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  • The One CC - Closed Beta Test Application

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fpsware, Apr 25, 2010.

    1. robbdeman

      robbdeman Member

      Feb 6, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      • priest , hunter, - mage
      • shadow, BM, Ice
      • PVE and/or PVP - mixed leveling and bgs
      • 78, 70, 44
      • the preist I lvlved 1-60 pre bc then abandoned only recently gained interest in the class again, the hunter is my 2nd hunter, previous hunter raided kara with, the mage is still new to me, and completely botted.
      • Im interested in it's ability to pvp, and pve to see if it does offer the best of both worlds
      • I give precise and to the point feed back, will be running it on multiple specs and class ranges not to mention a fair level spread. Also im a pretty cool guy just ask me :D
    2. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The One CC closed beta test is well underway and going extremely well. There are considerably few bug reports than I was expecting, I'm not sure if thats a good thing are a bad thing :)
    3. aricias

      aricias Member

      Mar 31, 2010
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      if you have good testers, that's a good thing. It wont take as long for you to release it to the rest of us, that didn't get a beta invite.
    4. ceduna

      ceduna New Member

      Jan 27, 2010
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      Heya FPS,

      If you still need testers i have all classes at 80 on Alli side and hunter, druid, mage, shaman and dk on horde side. The only races i dont have at 80 is gnome (i hate gnomes!) and dwarfs (racials suck) so i pretty much have racials covered. Also have all the professions covered regarding trinks and items. The only toon i didnt handle to atleast 70 was my priest (even in shadow spec i found them slow to level). Ive raided in all classes and since dual speccing have raided in most specs, exceptions being rogue (combat only), shaman (never bothered with elemental) warrior (sounds silly but ive never raided as arms) and lock (never raided as demonology for obvious reasons). Unfortunately since wotlk i havent done much PvP as im on a normal server and my friends there are chicken. I do love to PvP however so if that needs to be tested im quite happy to have a look at that for you also.
    5. Syndrome

      Syndrome New Member

      Apr 5, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      Class Spec PVE / PVP LVL Range Personal Experience
      Druid Feral PVE 60-80 Hand Leveled
      Hunter Beast PVE / PVP 70-80 Hand Leveled dual spec Survival on the 80
      Mage Frost PVE 70-80 Hand Leveled
      Priest Shadow PVE / PVP 60-80 Hand Leveled and Raided dual spec Healer on the 80
      Rogue Combat PVE 80-80 Hand Leveled
      Shaman Enhancement PVE 60-80 Hand Leveled
      Warlock Destruction PVE / PVP 80-80 Hand Leveled and Raided dual spec Demo on the 80
      Warrior Fury PVP 70-80 Hand Leveled

      I would love to test the pve and pvp aspects along with grinding and leveling.
      I think you should choose me because I will give consistent, detailed and accurate reports on my findings. I have also played the classes the first time around. Making duplicates of those I actually found love for.
    6. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i will be leveling up 2 accts. i was thinking of a paladin and druid (miner and herber, respectively). If you want me to toss the CC onto the druid, lmk.

      I have many 80's i leveled by hand

      4 pallies (all specs)
      2 priests (holy/shadow)
      3 warriors (all specs)
      5 druids (all specs, moreso boom/tree)
      1 mage (all specs)
      2 stupid failknights (h8)

      right now i play 2 pallies, 2 druids, 1 mage, 1 priest, 1 warrior in icc 25 (5500+ GS)
    7. Mneme

      Mneme New Member

      May 13, 2010
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      Pick Me! Pick me!

      Class: ALL
      Spec: ALL
      PVE and/or PVP: Both
      Level: Level 80 Mage, Hunter, DK, Warlock, Rogue, Druid, Warrior, Level 71 Priest, Shaman, Level 70 Paladin. (all have dual spec)
      Personal expierence playing this class: All 80's have been raided with and all have 5000+GS, Shaman, Priest & Paladin are being leveled via 50% bot + 50% hand played instances.
      What aspect do you want to test: 90% PVE + 10% PVP
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: I have hand played all Classes, I have extensively researched all classes and know most effective rotations for all specs. i have been botting MMO's for a very long time (Asheron's Call 1) and have botted most of them. I am a IT professional and have experience in programming, so i will be able to provide feedback with proper solutions.
    8. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      To everyone who sent me a PM asking to be accepted to the closed beta test the answer is no.

