hunters since they came out
      Did naxx,ICC, and ulduar hardmodes with them
      I will test the PVE-Grinding
      I'm a good person to choose because you know I'm using it about 24/7 on 5 accounts

      Also, i'm up for detailed emails with location time spell's rotation pet name, etc.
      Last edited: May 12, 2010
    12. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Class: Paladin | Hunter | Warlock | Mage | DeathKnight

      Spec: Prot - Ret | Survival - BM | Dest | Fire - Frost | Blood-Unholy

      PVE and/or PVP: PVE all the way!

      Level: P: 80| H: 48 | W: 33| M: 63 | DK: 73|

      Personal expierence playing this class: My main and favorite class is the hunter, ive raided 11/12 bosses in ICC 10 with my prot pally. Warlock i leveled by hand to 33. Deathknight is my 2nd one so i know all the spells and some good rotations. Then for the mage they are just awesome however the mage i have less experiance.

      What aspect do you want to test: Leveling and grinding with them. I know on my pally i love to farm rep and items with him. Then on the other peeps i just like to watch them level while i work.

      Reasons: Am a CC developer myself so i know the ins and outs of the code. Instead of just reported a bug i can suggest a way to fix it, to free up your time to work on other bugs. Currently employed as a Game Programmer so i know how to program in general. Bot is always running but only bot 7 hours on one account.
    13. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have a few tweaks to make tomorrow but all going well I'll be releasing the first closed beta test in around 24 hours.

      It will not include support for the following classes:
      * Warrior
      * Death Knight

      The Warrior will be added as soon as possible, the DK will be added when I have time. If I delay the beta test any longer it just won't happen :)

      I will be sending a PM to everyone who is invited to participate in the closed beta test tomorrow. If you do not get an invitation immediately you MAY recieve one at a later date.
    14. mohoji

      mohoji New Member

      May 10, 2010
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      • Class : Priest / paladin
      • Spec : priest (shadow) paladin (ret)
      • PVE and/or PVP : PVE
      • Level : priest 7+ : paladin 74+
      • Personal expierence playing this class : priest (none) paladin ( 1-73 non botted ) and raided with several other paladins
      • What aspect do you want to test (pve leveling)
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test
      • Im new to HB and it would be an upside if new HB users found this easy to set up and stuff
    15. bloodlove

      bloodlove Member

      Mar 27, 2010
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      i have a druid and dk
      unholy/frost dk and a feral/resto druid
      both level 80.
      i heavily raid and pvp played a druid since bc leveled 1-80 played dk since beginning of wrath.
      I would like to test pvp and pve.
      I made BGatherer finishing that up know a good amount of c# will post logs and define specifics when there are issues with the cc. i understand proper production protocols IE -- don't change the code and then expect you to fix it if it is broken as my edit could have broken it.
      oh and i miss being a lazy healer in raids so you get tons and tons of healbot reports :)
    16. Hi on Helium

      Hi on Helium New Member

      Jan 22, 2010
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      Class: Shaman

      Spec: Elemental/Restro(dual spec)
      Level: 80
      Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed). <---pretty much that(minus the tanking part...)
      What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies) cookies sound good...but mostly PvP, maybe some healing o_O?
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: i'm the bestest?

      Class: Paladin
      Spec: Healer
      Level: 80
      Personal expierence playing this class: leveled 1-80, healed many random dungeons
      What aspect do you want to test: PvP
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: Read above

      Class DK
      Spec Blood
      Level 68
      Personal expierence playing this class I've botted him up...oo, and made tons of gold on him with JC and Alch xD
      What aspect do you want to test PvP/Leveling
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test Read first >.>

      Class Warrior
      Spec Arms
      Level 62
      Personal expierence playing this class: Botted, dungeoned, PvPed, and hand leveled all the way up to level 62...
      What aspect do you want to test: PvP/PvE
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: Read first post...

      Class Warlock
      Spec Demon?
      PVE and/or PVP
      Level 29
      Personal expierence playing this class I've botted it 1-29...
      What aspect do you want to test: Leveling / PvP
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: I TOLD YOU!!!...read first thingy...*Facepalm*

      Thanks in advance because i know you'll pick me ;) ...M I RITE!?!?! :D
    17. Rangbang

      Rangbang Member

      May 9, 2010
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      Class: Warlock
      Spec: Affliction
      PVE and/or PVP: PvE, mainly focused on leveling!
      Level: 75-80
      Personal expierence playing this class: Lots and lots of raiding in TBC, havent touched a warlock since though.
      What aspect do you want to test: As said above, leveling. When I get to 80 with this lock I will probably level another one since its a great class to farm with.
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: Im very new to HB, so the one thing is to "test" the simplicity of it - I mean, if a HBnoob like me can make sense of it then its aight ;)
    18. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      New beta is working out great so far, it has very little bugs. However There is no prot or holy builds in but everything else is working almost flawlessly.
    19. Claaslexion

      Claaslexion New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      Class: Druid

      Spec: Feral or Restoration

      PVE and/or PVP: PVP

      Level: 74

      Personal expierence playing this class: Once i started playing WoW my main has always been a Druid. I leveled multiple from 1 to 80 by hand.
      I have experience in endgame as feral(tank and dps), Restoration and Boomkin :)

      What aspect do you want to test: I want to test the PVP aspect, as currently a WSG weekend is on and i'd like to try out the Druid with this nice CC. Either as Feral or as Resto

      Reasons: I've been botting since back in the glider days. I remember there was a good druid CC back on Glider, nothing really came close to beat it.
      And h?, why not?
      Last edited: May 14, 2010
    20. garoboldy

      garoboldy Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Let's see if he notices my post at the beginning about hand playing 10 separate classes.

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