      I will contact you not the other way around.
    9. okeofs

      okeofs New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      Class: Rogue (first priority), Mage, Hunter, Warrior, Pally, Priest, Shaman
      Spec: Any (Rogue, currently mut), Frost/Arcane, Beast/MM, Arms, Ret/Holy, Disc/Shadow
      PVE and/or PVP: Both
      Levels: Characters range from level 5 to 80
      Personal experience playing this class: I've hand level my shammy 1-80, same with a warlock I have. I've raided end-game as a mage, hunter, warrior, pally, priest, shaman, and druid. I no longer have my priest and druid though, but wouldn't mind rerolling. I've PvP'd with all of them.
      What aspect do you want to test: I'd like to test the leveling/pvp aspect as well as the combat logic. I'd like to see how versatile and configurable this class can be, as well as help contribute to a better finished product.
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: First, I've been using Buddy products for almost a year now, and have extensive botting experience dating back to Asheron's Call (Morningthaw Server represent). I'm also a graduate student of philosophy, and am therefore capable of providing extremely detailed and analytic reports of my findings. I am further able to communicate clearly and effectively. I am almost always at the computer (writing my thesis), but don't have school until August which means I have more free time to devote to working on this project, or at least, the beta of this project. I have OOP experience, specifically with C#.NET, so reading code and debugging shouldn't really be much of an issue for me. I, further, have beta tested plugin development for Asheron's Call (Decal plugin framework) and am familiar and comfortable with the beta process.

      I can further be contacted and reached quickly via e-mail and AIM if need be, and can reply quickly if need be.
    10. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I'm currently doing RAF with
      rogue (combat)
      shadow priest
      ele shaman
      All 3 of them are level 45 atm.

      If you're still in need of a beta tester I'm willing to help out. I am an experienced wow player, have leveled at least 6 different characters to level 80 by hand, before I started botting of course :), and I have played in an end-game raiding guild that was #1 in progression on server but fell behind and is now 2nd after I quit raiding, that just shows how leet I am) j/k, not that raiding experience maters here since leveling is a usually different play style
      Last edited: May 25, 2010
    11. shuuk

      shuuk Member

      Apr 25, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      -Warlock - Affliction PVE and PVP
      -Mage - Frost PVP
      -Warrior - Prot PVE, Fury PVE/PVP
      -Hunter - Survival PVP , Marksman PVE

      Experience: I currently play 1 80 of each class weekly for raiding/pvp. I have extensive knowledge of each class shown above from 1-80 as well as 80 pvp.
      Aspect Testing: I can provide 1-5 hours of testing per class per day mostly i play pvp.
    12. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'll say it again. Don't send me a PM about the closed beta!

      They are being deleted without being read and you are being put on my ignore list. If you can't follow these instructions you are not the person I want beta testing this CC.
    13. tozededao

      tozededao Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Classes : Warlock 70 to 80 and 1 to 60, Shaman 1 to 60, Rogue 1 to 60, Mage 60 to 80 and Hunter 60 to 80.
      • Specs : Affliction, Enhancement, Combat, Frost and Beast Mastery
      • PVE and/or PVP : PVE, probably going to do mixed after 71.
      • Personal expierence playing this class (Already leveled Warlock, Shaman, Rogue and Hunter, botting to 80, I just dont have raid experience with warlock, Mage is my main and I never botted with it)
      • What aspect do you want to test (I want to test both PVP and PVE)
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test (While botting I babysit the bot a lot, you can expect a decent feedback and bug report. I also have experience on these classes so I can help out giving some ideas aswell.)
    14. silverjax

      silverjax New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      • Class (Class you are capable of testing, Warlock, Mage, Priest etc..)
        Warlock, Shaman, Hunter, Mage, Priest and Rogue
      • Spec (Feral, Balance etc)
        Probably the ones who does the highest dps
      • PVE and/or PVP
        1 to 70 PVE - 70 to 80 PVP
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75)
        1 - 80 (and between)
      • Personal expierence playing this class (eg.. I've played X class from level 1-80 and I've also raided with this class, I've tanked/healed/DPSed).
        Played all the classes from 1 - 80 (hand level'd back in the days..) - All my char's are ICC ready so i know what im doing.. Guild is now having a o-so-called early "summer"-break so im currently leveling my other accounts
      • What aspect do you want to test (Eg, I want to test PVP. PVE grinding/leveling. I want to watch it bake cookies)
        PVE, since im probably grinding most of the times.
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test
        I know what im doing, know to report any bugs and im currently botting 24/7, several accounts
    15. bambam922

      bambam922 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      • Classes - DK, Paladin, Druid, Priest, Hunter
      • Spec - DK (blood+unholy), paladin (ret), Druid (Feral/Balance), hunter (Survival)
      • PVE
      • Level - All lvl 80s
      • Personal expierence - With all of these classes i lvled from 1-80 and have raided with all of them.
      • What aspect do you want to test - I do both PVE and PVP
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test - I have done extensive testing on CCs since back in the glider days. (forum name - baconadors) I am able to provide extensive reports to help solve bugs.
    16. Sekushi

      Sekushi New Member

      May 17, 2010
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      Class: Mage/Hunter
      Spec: Any but would prefer Frost/BM
      PVE/PvP: It can be any as I am botting on 2 different realms right now 1 PvP and 1 PvE, but would prefer it be a PvP realm
      Level: Both would be 0-80 seeing as I have not yet started them, I do however have a level 80 Mage and Hunter if PvP or high level farming needs to be tested
      Personal expierence playing this class: Hunter was my first character and have levelled multiple hunters by hand to 80, my raid experience only goes up to Ulduar seeing as it is not my main, Mage is my main and have levelled by hand to 80 have raided all current instances and have played all viable specs, I am currently arcane seeing as I find that the best DPS spec right now.
      What aspect do you want to test: I would like to test the PvP and Levelling aspects of it, I would be interested in seeing how it handles certain PvP situations and how customizable it is in terms of levelling
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: I have a great interest in this custom class and am able to provide feedback which would contain information that would be helpful and give you the information you need.
    17. Aibo

      Aibo New Member

      Apr 27, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      -Warlock - Demon PVE and PVP
      -Mage - Feuer PVP
      -Pala - Heal & Tank
      Personal expierence playing this class: I played all chars from 1 - 80 on one server and 3 on another.
      Aspect Testing: I can provide 2-3 hours of testing per day mostly i play pve & pvp.
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: My current project is warlock/demon and I would like test your profile and provide feedback and may be advice for advanced fight methods for each classes I played/play.

      Thank you for your work.

      P.S. Currently I try to use last HB beta 3
      Last edited: May 31, 2010
    18. kilan23

      kilan23 New Member

      Apr 5, 2010
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Classes: Druid, Rogue, Mage, Paladin, Warlock, Shaman
      Levels: Druid(s):25, Rogue:49, Mage: 60, Warlock 60, Shaman 78, Paladin 80, Paladin 25, Shaman 25
      Personal Experience playing these classes: I have played each to 80 on another account
      Aspect Testing: I can generally test on 3 bots at a time for 3-5 hours a day. PVE 90%
      Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: I have a wide variety of classes/levels to test with and two are RaF
    19. Snazzyjdawg

      Snazzyjdawg New Member

      Mar 30, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      • Class: Paladin, Druid, Hunter, Priest
      • Spec (Feral, Balance etc): Holy, Feral, BM, Shadow.
      • PVE and/or PVP: PVP,PVP/PVE, PVE, PVE
      • Level (or level range eg 70-75): 80, 80, 60, 1-80
      • Personal expierence playing this class: Ive played all of the characters 1-80, I know how to play them and what they should be doing I currently hold 2K+ arena ratings on all my toons I know what every class in the game should be doing and when.
      • What aspect do you want to test: Well I obviously want to watch it bake cookies... cookies are yummy, but seriously I just want to test every aspect I have GB life time and i will be botting these toons close for 12+ hours a day. (yes I bot my mains)
      • Any reason why I should choose you for this closed beta test: I speak full and fluent English, Ive been using HB and GB for up to 3 months now, I know some C language and I am VERY VERY tech savvy. I also have given a couple of reports for Mordd's CC's as well.
    20. silverjax

      silverjax New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Any new updates/eta fpsware? <3

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